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Phil Gould's comments on racism and code-hopping


Frankly, I find this thinking totally mis-informed.

I've stated on other posts the marketing messages being sent out by this whole sorry saga, and I don't believe AFL is gaining or will gain anything at all from Hunt and Falou's defection.

Rugby union is a perfect example. Several years ago rugby union pillaged rugby league ranks ... Sailor, Rogers, Tuquiri, Tahu, Gasnier ... everyone was screaming blue murder ... the sky was falling!!!

Where as it got them ... BIG FAT ZERO. If anything union is struggling more now than when the pillaging started. And I expect the same result for AFL.

There is no way of backing up that statement. :roll:

In this situation hindsight looks favourably towards your idea of no benifit for RU by poaching RL players. Just because they are not doing too well doesn't mean it didn't help. For all we know it could of been worse off had RL players never made the switch. You might not even see any benifit until a couple of years time when the 8,9 and 10 years olds (of 2003) have made it through RU ranks or you might never see the loss to RL as fans might of be turned to RU but never made it in their game.

Your rather nieve thinking all this publicity wouldn't benefit anyone/thing. NRL has tried converting AFL fans in Melbourne and I am sure that has worked to some degree, it's a 2 way street and we are not immune from losing fans, potential players, sponsers etc.

Guss was spot on as soon as it is announced you are out of the game. We won't be hearing any headlines till after finals or after a team is no longer in the season and it certainly won't be at SOO time.

This should be a clause in every NRL contract and it shouldn't be a pay out, it should be if it is announced before the contract expires you out with no contract pay-out.

PS this was Guss's solution, the same guy you said never gives any.

Big Pete

Just trying to divert attention really.

He's been trying to turn a blind eye on all things NSW since the side was announced. Talked down the Hayne incident as if it never happened on Friday night and has continued.


First Grade
PS this was Guss's solution, the same guy you said never gives any.

And how does Gould's "solution" (which is really just an emotional reaction without any forethought or long term objective) sit with the fact that almost every union convert has returned to our game?

Much of the panic about this has revolved around "headlines". Falou has made the front and back pages in Melbourne ... BIG DEAL. BP has made a lot of headlines lately as well!!!

Sacking players who sign with another code immediately is NOT a solution, it's a reaction, borne out of a sense of betrayal.

I'll repeat these for your benefit. Here are the typical responses that I've picked up from the Falou signing with AFL:

NRL fans: The AFL are so desperate to grow their game, they're willing to pay millions of dollars to untested rugby league players. So what, I still love rugby league.

AFL fans: What's the AFL doing spending so much money on guys who don't even play our game.

AFL players: What's the AFL doing spending so much money on guys who don't even play our game. I've played since I was 10 ...

The whole thing is a cheap (though expensive) publicity stunt, and to respond in the emotional way suggested by Gould gives the AFL way too much credit.

In fact, I'd be shocked one day if Gould actually talks up rugby league, instead of putting down the administration and officials as he does.

Solution ... pffft!


This to me is the big problem.
It has nothing to do with Izzy going with AFL or a sense of betrayal as you put it, But it has every thing to do with PROMOTING AFL while contracted to the NRL.
Sign with another code if thats your calling but don't promote that code while under contract with a rival, and if you do suffer the consequences
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Big Pete

Sounds like a massive knee-jerk reaction.

Who would the Broncos replace those players with in the mean time?

That's basically 300K sitting around doing nothing.


First Grade
This to me is the big problem.
It has nothing to do with Izzy going with AFL or a sense of betrayal as you put it, But it has every thing to do with PROMOTING AFL while contracted to the NRL.
Sign with another code if thats your calling but don't promote that code while under contract with a rival, and if you do suffer the consequences

One press conference ... big deal!

Good luck putting together a policy on that one.


Sounds like a massive knee-jerk reaction.

Who would the Broncos replace those players with in the mean time?

That's basically 300K sitting around doing nothing.

Folau wouldn't of announced it when he did had that policy been in place. SOO & finals are priorities in his mind still, even if he did we have managed paying 300k to hodges who has been out all year and we are doing fine....

And to Dazzart, you are probably a 30year old bloke stuck in his ways why would you want to change your preference of football, i wouldn't either. This is a ploy to attract kids, and future generations.

On your other point. If the RL turned Union players knew they couldn't come back in my opinion they would of stayed, and if not we would of survived without them just like we will without hunt/folau.


First Grade
Folau wouldn't of announced it when he did had that policy been in place. SOO & finals are priorities in his mind still, even if he did we have managed paying 300k to hodges who has been out all year and we are doing fine....

And to Dazzart, you are probably a 30year old bloke stuck in his ways why would you want to change your preference of football, i wouldn't either. This is a ploy to attract kids, and future generations.

On your other point. If the RL turned Union players knew they couldn't come back in my opinion they would of stayed, and if not we would of survived without them just like we will without hunt/folau.

That policy would not stand up in court ... restraint of trade. Let's put it in perspective ... tearing up a $300,000 contract because of one lousy press conference ... robbing a club team of a player's service for several months (keeping in mind they will always be a top player), with no compensation ...? As a Broncos supporter I would be absolutely angry about Falou sitting out the season. Why should my club suffer because of one lousy press conference? Where are we going to get a replacement mid-season?

Please, it will never happen.

Secondly, I don't think Hunt and Falou will be in AFL long enough to attract "future generations". Two players are going to "attract future generations"!??? Yeah right!

Your starting to get as delusional as the AFL leadership who approved this reckless and useless spending.


What those two players will do is attract more people to watch them play. The vast majority will only bother watching once or twice but a few will decide they enjoy the game and stick around. Perhaps now spending money on afl they would otherwise have spent in league. That's a problem in itself but it is magnefied a hundred times if any of those new afl fans are kids....and you know it's going to happen.


One press conference ... big deal!

Good luck putting together a policy on that one.[/Q

So you only shoot some on once.
Comit the crime do the time.
Its a similar thing.

I know it is getting off track but IMO he done the wrong thing.


The remark itself had racial tones, but wasn't discriminating in any way. If Johns was a racist he would discriminate against other races, which he obviously doesn't.

The remark spoke of black people in a derogatory sense, that is what racism is. If you call someone a merkin, that's derogatory. Call them a gay merkin, even better! Because a gay merkin is even worse than a merkin, because he is gay, and gays are bad.

You can dress John's comment up with as much bullsh*t as you want, you wont be alone, plenty of morons here to keep you company.

Whether Johns is a racist or not I have no idea, and I doubt you do either. His comment though was racist, pure and simple.


First Grade
The remark spoke of black people in a derogatory sense, that is what racism is. If you call someone a merkin, that's derogatory. Call them a gay merkin, even better! Because a gay merkin is even worse than a merkin, because he is gay, and gays are bad.

You can dress John's comment up with as much bullsh*t as you want, you wont be alone, plenty of morons here to keep you company.

Whether Johns is a racist or not I have no idea, and I doubt you do either. His comment though was racist, pure and simple.

Alright, you just talked of gays in a derogatory sense, you are just as bad as Johns in every sense. If you deny it you are simply hypocritical as well.

Johns comment was casual racism, but that does not make Johns a racist. To be a racist he has to be discrimanatory against other races, and put his race first, I highly doubt he has done that. Yes I don't actually know, but the people who do know him seem to think that he is not a racist, and that gives me an idea that he is not actually racist. Get it, you ignorant fool?

Spot On

Frankly, I find this thinking totally mis-informed.

I've stated on other posts the marketing messages being sent out by this whole sorry saga, and I don't believe AFL is gaining or will gain anything at all from Hunt and Falou's defection.

Rugby union is a perfect example. Several years ago rugby union pillaged rugby league ranks ... Sailor, Rogers, Tuquiri, Tahu, Gasnier ... everyone was screaming blue murder ... the sky was falling!!!

Where as it got them ... BIG FAT ZERO. If anything union is struggling more now than when the pillaging started. And I expect the same result for AFL.

Wow. I would have thought the AFL and Falou/Hunt have had MASSIVE exposure, saturation in fact, on all networks - free to air and pay tv, as well as the print media and radio for a while now. As they say - you can't buy that sort of advertising. But in this case I think the AFL have done just that! They have played the ace card and put league's heirachy to shame. Gould was spot on - pay them up and piss them off as soon as they announce they have signed with another sport. No more headlines and publicity, courtesy of the NRL and the media, for AFL. Simple.
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First Grade
Wow. I would have thought the AFL and Falou/Hunt have had MASSIVE exposure, saturation in fact, on all networks - free to air and pay tv, as well as the print media and radio for a while now. As they say - you can't buy that sort of advertising. But in this case I think the AFL have done just that! They have played the ace card and put league's heirachy to shame. Gould was spot on - pay them up and piss them off as soon as they announce they have signed with another sport. No more headlines and publicity, courtesy of the media, for AFL. Simple.

Has this media been positive? Has it suggested that Falou and Hunt have chosen another code because they thought it was better?

BP have gained plenty of media exposure too lately ... they must be loving it heh?

No, I don't think even the press in Melbourne has been heralding the signings as a big coup for AFL ... other way around. It's put most fans, players and officials offside.

As mentioned, Gould gives sympathy to someone who racially slurs teams-mates, but wants to punt a code-hopper instantly. Absolutely disgusting priorities.


That policy would not stand up in court ... restraint of trade. Let's put it in perspective ... tearing up a $300,000 contract because of one lousy press conference ... robbing a club team of a player's service for several months (keeping in mind they will always be a top player), with no compensation ...? As a Broncos supporter I would be absolutely angry about Falou sitting out the season. Why should my club suffer because of one lousy press conference? Where are we going to get a replacement mid-season?

Please, it will never happen.

Secondly, I don't think Hunt and Falou will be in AFL long enough to attract "future generations". Two players are going to "attract future generations"!??? Yeah right!

Your starting to get as delusional as the AFL leadership who approved this reckless and useless spending.

The press conference is the least of the worries you are getting caught up in pedantics.

It is the 6mill in media coverage they have already received and the coverage we have lost, and he hasn't even played yet. The rule would of prevented this from occurring. Had they spent 6mill on Ablett do you thing anyone in NSW/QLD would give a toss? No

Folau still wants to play NRL this year he wouldn't jeopardise that if he had a clause in his contract. At the end of the day the clause would stand up in court because it is not preventing him from earning his worth in the NRL. It only comes into affect if he breaks a clause he would have to sign in the first place, just like if he was caught drink driving the Broncos would have the right to tear it up.

Folau wouldn't leave 300k this year to prove a point and if he did to give the AFL maximum exposure then as a Broncos fan myself i would be glad he has left.

Please use a little thing called foresight. If the AFL get 10,000 new fans thanks to Folau/Hunt and each of those 10,000 new fans has 1 kid each that is a potential 20,000 fans they will have over 2 generations.

Once a fan base is around it allows for more children of future generations to jump on the bandwagon and support GWS without felling out of place for supporting AFL. Folau/Hunt indirectly affects RL over multiple genrations. Stop being so short sighted about this situation.
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First Grade
Please use a little thing called foresight. If the AFL get 10,000 new fans and each of those 10,000 new fans has 1 kid each that is a potential 20,000 fans they will have over 2 generations.

Once a fan base is around it allows for more children of future generations to jump on the bandwagon and support GWS without felling out of place for supporting AFL. Folau/Hunt indirectly affects RL over multiple genrations. Stop being so short sighted about this situation.

Like Gould, you seem to be more optimistic about other codes than your own. Sorry, I just can't see this happening as a result of the signings of Falou and Hunt. The return on investment will not justify their signings ... that's my 'foresight" if you like.

Using "foresight" I also see their signings causing more problems than creating solutions. These problems starting to appear immediately Falou's signing was announced with many respected AFL commentators slamming the 'investment'.

To use an analogy, you just can't transplant a grown tree from one type of soil into another, from one climate to another ... it simply won't flourish. History certainly shows this. Let's not forget that virtually ALL league players who have dabbled in union have returned ... ALL. I imagine the culture in AFL is more different than union.

Three years from now, we'll all be wondering what the kerfuffle was about.

That's my 'foresight'.


Alright, you just talked of gays in a derogatory sense, you are just as bad as Johns in every sense. If you deny it you are simply hypocritical as well.

Johns comment was casual racism, but that does not make Johns a racist. To be a racist he has to be discrimanatory against other races, and put his race first, I highly doubt he has done that. Yes I don't actually know, but the people who do know him seem to think that he is not a racist, and that gives me an idea that he is not actually racist. Get it, you ignorant fool?

I used it as an example. my god you get dumber each time I bother to read your drivel.

Casual racism haha.. I already said I did not know if Johns was a racist or not, you said he wasn't, despite having nfi whether he is or isn't.

I said his comment was racist, it was, my god can you at least make a rudimentary effort to keep up you intellectual minnow?