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137: NFT - best and worst thing about your day so far

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best: its sunday, the sun is shining
worst: last night.. hellfire and brimstone at toyota park, never going there again if their response to my letter is not satisfactory
Parki said:
best: its sunday, the sun is shining
worst: last night.. hellfire and brimstone at toyota park, never going there again if their response to my letter is not satisfactory

And what would you consider SATISFACTORY?

Dear Parki,

If you dont like coming to Toyota Park stay in Newcastle. Lets be objective - I am sure some Sharks fans have received the same treatment at EA Stadium. You gotta take as good as you give. Didnt your mum teach you that as a young girl?


S Rogers
astrogirl said:
Thanks tkr.

Don't mind me - just being a petulant princess. I'll try to be over it by tomorrow night!!!

Oh so when I intimate that you are a petulant princess the world is against me - But when you actually call yourself that's ALRIGHT Is it?

OK Astro - you need to get some lessons in giving as good as taking from Mark (Parki) I suspect.

And Dilmah (Tea Bag) - before you rush to Astro's aid like a Knight in shining armour - take a good look at yourself too ok. Its called a level playing field. If you cant stand the heat.. then keep the hell outta the kitchen buddy.


Well done. You've made two posts and abused two different people.

You're really grown up aren't you. Really mature.

I'm rushing to noones aid - you're just being an idiot. Again. So you have a grudge against Astro and you don't like Parki. Get over it. It's a football forum, not an "I'm a bitter little man" forum.
Dilmah said:
Well done. You've made two posts and abused two different people.

You're really grown up aren't you. Really mature.

I'm rushing to noones aid - you're just being an idiot. Again. So you have a grudge against Astro and you don't like Parki. Get over it. It's a football forum, not an "I'm a bitter little man" forum.

Dilly is that abuse is it? You must all have pretty thin skin. I said nothing more about Astro that she said about herself - which was my whole point in that thread you helped get out of hand last week so lets not get all over excited again ok.

As for Mark he can handle himself. The point I tired to make for Mark was - when he cries qabout what happens to him at Toyota Park spare a thought for what happens to some Shark supporters at our venue. Every coin has two sides. I just like to point out the flip side to many people too close to the action to see it clearly.


It's singling out someone and saying something negative. Are you stupid?

It's not me dragging threads out of hand. Look a little closer to home. Don't keep it up.
Best - Sunday, sun is shining, and I'm going for a few beers and then to the Finn Brothers concert with a few mates tonight.

Worst - Still fired up over that f***wit that got in my face at Toyota last night. Really regretting that I didn't smash him.


The_Joey_Show said:
Worst - Still fired up over that f***wit that got in my face at Toyota last night. Really regretting that I didn't smash him.
What were they doing? Was this the same thing as Parki is talking about?


its fine tjs, ive written a personal complaint to steve rogers about what happened last night, if he has any decency about him well at least get our money back, what happened last night was fkn ridiculous
Dilmah said:
What were they doing? Was this the same thing as Parki is talking about?

Yeah mate same sh!t that Parki's on about. Getting in our faces, trying to crowd us off the hill, spilling beer all over our stuff, pushing and shoving at us (including the girls, that's what fired me up), and basically carrying on like the drunken f***wits that they are.

The piece de resistance was one a$$hole who Chris (PK) caught about to urinate on our Knights Crusade banner.
Dilmah said:
It's singling out someone and saying something negative. Are you stupid?

It's not me dragging threads out of hand. Look a little closer to home. Don't keep it up.
OK Its obvious u r super sensitive. So you mean to tell me I could look at say your last two weeks of posts and NOT find any thread where you have singled someone out and said anything negative. OK I'll have a look for an example then ok Pot.

Love Kettle

I spent 5 minutes just looking at your posts in the last 2 days and got bored with the dribble.

It seem YOU the almighty Dilamah are entitled to your 321 opinions but I am not entitled to voice 2 or 3.

Dilmah Sweeper:- You're right. Joanna Griggs has a face like a kicked in sh*t tin. She is too old. [b said:
Dilmah[/b]. Righto. My girlfriend would kick her arse anyway. FPRIVATE "TYPE=PICT;ALT="

And Joanna Griggs is a shocker too

Dilmah to Tupac: f**k you say f**k an awful f**king lot for a f**king little f**k.

What were your two criteria/ Something Negative and Singling a person out.

I am sure Joanna Griggs would be mortified by yours and sweepers comments about her.

If you dont like my comments Tea Bag - Dont read them - Do a PARKI and "pretend" to ignore them but respond to them within 2 mins. I would love going fishing with you and Parki you take the bait EVERY time.


The_Joey_Show said:
Yeah mate same sh!t that Parki's on about. Getting in our faces, trying to crowd us off the hill, spilling beer all over our stuff, pushing and shoving at us (including the girls, that's what fired me up), and basically carrying on like the drunken f***wits that they are.

The piece de resistance was one a$$hole who Chris (PK) caught about to urinate on our Knights Crusade banner.

sh*t! What a pack of dickheads. Where abouts were you sitting?


Today, 11:08 AM

This message is hidden because The Little People is on your ignore list.

Give up... f**k off, no one likes you, everyones sick to death of you polluting this forum.. get a clue, seriously

Gene Krupa

The Little People said:
OK Its obvious u r super sensitive. So you mean to tell me I could look at say your last two weeks of posts and NOT find any thread where you have singled someone out and said anything negative. OK I'll have a look for an example then ok Pot.

Love Kettle

You do alot of editing of your posts. Not very articulate are you?



First Grade
Back on topic :D

Best: Very fast bus trip to work today, thanks to a fast bus driver and the fact no more than 5 ppl were on the bus at any one time!!! And no waiting for my skim latte this morning! And wearing my new chocolate jacket. And finding snow clothing for my sister yesterday - bright pink jacket and grey pants that she looks hot in.

Worst: Nothing at all.
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