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  1. D


    I agree, Tedesco has been in first grade since 2012, never played finals football, has shied away from being a leader of a young team to join an "established star" team. If he was a "superstar" he would of played finals by now, even if the tigers didn't have a good team. I reckon he is only...
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    Widdop's First Try

    It is embaressing commentary. It was clear to see that: 1. DCE had both his hands on nightingale, DCE initiated contact, and the bias and blinded 5 commentators in the alleged "numerous replays" couldn't see that? They "conveniently" picked up the nightingale push (to get DCE away from him" and...
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    We are number 1

    "The rev" if thats aimed at me,go look at my previous posts,i have always been positive about my team.I support my team 100% of the time.I am not a fairweather fan.Just because you seem like you are with that comment,it doesn't give you the right to assume other supporters are hypocrites.I don't...
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    We are number 1

    I think Dino might be referring to the fate that price got sacked and fate bought us McGregor. In that way he is right, we should thank "fate". Also, I have never doubted the dragons and the coach and always backed them, even after the two first up losses. And to the people who bagged me when...
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    Peter Mulholland

    The Rev, why would I watch cronulla games if I follow the dragons. I don't go out of my way to watch crappy teams play just for the sake to see a dragons junior shine behind a crap team. I follow the dragons, not the sharks, and also, if Jack Bird wanted to stay why didn't he stay? Oh, that's...
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    Peter Mulholland

    We let him walk because we didn't need him. He has an ego, which we didn't want, and the dragons didn't get rid of him. Get your facts right, we offered him around the same money as the sharks, HE walked, the dragons looked after him through his junior years, did everything they could to keep...
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    Peter Mulholland

    The only reason bird is killing it is because he is playing at cronulla, they make him look good because they are a crap team, so he shines there. As for origin, the media talk up 30 players a year, it happens every day, he is not unique, he is a rookie, yeah let's put him in origin in 3 weeks...
  8. D

    Peter Mulholland

    So possm, you would want someone in the team just because he demanded a first grade spot, our club doesn't need an ego like that playing for the red v, no matter how good they are. The guy hasn't proven himself, he is shining at the sharks because he is playing with a team where he can look like...
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    Peter Mulholland

    I grew up in dragons area, now I live in bulldogs area. I wear my jersey with pride win lose or draw. I give as good and better than I get in a debate. Love the dragons.
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    Peter Mulholland

    Wobbygong, if you re-signed bird for 3 years and threw him into 1st grade, and he didn't perform, you can't just get rid of him. Mullholland is right, he should prove that he is worthy of a spot. I would never put him in front of widdop or marshall. He isn't god's gift to league to demand a 1st...
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    Playing Roosters at Allianz twice

    I got a message yesterday saying my membership does not cover this match. I presume our "home match" in rd 15 would be the same for roosters fans, whereas they do not have free entry to the game in rd 15. The ANZAC day match should have had free entry for dragons members and we would of done...
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    Luke Page

    I saw the youtube video, the reason he leaves players on the ground is that he leads with his forearm and hits the defenders in the face in all his runs. And the defender got penalised for a shoulder charge when this guy took out his team mate with his forearm. I wouldn't want a player with a...
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    Rate our fans

    I got off a plane from a trip overseas and headed straight to the game, got there at half time. Never miss the dragons play at kogarah.
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    Bmoz is gone

    Good Luck to him. My opinion is this, if he wants to go, then he can go. We aren't the brett morris dragons, we are the St.George Illawarra Dragons. We are a footy club, and there are alot of stakeholders that make up that footy club. The coaching staff, management, sponsors, the fans, leagues...
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    One of our brothers has fallen.....

    thanks trusaint, I will keep that in mind for next time.
  16. D

    One of our brothers has fallen.....

    Rest In Peave Bob, i didn't know him personally, but as some of the forum fans on here have said previously, we are all one big family, so i was saddened to hear of his passing, and as fellow fans it hits hard. May god guide your loved ones through this tough time, I can't imagine what they are...
  17. D

    Are there enough Lebanese in the NRL to ensure Lebanon's place in the 2017 World Cup?

    I have been following their progress through world cup qualification for the past 15-17 years, I cannot recall one loss they have had in qualifying, they beat morrocco in one qualifier 110-4, smashed usa in another, and in the past two wc qualifying groups haven't lost a game (drew ireland 16-16...
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    First Thing a Fullback Must Do Is Catch the High Ball

    I think quinlan is a very very good player. A few mistakes on saturday, but every fullback is entitled to a few mistakes, as long as he learns from those mistakes. One gripe I have is that when he gets the ball he is always looking to pass, even if no players are next to him. When he runs, he...
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    Sam Williams

    Just read on twitter (rugby league news) that michael witt did his ACL, out for the season as well.

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