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Canberra Raiders - crap town, moron fans, pooch rooter culture

Ronnie Dobbs

Canberra lacks the pace of a ig city and I reckon thats what most people find boring about it. That and the fact that it is too planned and spread out, which gives it the sterile feeling.

As someone who lived there for many years & now lives in Sydney, I can say that everything in Canberra is undoubtedlly World Class. Roads, transport, infrastructure, schools etc. Its got everything going for it.

Except for the fact its....well......Canberra.

As for Sydney. Awesome in so many ways, but cant get around the fact that the joint is falling to pieces, the transport is deplorable, the schools are war zones & infrastructure???hah. What is that?

Got a lot wrong with it, but......well....its Sydney.

Doing a bit of work between the two cities at the moment and first squealer is on the way. I know where we'll be located before he / she hits school age and it suree as hell ain't Sydney. Can live in the Berra (I don't enjoy the winters!) on as good money as I make in Sydney with a third less living costs, a four bedroom house with a yard for the same price as I paid for my inner city unit & about 10 hours a week of my life back to the easy commuting on those world class roads.

All this and only 2 1/2 hours from the beauty of Sydney.

Still, thats bloody years off and I'm going to keep on enjoying this joint for as long as I can.


There is nothing remotely liveable about Dapto or the Southern end of the Gong. Now I don't wish to speak ill of salt of the earth people from Dapto, some of whom can actually write their own names (which they learnt to do in prison whilst taking classes on ripping off the social) - but you might want to re-think that past statement.

Unless you love dog racing. Dapto's definately got that in spades over Canberra.

Plus Dapto has the road out of Dapto and that's something that Canberra will never have. So it's all plusses from where I am sitting (obviously miles away).

Having grown up in Goulburn and now living in the Gong, you have no idea of the differences.

I have many relos in Canberra, and the only thing decent about the joint is the Adult industry and the fact you can grow your own personal stash and buy grog all hours, typical pollies looking after themselves eh? (half hour to the ACT when you need a drink, smoke or a root, not bad for a country bumpkin)

You say it easy to get around, like f**k, if you don't live there, you go in one giant circle non stop.

The weather, well yeah, it's not as cold as Goulburn, but still, the wind is the biggest prick of a thing you can come across.

It might say it's 13c in June, but in reality, it's minus f**king 5.


Oh, and I forgot the f**king police academy in good old Goulburn.

Try goinmg to a pub or nightclub when junior piglet and its mates are on the town :roll:

Try doing 111kms at the bypass and see what happens.


First Grade
I love Canberra.

And I love Penrith as well, much rather live here than in some other part of town that thinks its better than me because I'm from Penrith :)

Maroubra Eel

isn't it case of saying Canberra -- but really meaning Goulburn?

Canberra is OK. Architect designed urban utopia, from someone who studied at the foot of Frank Lloyd Wright.

But Goulburn is feral in a single mum, car on blocks in the front yard, foul smelling Aunty, bodies -in-a-barrel, baby corpses on rubbish tips sort of A Current Affair sort of way?

I would agree with the Goulburn comments. I drove thru there with my wife once and we were in stitches at the people there. I must go back there one day. Funny place.


I love Canberra.

And I love Penrith as well, much rather live here than in some other part of town that thinks its better than me because I'm from Penrith :)

Been in Penrith, better than the Southern tablelands.

4 good things about Canberra

1. Buy grog all hours.

2. Pornos and pros are legal.

3. Grow your own and smoke it with no worries.

4. The Federal highway out.

Raider Azz

Been in Penrith, better than the Southern tablelands.

4 good things about Canberra

1. Buy grog all hours.

2. Pornos and pros are legal.

3. Grow your own and smoke it with no worries.

4. The Federal highway out.
It's obvious you've never been to Canberra because you are wrong on basically all your facts.

It is not legal to smoke marijuana nor is it possible to buy alcohol at all hours.


I've been observing this string for a few days, reading the comments, most of which are highly inaccurate.
For one who grew up in Sydney and lived in Canberra for a few years, let me say what a fine place it is.

Some facts about Canberra:

Highest average salary of any state/territory in Australia.
Lowest unemployment of any state/territory.
Highest university educated workforce in the country. (i.e. lower level of bogans than other cities)
Most restaurants per capita than other other Australian city.
Canberra is cold in winter....gee, compared to places that actually get snow (NY, Paris, London) it's not.
Higher average summer temp than Sydney.

When living there, I used to love taking an arvo off in winter to go skiing.

I've lived in Sydney, Canberra, NY, Hong Kong & UK.
Let me say Canberra is a very good place.
Some of you morons should grow up and learn your facts before posting.


Highest average salary of any state/territory in Australia.
Lowest unemployment of any state/territory.
Highest university educated workforce in the country. (i.e. lower level of bogans than other cities)

Everything to do with all the tax dollars the place sucks out of the rest of us who, you know, actually work.


Everything to do with all the tax dollars the place sucks out of the rest of us who, you know, actually work.

No, its a simple fact that the government is based there, as a result more public servants. Nothing to do with your tax sucking.

The federal public servants generally have higher wages than their state counterparts.


Little known fact.

Until Melbourne kicked up a stink the preferred location for the capital was Nelson Bay.


We could have had the most beautiful capital in the world.

Instead, we got Canberra.

Thanks Melbourne.