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  1. S

    Forum Glossary for Beginners

    I've been on here for a week; but I've already started to notice there are a bunch of goto words everyone seems to use, which at first, the meanings aren't all that clear to an outlander such as myself. I thought i would start a glossary of terms to assist in the newcomers like me; plus I've had...
  2. S

    So how will the Refs f**k the GF? being there
  3. S

    The most slappable face in the NRL

    Not really in the NRL...... And not in the face...... My hand hurts thinking about it.
  4. S

    Commission to outlaw 'shoulder charge'

    What are the Rugby rules?? The rules from a game where the objective of the attacking player seems to be to dive/submit into the tackle to be in a better position on the ground, wouldn't really be fitting our game. Limited tackle overs mean every meter the attacker can get is an advantage; so...
  5. S

    The Footy Show 2012

    :lol::lol: Slack mouth :lol: That's putting it nicely! I would have went for - completely jacked up mouth. Notice in the centrebet ads, she seems to be putting a fair bit of effort into keep her mouth 'normal'; I wonder if the TV execs/director had a quiet word to her "Um yeah, your mouth is...
  6. S

    Commission to outlaw 'shoulder charge'

    In all seriousness, any head high tackle is already banned. By making the blanket statement that shoulder charges are now banned, will only bring up more interpretation confusion. What would constitute a shoulder charge? Leading with the shoulder? Do the arms need to wrap around also, and if...
  7. S

    Refs against Manly -- Slater try

    Without doubt there is some sort of ref conspiracy against Manly. To give them a piggy back through to the prelims with dodgy calls, only to cut them down in the next game; it's just cruel. I think Melbourne were in on it too..... 40 points! That's just being nasty!!
  8. S

    Commission to outlaw 'shoulder charge'

    They should ban all tackles!!!! The rule should be that the defensive player has to catch the man with the ball and kiss him before he can pass it! (A rule change like that might even see a reversal of a trend, and have more AFL players coming into league instead of the other way...
  9. S

    Tony Williams -- passenger

    The award for the ..... ... Biggest Passenter - Tony Williams ... Worst TV Passenter - Brad Fitler ... Biggest Placenta - Octo-mum ... Biggest Piss-anter - Jamie Soward ... Best in Class for Fuel Efficiency - VW Passat ...
  10. S

    IDEA! - Anti Membership

    You had to point that out didn't you. That is the one flaw in the plan, but I see no other way around it because it would involve financial gain from the use of that companies trademarks/images etc; unless maybe the NRL managed anti memberships (but i don't see them getting involved due to the...
  11. S

    Tony Williams -- passenger

    :music1: If you wanna be..... a passenter....
  12. S

    Commentary on video ref decisions

    Hahaaa yeah NZ commentators (Sky Sports I think). It's choice how bad they are.
  13. S

    Refs against Manly -- Slater try

    We all wish. Nothing done after SOO this year; doubt it happening in a GF will be any different
  14. S

    Refs against Manly -- Slater try

    :lol: thats awesome :lol:
  15. S

    Refs against Manly -- Slater try

    Followed by...... Noiyce :D
  16. S

    IDEA! - Anti Membership

    Brisbane don't have issues with crowds anyway; this idea is more for the Mexican clubs
  17. S

    Refs against Manly -- Slater try

    Yeah, but you can't let the truth get in the way of a good ol' fashioned Manly beat up.
  18. S

    Refs against Manly -- Slater try

    Where are all the Storm supporters? It's nothing like Manly fans last week coming out to try and justify the decisions with statements like - But if you look at that one camera angle, I think there's doubt that there was a hint that it couldn't possibly not be called a no try.....
  19. S

    The final 4: Who are you supporting?

    Manly...... Wait, what? oh....nevermind
  20. S

    IDEA! - Anti Membership

    Yeah, but then you end up with splashes of 14 other teams; and it's not clear which of the two teams playing you are against winning. Get all those guys wearing the same color and it would work heaps better than 1 bloke standing there with his two mates in their [insert your team here] jersey .