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Australian Rugby League Law Summary Submission


Staff member

I Bleed Maroon

Well Didgi it's like this.

No I have not submitted this to the NRL.

Being the Bigs the NRL are, I would think they have people searching these type of websites for information that will advance their cause. It's a human habit.

We all follow a path. Along the way we've gotta,

Admit we follow a path
Believe the path we follow works
Commit to the path we follow

The Australian Rugby League Law Summary Submission is a reflection of my mental attitude based on my experience including injuries, deaths, wins and loses and draws.

I hope this helps.

Mate, you've gotta stop sniffing Caltex petrol because you're making them look bad.


Ok Theo, you want to do away with kicks. Interesting scenario - what would the game be like without kicks? Well, one could say that it was a more pure form of Rugby League in that the biggest links we have to other sports is arguably through the various kicking options - with soccer through kicks for goal, AFL with a variety of distance kicks and Union for pretty much everything. Arguably all the rule changes that define League as an evolution of other codes lie in the area of ball play and posession.

The problem with your scenario is twofold. First, kicks are a major attacking weapon - for field position and scoring opportunities. Mastering the variety of kicks in a modern playmakers arsenal required great skill. Likewise, defending kicks, especially defusing bombs, requires considerable skill and provide great spectacle - as evidenced when we see a player who regularly f*ck it up. Manu Vatuvei ballsing up a simple catch and then flashing that beaming smile is a highlight of our game.

Secondly, kicking generally allows players to have a breath and regroup. The speed of the game relies on this. Play for 80 minutes without kicks and the pace of the game would slow merely because the level of fitness and endurance to go full blat without breaks for 40 minutes has not been reached by humanity. League survives because it is multi dimentional.

If anything, it's Union and (seemingly absurdly) AFL that would improve with less reliance on kicks (AFL purists will tell you that the biggest difference between the modern game and the old days is the greater reliance on passing quickly to clear the ball from their "ruck" area).

Sorry mate - it's a great way to f*ck up a great game.


Thanks Loudstrat for a detailed post. You know your rugby league and I never have seen it written this way. I enjoyed reading.

I think what could be done under the current law without my changes regarding the kick, a kick forward can still take place but no try can be scored from it and no tackle restart can occur as a result of the non-kicking team touching the ball. The tackle count continues.

I just do not enjoy twists of fate that a ball can do, both psychological and physiological.

It is sport, and we are all entitled to be passionate because we spend so much time at it.


First Grade
The Australian Rugby League Law Summary Submission is a reflection of my mental attitude based on my experience including injuries, deaths, wins and loses and draws.

Hi Theo,

I read your Original Post and it is very unique. You would like to see a lot of changes to the game. That's fair enough. I don't think a lot of the changes you want are necessary (and I'll be honest, there are a lot of changes I can't get my head around), but you've obviously put some thought into this, which is to be admired.

Anyways, the following quote of yours I highlighted above has baffled me. I don't understand what you mean at all. Could you explain further please? Thanks in advance.



Fire, here is an explaination that I hope helps regarding

The Australian Rugby League Law Summary Submission is a reflection of my mental attitude based on my experience including injuries, deaths, wins and loses and draws.

I've played rugby league, refereed, and am a fan. I am not alone in that respect.

Call it my fantasy, but experiencing rugby league would be more palatable for me with my changes and wish my fantasy changes were effective some time ago.

We do not always get what we want, but these days with a computer, an internet connection and a place to post, we can try.

Some time early 1990's I wrote a letter to the ARL asking for the contest at the ruck between marker and the player playing-the-ball regarding raking the ball be banned. I also wrote that if an attacking team is held up in the defending teams in-goal it should be a continuation of the tackle count.

The changes were not immediate but did come into effect at a later time.

My experience with respect to health and safety has taught me not to over read and under read situations. So when we are shephards we act accordingly and when we are sheep we act accordingly.

If you are not satisfied and require further explainations feel free write.

Granted writing is a communication skill and because of the impersonal nature of a computer screen there are times it is hard to connect with the reader, unlike face to face and telephone.

Thanks for reading.


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
I personally found the changes to be so ridiculously removed from rugby league that they were funny instead of thought-provoking.


I gotta admit, I thought this was a pisstake, particularly around the proposed abolishment of kicks, and tries being worth a single solitary lonely point.

However it is good to see your reasoning behind some of the changes, without resorting to the regular insult cliches around here.

I see your point about the bounce of the ball or a fumble from a kick being a potential major turning point, but kicks in general (in all their forms) are a big part of the entertainment I get from watching league.

But agreed with Timmah, what you have proposed does feel rather non-Leagueish, and moreso a new sport somewhere between Touch & League.
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If Rugby League ever adopted these rules then, and only then, would EA's signature be something other than a weak attempt at trolling.


Epic, thread of the milennium.

Sorry, but my stomach hurts from laughing.

Scientologist too by any chance?
If Rugby League ever adopted these rules then, and only then, would EA's signature be something other than a weak attempt at trolling.

Champ, you said it, not me...

Feel free to complain, or please just post the forum rule you think is in place for putting a comment you made in my sig... like you did to me in PM...



Thanks for the comments guys.

There are some that like the game the way it is. That's good.

There are some that given an opportunity, would like to change some aspect of Rugby League. That's good.

My personal implement phase-in list looks like this.

My first phase would be, no tries from forward kicks with a view to phase-out forward kicks, and award more tackles for a penalty.

For those that have read beyond the CHANGES headline and read TOUCH IN-GOAL, my next phase if time is an issue, is to see the defending team being able to retain possession of the ball if they did not cause the ball to enter the in-goal area and are trapped, tackled in-goal, over the sideline, dead ball line, or ground the ball in the in-goal.

My next phase is no stealing the ball by any defender.

Then no scrums, and then no goal posts.

If I could I would have all this implemented at the start of next season.

Maybe as a fantasy trip, people can share their thoughts and we can rewrite the ARL Law.

Then a computer video game to show the fans would be of help... graphical representation is strong.

When artists express themeselves they do it in a way that crystalises emotion. They make people happy or sad.

What we do, how we do it, and the time it takes... is a matter of interest.

Thanks for reading.