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ANZAC DAY MATCH: St George Illawarra Dragons vs Sydney Roosters *Live Updates*


Assistant Moderator
Bring back John Fifita said:
Do you really think that when his side was under pressure, he would lie down (thus weakening his teams defensive line) in the hope that the ref would stop play, give his players a rest, and this split decision was made while concussed (which you yourself said he was). Its a monster gamble with far more to lose than to gain.
This is the very point and well put BBJF.

When Timmins was lying on his back in the PTB area, my initial impression was that the referee would play advantage and I thought Saints would be without a man in the defensive line. But when the ref stopped play, I then thought something must be up. A referee is not going stop play in that situation unless he believed the player on the ground was in some trouble and perhaps seriously injured.

Then I saw Timmins' legs weren't moving and he was looking up and then talking. The concern then turned to his neck. Fortunately it wasn't that serious.

I'm not aware of any protests from the Easts camp about this. Was there any comment about it from Ricky Stuart?


"paging doctor apple! doctor apple! would doctor apple please report to the anzac day match thread please!"


First Grade
Umm, Timmo is a great bloke and a great clubman, but after chatting to the bloke, I can't see him perpetuating a lie that convoluted. He went down because he was hurt. He's not "tactical" enough to try a cunning play like that.


drake said:
Umm, Timmo is a great bloke and a great clubman, but after chatting to the bloke, I can't see him perpetuating a lie that convoluted. He went down because he was hurt. He's not "tactical" enough to try a cunning play like that.
are you claiming that white pointer head isn't a neurologist?!


Willow said:
This is the very point and well put BBJF.

When Timmins was lying on his back in the PTB area, my initial impression was that the referee would play advantage and I thought Saints would be without a man in the defensive line. But when the ref stopped play, I then thought something must be up. A referee is not going stop play in that situation unless he believed the player on the ground was in some trouble and perhaps seriously injured.

Then I saw Timmins' legs weren't moving and he was looking up and then talking. The concern then turned to his neck. Fortunately it wasn't that serious.

I'm not aware of any protests from the Easts camp about this. Was there any comment about it from Ricky Stuart?

When a player is lying in the middle of the play the ball the ref has no choice but to either blow a penalty or stop play. Being Timmins looked injured he stopped play.

Quite simple really, and a tactic well-used in the past. I fail to see why its so hard to believe that he might not have been as hurt as he claims. Particularly when he claims something as serious as going numb all over.


Willow said:
LOL. I think the Doctor is out.

The "doctor" works certain hours. I'm not fussed to stay back late and continue posting just to be the last man speaking, and then try to claim it as some form of victory


Assistant Moderator
Danish said:
When a player is lying in the middle of the play the ball the ref has no choice but to either blow a penalty or stop play.
Nope, he also has the option of playing advantage. Wrong again.
Danish said:
Being Timmins looked injured he stopped play.
And the referee was right on the spot. Not in as good view as you I know, but he made a call because he thinks he's in charge of the game.
Danish said:
Quite simple really, and a tactic well-used in the past. I fail to see why its so hard to believe that he might not have been as hurt as he claims. Particularly when he claims something as serious as going numb all over.
Not every case is black and white Doc. Everyone on the field thought something was up and Timmins responded to a question in the media about it, he had nothing to gain by lying. If he was feigning injury, it was one hell of a gamble if the ref decided to play on, as has been pointed out to you.
You're making out there's some sort of conspiracy going on with Timmins, the medical staff and the media. That being the case, you should throw the referee into that lot as well.
Use your noggin Doctor... its has the capacity the work this one out..
Dr Danish said:
The "doctor" works certain hours. I'm not fussed to stay back late and continue posting just to be the last man speaking, and then try to claim it as some form of victory
Hey, you're the one who keeps saying its a 'pointless argument' or you 'refuse to argue', or that's 'end of story', and then resurface with more absurd statements.

You remind me of the Black Knight in Monty Python when the Black Knight was being carved up, but just kept coming back for more punishment...

Black Knight: 'Tis but a scratch.
Arthur: A SCRATCH? Your arm's off!
Black Knight: No it isn't!
Arthur: Well what's that then? (pointing to the arm lying on the ground)
Black Knight: I've had worse.
Arthur: You LIAR!
Black Knight: Come on, you pansy!

Arthur easily cuts off the black knight's right arm...

Black Knight: Come on, then!
Arthur: What?!?
Black Knight: Ohhh, had enough, eh?
Arthur: Look, you stupid bastard, you've got no arms left!
Black Knight: Yes I have!
Arthur: LOOK!!!
Black Knight: Just a flesh wound!

Arthur He chops off the black knight's leg with his sword.

Black Knight: (hopping) Right! I'll do you for that!
Arthur: You'll *WHAT*?
Black Knight: Come 'ere!
Arthur: What're you going to do, bleed on me?
Black Knight: I'm *INVINCIBLE*!!!
Arthur: You're a looney....
Black Knight: The Black Knight ALWAYS TRIUMPHS! Have at you!!
(hopping around, trying to kick Arthur with his one remaining

Arthur removes the Black Knight's last limb. The Knight falls to the ground. He looks about, realising he can't move.

Black Knight: Okay, we'll call it a draw.



My god you are boring Willow.

Seriously, the way you talk its like a player has never lay down before.

Its not that serious an allegation that recquires calls of "conspiracy". Pretty clear cut case really. Particularly given it happened in consecutive sets with 2 different players from saints, ON THE LAST INSIDE THE 20.

Media reports what they are told. Clinton told them he had a black eye from being hit in the jaw. Kennedy told them he doesnt dive after he was not even touched in SOO. Elliott claimed Smith has 6 stitches in his forehead after collecting a clip from BEHIND last year. Were none of those players lying or embelishing the truth to make sure no one thought they were taking more time that usual??

Seriously, to argue a point so doggedly that Timmins didnt lay down strategically is very odd. Its a well-used (if low) act that we see every 2nd week by someone or another.

P.S The referee will always blow time off when he feels a penalty is warranted (i.e by timmins obstructing the ball, Wing couldnt get to it) but then realises a player is hurt, nullifying that penalty. If he was lying down in backplay clearly it wouldnt work, but right in the middle of the play the ball is where it happened.

Now lets just agree to disagree. You say Timmins, and therefore no one, has anything to gain by playing possum. So I assume you agree no one ever plays possum in those sorts of situations. I think otherwise. I can't be bothering refuting the same exact points over and over and over again.

The Preacher

First Grade
Danish said:
My god you are boring Willow.

Seriously, the way you talk its like a player has never lay down before.

Its not that serious an allegation that recquires calls of "conspiracy". Pretty clear cut case really. Particularly given it happened in consecutive sets with 2 different players from saints, ON THE LAST INSIDE THE 20.

Media reports what they are told. Clinton told them he had a black eye from being hit in the jaw. Kennedy told them he doesnt dive after he was not even touched in SOO. Elliott claimed Smith has 6 stitches in his forehead after collecting a clip from BEHIND last year. Were none of those players lying or embelishing the truth to make sure no one thought they were taking more time that usual??

Seriously, to argue a point so doggedly that Timmins didnt lay down strategically is very odd. Its a well-used (if low) act that we see every 2nd week by someone or another.

P.S The referee will always blow time off when he feels a penalty is warranted (i.e by timmins obstructing the ball, Wing couldnt get to it) but then realises a player is hurt, nullifying that penalty. If he was lying down in backplay clearly it wouldnt work, but right in the middle of the play the ball is where it happened.

Now lets just agree to disagree. You say Timmins, and therefore no one, has anything to gain by playing possum. So I assume you agree no one ever plays possum in those sorts of situations. I think otherwise. I can't be bothering refuting the same exact points over and over and over again.

:lol: :lol: Surely you jest Dr.Danish, media reports what they are told:lol: :lol:
Is Murdoch one of your patients, or maybe Lady Fairfax, you'd know 2 0f them.:lol:


Assistant Moderator
Danish said:
My god you are boring Willow.
That's a humourless know-it-all code for 'I have nothing.'
You threw reason out the window some time ago.
I note that you are now actively avoiding the points raised against your argument.
Danish said:
Seriously, the way you talk its like a player has never lay down before.
Where have I ever said that?
Wrong again.
Danish said:
Its not that serious an allegation that recquires calls of "conspiracy".
You think Timmins is lying, the media are helping him to lie and the medical staff are in on the act. Sounds like you're seeing reds under the beds.
Danish said:
Pretty clear cut case really.
:lol: No its not.
Danish said:
Particularly given it happened in consecutive sets with 2 different players from saints, ON THE LAST INSIDE THE 20.
Your mob were lying all over the tackled player on numerous occasions throughout the match. Wake up to the irony of your argument.

And yeah, we already know Easts were beaten, I can but imagine what it'd be like if you were actually robbed, you'd be frothing at the mouth. lol.
Danish said:
Media reports what they are told.
That's hilarious. Come and visit us in the real world some time.
Danish said:
Clinton told them he had a black eye from being hit in the jaw. Kennedy told them he doesnt dive after he was not even touched in SOO. Elliott claimed Smith has 6 stitches in his forehead after collecting a clip from BEHIND last year. Were none of those players lying or embelishing the truth to make sure no one thought they were taking more time that usual??
In your black and white world, is every case the same?

Putting aside the debate of whether or not Kennedy did dive, saying 'he wasn't even touched' illustrates again how removed you are from reality.

Bottom line is that these other incidents have nothing to do with the Timmins incident.
Danish said:
Seriously, to argue a point so doggedly that Timmins didnt lay down strategically is very odd. Its a well-used (if low) act that we see every 2nd week by someone or another.
You mean as opposed you 'refusing' to argue? LOL

Again, if the mention that other players have dived in the past is the best 'proof' you've got that Timmins took a dive, then you have no proof at all.

You even said yourself that you thought Timmins was concussed. Have you forgotten your own contradictions now?
Danish said:
P.S The referee will always blow time off when he feels a penalty is warranted (i.e by timmins obstructing the ball, Wing couldnt get to it) but then realises a player is hurt, nullifying that penalty. If he was lying down in backplay clearly it wouldnt work, but right in the middle of the play the ball is where it happened.
Surely you're not that silly. Referees play advantage all the time. If he thought Timmins was faking it, I'm sure it would have been play on. But he thought Timmins was seriously injured - in such cases referees have a duty of responsibility to look after the players. Far more important than your team getting a quick PTB, even the Easts players realise this.
Danish said:
Now lets just agree to disagree.
Very generous of you but really, that's just another cop out. You've been wrong to the point of making yourself look very silly.

But I'll give you the benefit of doubt for a moment... just in case you've stumbled into the wrong forum: I'm talking about football, which game are you talking about?
Danish said:
You say Timmins, and therefore no one, has anything to gain by playing possum.
I never said that. Wrong again.
Danish said:
So I assume you agree no one ever plays possum in those sorts of situations. I think otherwise. I can't be bothering refuting the same exact points over and over and over again.
You assume wrong... again.
Perhaps in future you should learn to comprehend the argument coming at you. It will save you a lot of embarassment next time.


Sorry Willow, not bothered arguing the exact same points i've already refuted.

Keep assuming that Timmins was numb from the neck down and suspected of a very serious neck injury.

Everyone else can see that story is rubbish. A suspected serious neck injury isnt something to be played around with. Medical staff that are on the team payroll most certainly have called for play to be stopped before when it is unnecessary. You dont think so, good for you.

Timmins is still a diving cat. Didnt change the outcome of the game one iota, but he still did it.


Its obvious Danish ...Willow knows exactly what happened, he sees it the same as most of us, but hes only playing games with you.
No-one is that gullible, surely?


innsaneink said:
Its obvious Danish ...Willow knows exactly what happened, he sees it the same as most of us, but hes only playing games with you.
No-one is that gullible, surely?

I'd like to give him the benefit of the doubt that that is the case, but you can never be sure with dragons fans.

Given that so many were absolutely sure Bailey had an excellent game and was the best prop out there, and even more believe they were the deserved Grand Finalists last year, its not too hard to believe that they would actually argue Timmins was also geniunely injured to the point he said he was.

That and its a very short and slow week at work.

Godz Illa

Ink's weighing in again, so maybe I should.

I find it an extremely remote possibility that Timmins was faking it just to buy time. Even in the tackle he was clearly unwell, and his grip on Harrison had completely loosened by the time he'd reached the ground - this seems an odd practice if his prime motivation was to slow the play down. If he wanted to linger in he ruck surely he would have held the player tighter to ensure he was right amongst it. Second point is the trainers were so concerned for his safety after checking him that the medi-cab was quickly summoned. This differs from the Braith Anasta dive early in the game (which earned a nice penalty reward) where the trainer simply grabbed Braiths chest and asked for a few hearty deep breaths. That always works wonders. Anasta's dive was a far safer bet than Timmo's alleged dive, he ha d an almost guaranteed penalty with no risk, Timmins had a huge risk with minimal payoff. Third point, there was no guarantee that the ref would stop the play anyway - there is no set policy and in most cases it is at the referee's discretion.

Rugby league players are quite stubborn creatures - if Timmins (or any player) felt ok and was determined to play on then I doubt any trainer would convince him otherwise.
Danish said:
I'd like to give him the benefit of the doubt that that is the case, but you can never be sure with dragons fans.

Given that so many were absolutely sure Bailey had an excellent game and was the best prop out there, and even more believe they were the deserved Grand Finalists last year, its not too hard to believe that they would actually argue Timmins was also geniunely injured to the point he said he was.

WTF??!! Please crown the new king of Generalisation and off-handed statements.....King Danish!

While some may have said Bailey had an excellent game (I for one thought he played well, but rated Shillington best- refer my previous posts if need be), inferring so many of us believe we were deserving grand-finalists has cut any credibility of yours to shreds.

We lost to the Tigers, they were the better team on the night, and thats that. They made the grand final and we didn't. We didn't like it but in no way did so many of us say/feel we "deserved" a grand final spot as you so casually say - troll the forums if you like to prove me wrong. Or is this something you just know..


I need to look at the NRL thread more often....... this is very entertaining.

After all thats said and done, it comes down to Timmins lying down?

Boo hoo..... ha ha ha

Its not like we feared the Finch kicking game.


I dont know the exact circiumstances here...no one does, but I find it very very irresponsible of Dragons training staff to allow him to play on after his body was numb and tingly and they feared he surffered a neck injury, I dont care how stubborn some players are...this is proffessional sport and if Timmos version is true & correct then I think the Dragons need to re evaluate their practises re injure players.


Assistant Moderator
innsaneink said:
Its obvious Danish ...Willow knows exactly what happened, he sees it the same as most of us, but hes only playing games with you.
No-one is that gullible, surely?
Do you think Timmins is lying?

You guys a real hoot. At least Charlie had the good sense to know he'd back a dud horse.

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