Not related to this game but this popped up in my facebook memories on Tuesday. It was an absolute honour meeting the great Gilchrist
I know wides are rare in tests, but it is OK to call them when they're warranted.
First time I met him he was doing a meet and greet at a local shopping centre here in Perth, forget what he was plugging. I was at the shops with my mum as I’d just been discharged from Hospital and didn’t even know he’d be there and she went up and got him to sign a couple of her business cards and chatted to me for like 5-10 minutes. Gave him an extra one to keep in case he was going to sell his house anytime soon.
Was a hilarious encounter.
I meet him at the ultra tune that is just down the road from me. I went up and said hello and he commented about how dressed up in cricket gear I was and how I brought my amazing adelaide and ashes glory dvd's and the gilchrist book with me. He was more then happy to sign them and we got into a chat about that wonderful day in Adelaide. I mentioned to him I remember watching England collapse that day and cheering every run in the run chase.
Some sports stars turn out to be arseholes when you meet them but Gilly was a very down to earth and welcoming man that left a great impression on me.
Cant wait for Matty Wade to come out and show these pretenders how its down...