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  1. sinbad

    An open letter to the NZRL

    :crazy: I sent an email to Sel Bennett stating my dissatisfaction over his actions and statements. he has chosen to ignore it ! Just another example of his lack business acumen and contempt for the fans who pay his wages.:crazy:
  2. sinbad

    An open letter to the NZRL

    Dear Mr Bennett and Associates As a true passionate league fan I must say I feel embarassed to call myself a Kiwi supporter (and I was born here !) The debacle of the Fein incident leaves a sour taste in our mouths. it has caused immeasureable damage to our (NZ) image overseas and shows...
  3. sinbad

    So who'se going, and if not, why not ?

    Bathurst weekend mate, going to support Murph instead !!
  4. sinbad

    "Anderson cost us the grand final - Campion"-Stuff

    Ando you need to visit 0800 bignuts as you need some balls mate !! what were you thinking , or was your brain turned off ? Goos to finally see the true story come out. Maybe Campo did it to make sure that Ando never coaches in the NRL again.
  5. sinbad

    Bill and Ben

    Yeah , sometimes you do have to feel sory for Hamish Mac, ........Nay, bloody good stuff.
  6. sinbad

    Ha Ha Sydney

    It's a good time for New Zealand to push for a name change for the NRL before this Australiansing goes too far and Wayne Bennett's poker face appears on the $5 trans-Tasman common currency note. Mate does that mean that Tim Mander is on the $10 and Hollywood on the $20 ??? Who gets the...
  7. sinbad

    Awen stays in UK

    No just a Night Cap !
  8. sinbad

    Awen stays in UK

    From Awen Guttenbeil is still expected to play in next year's UK Super League, despite Castleford's relegation. Guttenbeil's contract with Castleford became null and void after a loss to fellow strugglers Wakefield last weekend condemned Castleford to the drop but the...
  9. sinbad

    'Sione' posts

    Who really cares what he thinks, IF it was him !!! A loser and best left ! Needs to sort out his off field antics, then his game will improve.
  10. sinbad

    Betham Heading Home

    Its a recipe for backrupcy, Watson & Ridge. The 2 biggest egos in sports !!
  11. sinbad

    Warriors Awards Night

    Good one Ian. It was Pricey's first try that they were celebrating. Here's a question for you all.... How many players had to do the nuddie run this year ?
  12. sinbad

    So who'se going, and if not, why not ?

    Only going to the UK game in Bulls country
  13. sinbad

    Should the Warriors chase Micheal De Vere

    :crazy: Short answer.....NO !!:crazy:
  14. sinbad

    Would you support a new stadium ?

    I agree, bomb the whole of bloody Auckland and transfer the warriors to Wellington or Chch. that way our petrol will go down and we wont have as many roads to maintain and build for the jaffas to not use !!
  15. sinbad

    A Good Read In Parts

    Mate the crowds at Christchurch are growing each year, not decreasing. The people down here are sports mad and will go and watch anything (except the rugby it seems ) Cant wait to see what the crowd number is next year. We actually have an early game when the weather isn't too bad I beleive ! Oh...
  16. sinbad

    My lips are sealed,,, but !!

    God this news really "gets up my nose". We dont want him nor can we afford him. Can't see him going to the Broncos as they booted Sargent for the same thing !
  17. sinbad

    A Good Read In Parts

    Nay mate it is called the Tall Poppy syndrome and all of NZ suffers from it and to a degree does Aussie. All sports are the same. And to be honest i have had a guts full of it ! If you support a team it is through thick and thin , not just when they are playing well. A prime example of this...
  18. sinbad

    OT: Amusing Little Irony

    YEA but to be fair mate, do we need another 14 Helen Clark clones? She may look , talk and act like a man but can she play footy ?
  19. sinbad

    'Code' Moari Television

    Go the mighty Bulls !!!
  20. sinbad

    WTF, Who never filled in the form ?

    Got alot hell of alot more than 2 votes mate. I had alot of my mates vote for Awen as well. Have spoken to some of the league fans down here and they voted for him as well !! The conspiracy continues....:crazy: