We win by 30+ IF Moyza stays on the field.
I'm going for my favourites
Big Heavy Unit, a total platform display.
A-Fi- he was sensational.
B2 a great 1st half followed by a solid second half. Smart play to pretend to be injured towards the end. The Cam Smith rule book.
I'm sorry to SJ fans, I'm just not hooked with his silly no look passes.
-5 to me. Got my prediction right but added too much info
Probably would have won by 50.
For mine only seeing the second half so far (I hear thats probably a good thing)
3- Fifi
2- BHU
1- Rudolph
HM's The other Big Forwards, Brails and Dugan
Inverse - Ramian, Katoa. Bomber better sort out that rushing out bullshit quickly before a team tears us to shreds.
How bad is Moylans hammy?
I hope that the team is far from satisfied with this win, big forwards ploughing it up the middle and on more than half a dozen occasions a chance for an offload but no one backing the big fella's up.. Where is the desire to carry on?? Killer instinct isn't there and that's why we won't be holding up any trophy. Penrith will put 30 on us.