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10 years on


Misty Bee said:
Misty Bee wrote:
As for the comment about what constitutes a true club supporter - does that mean if your club joined the Super 14 you'd suddenly become a Union fan? Because that's basically what happened in Super League.

Can't let this one through to the keeper. What rubbish! The only way I would consider watching YawnYawn regularly would be if RL ceased to exist.

My point exactly.

Example 1 - the Shell service station in Dorrigo, grand final day 1995. The proprietor's a Dogs fan. The place is decked out in blue and white, bulldogs motifs are everywhere. Streamers make it a tough job to wade to the chocolate shelf. Owner, clad in a Bulldogs jumper, fills my car. It's 2.30 pm - just before kickoff.

His face is as glum as Andy Farrell after an Ashes test.

"Excited about the big game" I ask?

"I'm actualy quite sad about it" came the reply.

"Why?" I enquired.

"This will be the last game that I will follow Canterbury".

Example 2
An elderly neighbour was a Canterbury nut. He used to play for them in the 1930's as a lower grader (never made first grade). He used to talk of the legends of the era that he knew, especially Eddie Burns, who he played junior footy against. "He'd belt you as soon as look at you" he'd say. His proudest moment was scoring the match winning try in the '39 reserve grade grand final.

He was dogs to the core. He used to heckle Sterlo when they crossed paths near our local TAB in the mid 80's. He was as loyal as you could get.

He died last year - a Knights supporter. Why? Super League and the Salary cap was just too much for him.

Do yuo mean to say people like that were not 'true' club supporters???? :roll:

No...just stuck FAST in the past...in an unhealhty fashion, fostering nothing but negativity & hatred with no capacity to forgive & forget over something they HAD NO CONTROL OVER OR SAY IN in the first place!!!

Cutting off their noses to spite their faces...Much like many older people of that era..."Things today ain't what they used to be!..."

So Rugby League ain't what it used to be in 1939, eh?...Well - Noooooo kidding!??! :roll:

Glass half empty or galss half full...a belly full of bile is NEVER healthy!....just let it goooooo....and live longer - with, dare I suggest it - a SMILE on your face!

If your club ceased to exist over the SL drama...at least i can understand why that vitriolic hatred is still burning - but supporters of clubs that are still alive-O & kicking, walking round chewing lemons...is just STUPID emotional, drama-queening self-indulgence! It happened, it stank....get over it FFS!!!.............IMO ](*,)


Everlovin' Antichrist said:
When did the Raiders and Broncos enter the competition?

Brisbane entered the comp in 1988

greeneyed said:
Is this difficult for you people to understand? One of the reasons Superleague emerged was because the ARL followed this procedure. They constantly threatened clubs with expulsion year by year if they didn't toe the line. This policy was the seed of the emergence of Superleague....... I am constantly amazed at the lack of comprehension of the so called "ARL supporters". They don't even understand basic facts of what happened.

The Broncos were told heaps of times, if we didn't like the rules/admin to start our own comp, so we did & now people b!tch about it. :roll:


Kaz said:
Everlovin' Antichrist said:
When did the Raiders and Broncos enter the competition?

Brisbane entered the comp in 1988

greeneyed said:
Is this difficult for you people to understand? One of the reasons Superleague emerged was because the ARL followed this procedure. They constantly threatened clubs with expulsion year by year if they didn't toe the line. This policy was the seed of the emergence of Superleague....... I am constantly amazed at the lack of comprehension of the so called "ARL supporters". They don't even understand basic facts of what happened.

The Broncos were told heaps of times, if we didn't like the rules/admin to start our own comp, so we did & now people b!tch about it. :roll:

The mean of that statement didn't actually MEAN throw your toys out of the cot and start a new competition. It was you do NOT own the game, so stop whinging about everything that goes against you. But hey the Broncos are bigger than the game right. :roll:


thickos said:
Moffo said:
love your bugarelli error message mate :lol:

Cheers :D ... he was, and always will be, a true 'critical error' :lol: :? :shock: :cry:

I guess when hes found not guilty, The raiders themselves will be the 'critical error'.... :lol:


Post Whore
thickos said:
Moffo said:
love your bugarelli error message mate :lol:

Cheers :D ... he was, and always will be, a true 'critical error' :lol: :? :shock: :cry:

:lol: :lol: :lol:
so true

Insano, if he was so confident of being inncoent why have we herd nothing from his side in about a month?
i think he has conceeded defeat. (hopefully anyways)


Raider_69 said:
thickos said:
Moffo said:
love your bugarelli error message mate :lol:

Cheers :D ... he was, and always will be, a true 'critical error' :lol: :? :shock: :cry:

:lol: :lol: :lol:
so true

Insano, if he was so confident of being inncoent why have we herd nothing from his side in about a month?
i think he has conceeded defeat. (hopefully anyways)

Look at it from the other angle, weve heard not a thing from the cops re charges.
These things, the longer they go on the less likliehood of charges going ahead.


greeneyed said:
They constantly threatened clubs with expulsion year by year if they didn't toe the line.

That's ridiculous. Clubs had to reapply every year so that if a Sydney club happened to go broke they would be able to be rationalised from the competition, paving the way for expansion, without any legal problems like when they excluded Wests. It wasn't about towing the line at all. Rather than favouring Sydney clubs at the expense of Brisbane etc it was the exact opposite.

But before Super League happened, they got rid of the year by year application system and signed a mutual agreement with all clubs that they would participate in the competition for 5 years. The Super League clubs then broke their side of the agreement.
greeneyed said:
Everlovin' Antichrist said:
I actually found it. Page 14 & 15.

The Paragraph is:

"Soon afterwards, the League was incorporated. Under the new laws of incorporation the power was taken away from the club secretaries and placed in the hands of the NSWRL board. Clubs no longer played the game simply because they always had, they now had to apply to the League each season. If the Board agreed, the clubs were invited to take part in the competition."

The bold is what you left out.

Why don't you try posting the whole thing next time?

greeneyed said:
It is a well known fact that the ARL invited teams year by year. Until Superleague emerged.

The Clubs applied to play in the competition and if the board agreed, they were invited.

And that paragraph was referring to things that happened in 1983. The year they refused Wests' and Newtown's applications.

It's not like it was a big secret in 1995.

When did the Raiders and Broncos enter the competition?

It applied until Superleague emerged. That was the point of it being included in the book. I didn't type the whole thing as I didn't feel like it. It doesn't change the meaning. It is why I added the dots....

You didn't feel like it?


So, you claimed you were quoting the book, but you didn't quote the book.

What does that make you?

A selective plagiarist?

And of course it applied when Super League emerged, but it wasn't a shock to either the Raiders or Broncos was it?

The Broncos started in the League under those conditions and Canberra had played in the competition for more than 10 years under those conditions.

FFS the Broncos had played their whole existence under those conditions. They obviously felt that they were above that, so they chucked their love spuds in with Murdoch and that turd Cowley.

And that's where the real problem was to begin with. Arko and co. not understanding that Brisbane weren't the same as every other club. In 1994 they averaged nearly 3 times any Sydney-based club's attendance.

They were a monster and should have been treated differently off the field.

But, to get into the sack with a bloke who's vision was to tear League apart if they don't do what we want just because "We just want a piece of the TV rights" was just as stupid.

For the next 6 years, Brisbane's average attendance hovered around 20k, a tad less than the averages of 1993, 1994 & 1995. They probably lost 4 milion per season because of Super League in gate takings alone.

There was a compromise there somewhere, the problem was the pig-headedness of the people on both sides and their determination to point-score at whatever expense.

Arko and co. were no Angels in any of this either, but they at least had the interests of the game itself in their thinking. Murdoch and Cowley couldn't have given a stuff if League went back to park footy. They'd have just bought another sport to replace it.

It was f**king bullshit and the architects of Super League should be forced to sit in the stands at the SCG every second week behind a Swans flag waver with Vindaloo-induced terminal flatulence to suffer for what they did to our game.

And Ribot's face should be his seat.


First Grade
griff said:
greeneyed said:
They constantly threatened clubs with expulsion year by year if they didn't toe the line.

That's ridiculous. Clubs had to reapply every year so that if a Sydney club happened to go broke they would be able to be rationalised from the competition, paving the way for expansion, without any legal problems like when they excluded Wests. It wasn't about towing the line at all. Rather than favouring Sydney clubs at the expense of Brisbane etc it was the exact opposite.

But before Super League happened, they got rid of the year by year application system and signed a mutual agreement with all clubs that they would participate in the competition for 5 years. The Super League clubs then broke their side of the agreement.

There was great legal doubt over the validity of the "5 year" deal as clubs were forced to sign under duress.

And while the year by year arrangement was introduced after the Newtown/Wests difficulties, it was certainly later used as a threat to clubs that dissented - it was done publicly by Arthurson and Quale over and over again. Seems to be a bit of selective memories happening here.... :roll:


First Grade
Everlovin' Antichrist said:
greeneyed said:
Everlovin' Antichrist said:
I actually found it. Page 14 & 15.

The Paragraph is:

"Soon afterwards, the League was incorporated. Under the new laws of incorporation the power was taken away from the club secretaries and placed in the hands of the NSWRL board. Clubs no longer played the game simply because they always had, they now had to apply to the League each season. If the Board agreed, the clubs were invited to take part in the competition."

The bold is what you left out.

Why don't you try posting the whole thing next time?

greeneyed said:
It is a well known fact that the ARL invited teams year by year. Until Superleague emerged.

The Clubs applied to play in the competition and if the board agreed, they were invited.

And that paragraph was referring to things that happened in 1983. The year they refused Wests' and Newtown's applications.

It's not like it was a big secret in 1995.

When did the Raiders and Broncos enter the competition?

It applied until Superleague emerged. That was the point of it being included in the book. I didn't type the whole thing as I didn't feel like it. It doesn't change the meaning. It is why I added the dots....

You didn't feel like it?


So, you claimed you were quoting the book, but you didn't quote the book.

What does that make you?

A selective plagiarist?

And of course it applied when Super League emerged, but it wasn't a shock to either the Raiders or Broncos was it?

The Broncos started in the League under those conditions and Canberra had played in the competition for more than 10 years under those conditions.

FFS the Broncos had played their whole existence under those conditions. They obviously felt that they were above that, so they chucked their love spuds in with Murdoch and that turd Cowley.

And that's where the real problem was to begin with. Arko and co. not understanding that Brisbane weren't the same as every other club. In 1994 they averaged nearly 3 times any Sydney-based club's attendance.

They were a monster and should have been treated differently off the field.

But, to get into the sack with a bloke who's vision was to tear League apart if they don't do what we want just because "We just want a piece of the TV rights" was just as stupid.

For the next 6 years, Brisbane's average attendance hovered around 20k, a tad less than the averages of 1993, 1994 & 1995. They probably lost 4 milion per season because of Super League in gate takings alone.

There was a compromise there somewhere, the problem was the pig-headedness of the people on both sides and their determination to point-score at whatever expense.

Arko and co. were no Angels in any of this either, but they at least had the interests of the game itself in their thinking. Murdoch and Cowley couldn't have given a stuff if League went back to park footy. They'd have just bought another sport to replace it.

It was f***ing bullsh*t and the architects of Super League should be forced to sit in the stands at the SCG every second week behind a Swans flag waver with Vindaloo-induced terminal flatulence to suffer for what they did to our game.

And Ribot's face should be his seat.

It is standard practice to quote material with dots (ie ........) to represent skipped material. It doesn't make me a selective plagarist. I quoted it... it is not plagarism and it was obvious I was selecting the most relevant sentences, by the dots.....

You are right Arthurson and Quale were no angels, but I don't believe they simply had the interests of the game in mind. In my opinion, they gave most prominence to the interests of the Packers.
It isn't standard practice here from what I've read.

Simply post the whole without leaving anything out. Anyone who doesn't actually have the book is entitled to think you left something out for a reason. Which is what I thought and I actually have the book.

It's not like it was any more than another 20 seconds work either.

Some sided with the Packers, who were putting money into the game and the others sided with Murdoch and Cowley.

It was all about money and it was a burr on the arsehole of the game. It set supporters onto each other and threatened to tear the game apart.

It should never have happened, and both sides had their faults in it but to me the fact that all Murdoch wanted was the TV rights meant he didn't give f**k about the game itself. I can't say the same for Arko or the Packers.


First Grade
thickos said:
I mean for god's sake... don't any of you ARL patsies have vision???

:lol: :lol:

what a load of shit that was


they had already


2nd brisbane

and had plans to bring in adelaide and melbourne in the very short term future when they were ready

super league only had a vision for pay tv rights

they killed expansion clubs

how was league ever going to be played in china when they were killing it everywhere in australia



First Grade
greeneyed said:
Is this difficult for you people to understand? One of the reasons Superleague emerged was because the ARL followed this procedure. They constantly threatened clubs with expulsion year by year if they didn't toe the line. This policy was the seed of the emergence of Superleague....... I am constantly amazed at the lack of comprehension of the so called "ARL supporters". They don't even understand basic facts of what happened.

it was more a paper tiger than anything else

it was simply a procedure that was followed

the ARL used this to keep the teams in line

i had no problem with it

it was obvious that the arl was always going to invite teams to participate unless they had done something ultra damaging to the game


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