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Hasler: Make field wider


First Grade
Wouldn't reducing teams to say 12 players have essentially the same impact? That way you wouldn't have to revamp every RL stadium in Australia.

I still hate the idea i just think that would be a more logical solution.

I think there are far better ways to improve the issue anyway.


First Grade
I agree with muzby. Get rid of interchange. It solves two problems: one, it will reduce the high impacts and in turn reduce injury (no more enormous Mose Masoe's sprinting in off the bench and hammering tired players), and two, a squad size of 25 increases dramatically in depth because you go from needing a top 17 to a top 13.

Having said that, chances are coaches would just leave their replacements until the 60th minute and then your Mose Masoe's would be launching themselves into 60-minute tired players as opposed to 20-minute tired ones...


Reduce the distance the teams have to stand behind the play of the ball.

If if goes from 10m down to 5m then players won't be able to get as much speed up. Simples.

Less injuries, and better back play. :cool:

B-Tron 3000

Or how about the NRL cut down on the absurd amount of regular season games. Less games, less chance of injury.

This, and the idea to cut the interchange should both happen.

Of course, too much money involved to reduce the amount of games.

But reducing interchange should definitely happen. This would also lead to less boring play, as big guys wouldn't be able to cannon it up the middle non-stop and then go off for a breather.


Or how about the NRL cut down on the absurd amount of regular season games. Less games, less chance of injury.

If there was some sort of correlation between player injuries and how late in the season they occur, I would agree. But there have only been three games so far this season and there is already an injury list longer than my arm. Shortening the season would do nothing to improve what we have seen this year.


First Grade
If there was some sort of correlation between player injuries and how late in the season they occur, I would agree. But there have only been three games so far this season and there is already an injury list longer than my arm.

Well if you reduce the size of the font that'll certainly help shorten the injury list!


Village Idiot
Staff member
issue: can't make the fields bigger due to stadium builds
Solution: reduce number of players - 11 sounds good..

Issue: players being hurt by big fast kick returns by fullbacks
Solution: restrict fullbacks to stay within the 20m line when they have the ball. And maybe make them wear a different colour shirt.

issue: players being injured in tackle
Solution: have players only challenge for the ball, not tackle.

Issue players hurting themselves when catching the ball.
Solution: change ball from being oval to round shape for consistency. And only kicking ball, no more catching.

Issue: players dislocating shoulders when scoring tries
Solution: no more tries, only goals can be scored.

Issue: lots of wasted time chasing ball after goals scored
Solution: install net to catch ball after goal scored..

Hmmmmm.... Aww crap.. I think i've just invented soccer..

Whos Ya Daddy

First Grade
He'll be asking for helmets and shoulder pads next!


Wider fields are just logistically impossible.

Anyhow, big hits are one of the best parts of our game. We'd be mad to get rid of them. If it ever becomes like soccer/AFL, I'd tune out.

I think we should change the 10m rule to a 5 & 5 in order to prevent cheap boring runs and encourage more ball throwing.

kurt faulk


people who want the 5m rule have obviously forgotten what the mid 80s were like.

and with the fitness of today's players we would hardly see any attcking football in a game. it would be shut down with ferocity.

Can we at least do this at Homebush?

It will definitely reduce the echo.

Brett Morris will always be in anyway because Speed Machines CAN NOT be contained!


Changing the dimensions of the field is impossible.

Changing fundamental rules of play is undesirable - imo apart from a few minor issues that pop up here and there, the game is in a pretty good place now.

Shortening the length of the season would be good for various reasons - easier on the players bodies, each game means more, less risk of injury. But this costs BIG dollars.

Reducing the interchange is the way to go. Mind you, I don't actually agree we need measures to reduce injuries. I think there are other good reasons to reduce interchanges. On injuries, we're having a bad run now, but I don't think it's a huge issue. At the start of EVERY season the telecrap runs an article on how many millions are sitting on the sidelines, I assume they have a template for the article along with "Easts poach _____" and "Cronulla about to die".

Are players bigger and faster than they were 5 years ago? I'm not sure. 15 years ago, definitely. But I don't see any noticeable difference between the players running aorund now to a few years ago. I don't think it's some issue that is going to get worse every year.


There is some merrit to it.
Especially on those cold damp dew nights when you infact are playing within a retsricted width becuase you dont want to gte tackled too close to the side or you will easily be slid out. This probably takes 2m off each side with which to play with.
Coupling this witht he fact that the modern player has better lateral movement means that the gaps are way small in defensive lines.
Not tomention the attacking teams dont throw the ball a smuch because it is slipperier.
The game was never played as much in the night as it is now.