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A whole bunch of things



Hello guys,

What the hell goes on here every time I take a short break from the net?! When I'm here you're mostly sensible, intelligent adults (you'd changed my entire opinion of Australians in fact, until I heard where Staceywas rated by your media this week!). However, when I'm away thepersonality clashes seem tocommencein earnest.
SomethingI'velearntisthat as soon as any club, group or unionbecomesmoreconcerned with itself and its individual components thanwhat broughtit together in the first place, its time it disbanded. It seems to go for just about everything - from sports teams and musical groups right up the highbrow trailto politics, religion and relationships.I just hopepeople aren'tforced to make that decision in regards to forums like LWOS and WORL.

Right, onto my points....

* Fans that abandon their clubs when they're down. After hearing about the booing of Brett Finch at Bruce Stadiumand witnessingthe recent changes of heart of several LWOS regulars, there seems to be some kind of epidemic of this going on.I'm not about to geton a high horse about it, because I remember writing a post asking whether it was timeI called it quits on my support for the Warriors for good.It took guys like Ozbash, Warrior, Spacemonkey and co. to convince me that staying loyal anddigging in for the long haul is the way to go. All I can donow is thank those guys and sayhow right they were. Which brings me on to....

*....mysecond point. WORL posterMoa-hunter has revealed himselfas thenotorious "Mark the league fan"of Deaker talksport fame.Pleasetry not torespond to his posts from now on - I have very little time for this man! From the severely short-sightedcall for the Warriors to beaxed from the NRLforeverlatelast year, right through to his naive sucking up to Deaker recently, just becausetheoldgit isplaying his age-old roleof jumping on a bandwagon when times are good, only to kickit whenits down at a later date. If any two peopledeserve to be excluded from enjoying theWarriors newfoundsuccess, it's Deaker and "Moa-Hunter".

* Finally, mypicks for the Warriors' awards tonight:
<u>Player of the Year </u>- Stacey Jones.The 19th best player in theNRL?! What a sick Aussie joke that rating of our little champion is.

<u>Rookie of the Year </u>- MotuTony. Would'vebeen pushed hardby Palea'aesina if he'dplayed a few more games before the spleen injury, but Motuwould bea very worthy recipient of this award.He was really thrown in the deep end by having to fill such crucial playmaking roles so early in his career, buthas managed to provide many moments of magic for Warriors fans.

<u>Young Warriorof the Year (23 or under)</u>- Not a real category, butwhat a hotly contested one it would be if it was.The core of our side is now made up of localyoungsters, most of which had only made a handful of NRLappearancesbefore the year began. Henry Fa'afili,Francis Meli, Clinton Toopi, Wairangi Koopu, Ali Lauiti'iti, Shontayne Hape, Richard Villasanti (imported, but eligible for the Kiwis!), Monty Betham, Motu Tony, Iefeta Palea'aesina....pick a winner out of that lot!

<u>Clubman of theYear</u> - Kevin Campion. A pretty easy choice I think - from all reports the psychological changehe created from the momenthe stepped into the Warriors' gym has been immense. If anythingthough his influence on the teamhas been understated (as much as the injection of along-time Bronco and a current premier could be), but that's only fitting forthe man this weekvoted the most underated player in the comp by his peers. If the Warriorsareescaping theprimitive jungle ofthe club'spast woes, Campionis theguy up the front leading the troops,wearing abandana and a bullet between his teeth.

<u>Forward of the Year</u> -Logan Swann

<u>Back of the Year</u> - Henry Fa'afili

<u>Most Improved Player</u> - Jerry Seu Seu



Kipper, as far as the LWOS and WORL thing goes, LWOS is only just starting to experience conflict and we are dealing with it on a case by case basis and I can assure you everything is sorted out. Just a lack of communication from several parties, including myself and we will ensure what happened today is avoided in the future. A bit of conflict is also a good way to clear the air sometimes.

As far as this Moa Hunter fellow goes, I have never dealt with him and have only briefly seen a few of his posts.

Your awards seem to be pretty spot on but I think Koopu has had a great year nad his form has been outstanding over the last month and I predict Stacy Jones will win the Dally M this year and there is no more deserving player IMO.


kipper since you is handed out award dougs can you is tell me who is the biggest stud in the NRl - craig wing, trent barret, ryan girdler or dane carlaew

dog-t out


I would have thought Jones's rating is quite accurate. Remember at best he is the No. 3 halfback in the comp. The Warriors are a coming 7th, or half way between Parra and last. And he is yet to dazzle Australian crowds. nathan Cayless is a better performer in the NRL frmo the kiwis.

My big beef was 5 broncos in the top 10. Lockeyer fair enough. But 5? Certainly doesn't reflect there place on the table, doesn't it!


I would have thought Jones's rating is quite accurate. Remember at best he is the No. 3 halfback in the comp. The Warriors are a coming 7th, or half way between Parra and last. And he is yet to dazzle Australian crowds. nathan Cayless is a better performer in the NRL frmo the kiwis

Sorry Bryce,can't agree with you there..
No3 halfback?? I take it you have Johns ahead of him,but who's the other?
Stace has consistently all season shown up and played on the day,week after week.Even earlier on in the season when his team mates were not performing,the little general was there rallying the troops and playing his heart out.
His kicking game has improved so much this year.
For whoever has named him 19th in the comp,is almost a bigger joke than the judiciary system
Kipper,did you see Stace on Deaker's show the other nite? I only watched it as Bronco said he was going to be on.
Stace stood up to him quite well,and Deaker actually had some respect for him.
They had The Mad Butcher there as well in the chat room,and it was great to see him giving Deaker arseholes...

On another note,with the awards tonite.
Have to agree with you on them,and I'm picking Stacey will fly in as the People's Choice.

On the health of this forum.

All the conflicts on this forum have been fairly good natured to date with the exception of studebaker taking his ball and going home.

IMO studebaker has become a victim of his own success. He seems to feel he must dominate every discussion he takes part in to keep up his 'reputation'. It is a pity he is no longer contributing here, but it's his choice to either leave or stay. On that point, no one has been barred on this forum as yet, as promised by the moderators when this site was started. Some posters such as Marcus and Dog-T have tested the tolerance of all, but they have been delt with by confrontation in the open forum rather than simply being barred.

Last week this forum had just under 1000 posts - half the number of WORL but twice the number of the Sportsbar. This week we are running at nearly 2/3s the numbers of WORL and nearly triple the number of Sportsbar. We look like easily breaking the 1000 posts.

The one area where we are well behind WORL is in new member registrations - we got 6 new members last week and only one so far this week (Welcome aboard Albertrosenfeld), while they have 36 new members since Sunday. I think the reason they get so many registrations is because they are linked to many clubs, the footy show and have the words Rugby League in their title. All these factors make them easy to find and us hard to find.

This forum is slowly building up a core of quality posters who are interacting on an adult level. We don't need to fear a sudden influx of teenyboppers as has been seen on WORL, and that is good, but we must keep new blood flowing through the forum to avoid talking ourselves around in circles. On that point I think we should all invite any posters we feel have something to add to this forum by sending them a private email. WORL seems to be getting around 60 new members a week. I would think between 5 and 10 would be a healthy number for us to aspire to.
Mistake in above post, Albertrosenfeld joined last week. Our new member this week is Teri, who has already put up several good posts. Welcome aboard Teri.


I am open to ideas on how to increase the member base on LWOS and so far this week we only have one new member as Gav said. Any initiatives from any members would be greatly appreciated. I was wondering if R990204 can add this as the discsussion forum for his site. Ihave joined several e-groups so I can send people individual e-mails and invite them to join. I have spammed on every site I know (except for WORL) and that has brought a few in. I would like to know how all the members who did not come from WORL found this site.
You have done a great job getting this site up and running. I think we have a core group of posters who will keep it going now. As for recruitment - I think we need to keep quality in mind, rather than quantity. We need to get some new members but not at the expence of dropping the standard of the forum. A move like linking with the footy show would have the same effect as it did on WORL, so we must avoid a similar mistake.

I would like to see members taking the initiative and inviting people they see on other message boards to join. People who have something to add to discussions, not just on Rugby League but other sports as well.


Roopy, that is exactly the reason I joined some e-groups. I get to see first hand what people are talking about and e-groups from my experience usually don't have too many infantile and silly posters. I spammed on the footie site which has about 6000 members and they are all premier league nuts and this site has a good presence of Premier League posts. Once I get my website up and running I will use LWOS as the discussion forum and Willow already uses it on his showroom site. We are slowly but surely starting to build the base.


The other thing that has confused me is when I see the number of hits, are they from people who are not members of this forum as when I go to whats new the site meter never ticks over which leads me to believe that the hits we are getting are from people who are not members of this site. If that's the case, there are a lot of lurkers out there.


i think that you can cause yourself unnecessary grief over the membership thing. remember, its quality, not quantity.
i dont go along with comparing our numbers to W.O.R.L, they have schoolgirls joining in droves and as far as i,m concerned, good luck to them.if we only got 1 decent member a week, i would find that preferable to 20 clueless bimbos. patience is a virtue.
on the subject of spam, i hope we dont have to resort to that, i realise that advertising our site is totally different to spamming, i cant help but think back to the reception the likes of rob64 and rjleaguelover got when they started pushing their sites.and it did no good at all.
once the website is up and running this site will take off.links is a good way of promoting this forum and i would rather we stuck to that.
what do you reckon ?


I agree Ozbash. I'm not looking for the forum to have a member base of 3000 people and agree that it is quality over quantity but at the same time a few new members here and there brings a fresh quality to the site. I only spammed in the beginning as you and Gav saw. What I do now is add the site as a link to as many forums as I can, just as we allow people to do here and hopefully that will "drip feed" the new members in. I also think the e-groups is another productive way of getting some quality members because these people have specifically signed up to be part of a group that likes to discuss a particular topic. I also want to aviod making the site a stuffy "old boys" type of forum.


i am new to these type of forums and joined because a guy i work with told me about it. beats working and helps pass the time. i inturn have introduced it to another work mate so now there are three of us here somewhere.still trying to find out what name they use though i think i got one of em pegged.

point is don't discount word of mouth, as mentioned already quality will attract members. its a humorous place but just wish there was a bit more footy talk here though :)


legend, all i can say is i work in parraat a 24 hr joint, saying more than that could lead to me working nowhere ;)


Fair enough mate. I thought you may have been a BT employee. I used to work there and there a few old BT employees on this site such as Kobe Wan Kenobe.
Talking of work, I work in a psychiatric hospital. Last night I checked out the 'Who is Dog-T' thread on one of the computers at work.
There was a psychiatrist, a resident medical officer and a psychologist sitting in the room at the time.
Sitting in that room giggling at the computer screen didn't seem to go over too well when I supposed to be doing the pay sheets on the computer.


no mate don't know the place. but thanks for the info onkobe, i knew he was an eels fan so had him on my list ofsuspectsformy workmates but can eliminate him now :) the search continues...