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Inglis- Remember him?


First Grade
I could care less if they were bff's! My point is NOT about the relationship between Timana and Greg, it's about the total lack of any concern shown by Gallop and the NRL towards GI, and the fact that GI should be the face of tolerance and racial harmony as in my opinion he conducted himself much better, and did more for the cause then Timana did.
But of course Parra are the golden haired boys of the Telecrap and the NRL and the Storm are the devils incarnate, so we have Timana shoved down our throats and GI is totally forgotten about.

Antilag said:
In perspective: Tahu made the stand. Tahu took the risk by leaving a representative team. Tahu put himself out there to be scrutinised by public opinion. Tahu made the cause. Without Tahu's actions there would be no cause.

Personally my understanding of the term "hero" is the one who takes a stand which differs to my understanding of the term "victim". It is not uncommon to present issues with the face of the hero, not the victim thus Tahu has become the face of racial tolerance - not GI. However, to say GI was the only victim is to personify and reduce racist comments to direct victim when all minorities are victimised. Thus in this context although the comment was aimed at GI, Tahu was also a victim. However, instead of remaining victimised Tahu took a stand.

StormChaser said:
That's the point going straight over your head. My issue is not with Timana, although my personal opinion is that he should have dealt with things differently, but my POINT is that the NRL have done f**k all in regards to this issue where GI is concerned! THe only reason they are even making the right noises at all is because of the public way Timana went about his grievance.
At the end of the day I have nothing against Tahu, good on him and good luck to him. I just wish GI wasn't forgotten in all of this. I'm sure it's not something his mum is gonna forget in a hurry.

No point is going over my head Stormchaser. I fear my points are going over your head given your immature and illogical response, however. Read my post again - you may actually comprehend it a little bit better the second time. The issue of racism in the NRL brought into the public forum by Timana at his own personal cost is what has triggered the media attention rather than the individual victim of one incident, GI. GI may have been Joey's intended victim - but Joey offended all dark skinned minorities. The racism issue is not about GI - its about Timana's stand and the changes we have already seen due to it (such as player suspensions for racism). Good work Timana. If StormChaser you cannot take what I've said in response to your post and understand it - it is you who is missing the point and not understanding what it is YOU say to some extent. Timana is the hero and the champion of change in the NRL. GI is merely a victim of racist comments and not the first. What Tahu did as a reaction is a first, however. Hence the big deal triggering change. That is why Tahu is "being shoved down your throats". GI's mum is probably proud as punch of Timana right now - I think you shoudl read the Tahu article in the Daily Telegraph about Aboriginal hostels and why GI plays for Qld. You may understand the two players a bit better.
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First Grade
Stick your holier than thou, bleeding heart, condescending, gibberish right up your clacker!
I don't really give a toss what your pious opinion of me is. I've never proclaimed to be mature or logical! I'm not trying to impress anyone let alone the likes of you.

I call it how I see it. And that's my opinion. Thanks for playing.


First Grade
Oh and please stop editing your posts. I respond and then come back ten minutes later and you're drowning me in more text.

If you think Tahu is a hero, good for you. I think he's a sook. *shrug*


First Grade
stormchaser said:
I've never proclaimed to be mature or logical! I'm not trying to impress anyone let alone the likes of you.

I call it how I see it. And that's my opinion.

Well if you concede that you are not logicial it follows you do not actually have opinons. Opinions are based on logical reasoning. Thus, "your calls" are merely assertions and "what you see" is dogma.

No need to try to and impress me - but you should consider trying to better yourself.


First Grade
Oh and please stop editing your posts. I respond and then come back ten minutes later and you're drowning me in more text.

If you think Tahu is a hero, good for you. I think he's a sook. *shrug*

Reading one paragraph is metaphoric to drowning for you? Did you finish high school? Did you get there?

Tahu a hero or sook - Opponents of progressive change always label the protaganists "bleeding hearts" if they're part of the majority or "trouble makers" or "sooks" if part of the minority. History often labels them hero's if their actions for progress came at personal risk.

End of slavery/terra nullis advocates, Civil rights advocates, legal equality advocates, anti discrimination advocates and now anti-racism advocates. Its all part n parcel of progress to social equality. Timana's actions don't make him Martin Luthur King - but he has done more for the cause than Joe Blow.
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First Grade
If I'm an idiot you're an intellectual pygmy. How many times do you need to edit a simple post on a forum? Epic.

continue your wankfest over Tahu unfettered. You bore me.


First Grade
I made the edits to communicate my points clearly for you. Whenever I had used words bigger than wheelbarrow - I'd edit to keep it simple for the stupid. I appreciate you're gormless and edited accordingly.


First Grade
:lol: You are funny though, I'll give you that.

Still boring...........but occasionally you get a laugh.


First Grade
yes good on ya greg stamp out johns hes a merkin of the biggest order.

But while we are at lets stamp out CHEATS And GF/Wife beaters.... on ya boat champ


First Grade
Well AusKnight - Johns admitted guilt to the racist comments.

GI was not found guilty of assault (GF/wife beating) charges.

As for cheating - any possible wrong doing on his behalf is innocent till proven guilty. Sorry AusKnight: GI is still clean and legitimate unlike Joey.


First Grade
Yea just like greg bird case was dropped...... but everyone knew it. Cause we punch our girlfriends to save them from themselves ay... logical choice to do

I believe the storm have had all there points taken away from them with him being one of three players wth mulitple contracts .... the sly prick had a boat bought for him.

And now prances around baiting Essendon...

oh and by the way Greg inglis is black so he should really get over it... pretty sure he had no problem when only the aborigine/Torres Strait players took a picture by themselves at Origin a year back and moving off when a white player came over.


.... the sly prick had a boat bought for him.

Unlike Joey who I am sure went his whole career at Newcastle without being being given any special gifts,concessions,privilages by the club.

Now put your white Oakley's back around your neck and f**k off back to boganville.

**EDIT** Apologies, I just realised you are from Seven Hills not Newcastle. Now I just feel sorry for you.
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First Grade
If ignorance was bliss, than your entire life would be a perpetual orgasm.

*edit* that was for the guy above, not you karlos


First Grade
Ok one why does my house situaton have to do anything.... 2 i havent updated that since i first signed up.... guess the small minded need to point those things out.

Hey buddy if Ignorance was bliss melbourne would still have their premierships even though they rorted the cap..... BUT HEY ITS NOT.... hope big man GI enjoys playing for nothing for the rest of the season or his rings that mean nothing now....


First Grade
Hey buddy if Ignorance was bliss melbourne would still have their premierships even though they rorted the cap..... BUT HEY ITS NOT.... hope big man GI enjoys playing for nothing for the rest of the season or his rings that mean nothing now....

1) Court case may reinstate melbourne's premierships and if not

2) GI is playing very well considering no premiership to win this season - both for Melbourne and Queensland

3) His rings mean nothing - but some of GI's greatest moments come in the green and gold/maroon jumpers. His flick back to Gasnier is still more impressive than anything Folau has done in the air. And that says a lot. Tough to hate on GI - his achievements in league far outweigh those done merely in a purple jumper.


First Grade
im not saying hes a bad player... id go as far to say hes the best back ive seen since i started watching football.

but doesn't take away from the fact he has done some stupid things, Like seriously your telling me he didn't know something dodgy was going on down there?
Punching your girlfriend to save her from herself like really?.... if any of us had come up with that BS excuse we would still be in jail

And the only premiership you may get back is the 07 one as you were way over for the 09 wn where as nly up to 75k for 07 if you believe the reports


First Grade
The girlfriend collaborated the story did she not? Who are we to speculate what went on in their bedroom? Sometimes people overreact in heated situations. I am totally against male on female violence - but I think the way she did not want charges pressed as soon as they were suggests on her part guilt of slight fabrication. ANyway - we will never know.

As for GI not knowing anything dodge at Storm - I'd believe that. He is a footy player not a lawyer or manager. He just signed his name to get his money and boat. Fair enough.

I also agree - I think he is the best outside back I have seen in league - only beaten by union star Rupeni Caucaucabna(I have no idea how to spell this name) for either code.


First Grade
Good old CauCau they were the days, yo eevr looked up a guy called William Ryder? if not have a look at a few of his tries on youtube, id rate him higher than benji