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Cheaters never prosper


For the Manly fans:



Gallop would love this.
So what happened to former Storm CEO Brian Waldron in the end? Did any of the playing goup or coaching staff ever make reference to him and his involvement at any stage after the NRL announced the breach?
Plenty is mentioned of him in here. I have no idea if any of the criminal charges recommended were ever brought against him or the others.

Sorry stormbati, I will not let it go mate. Speculation or not I and many others are not as stupid or gullible as some storm supporters who think the players have ever been innocent in the cheating. The NRL was weak in this respect. If they refused to give evidence they shold have been banned from competing until they did, and I mean complete disclosure. If they had done this and been cleared we wouldn't be having this discussion.
Johnsy, with all due respect, im pretty comfortable that i know the bloke a tad better than you do

all's fair in love and foruming between you blokes, im just saying, you'd be surprised to know he's a good bloke in real life

So what you're saying is he's trolling and trying to bait people? In which case that's probably a bannable offence.

Also I don't know any top blokes who go around making racist remarks, jokingly or not.

Probably says more about you that you think that sort of thing is acceptable than it does about any misunderstanding from members who think he's a merkin.

" he was aware of the discrepancies"....

I could go on to show how it is now and was then the responsibility of the players to ensure that ALL their contracts were disclosed to the NRL salary cap auditors, but you probably already chose to ignore these facts if you still support the scum. Suck shit storm. Cheats don't prosper this year.


This thread is all kinds of WIN!

Eat shit purple cheats! Every year when the Cheats get knocked out I will crack a beer and have a little lol@$t0rm

"he was giving the storm the means to not disclose the additional payments".....

"We didn't know anything..!!"

f**king cheats...
Where is all this coming from?

From the official investigation into the salary cap rort. Here


"On player D's own evidence he agreed to sign a contract on the understanding that an additional payment would be made to him outside those contained in the official contract"

f**king cheats........


Staff member
As long as you're prepared to accept the consequences of operating outside the rules, that's fine. Everyone should be allowed to do whatever they like as long as they ensure they don't get caught.:roll:


From the official investigation into the salary cap rort. Here


"On player D's own evidence he agreed to sign a contract on the understanding that an additional payment would be made to him outside those contained in the official contract"

f**king cheats........

And yet it was his reccommendation not to take disciplinary action...WHY NOT???
A lot of the report contains the report author's personal view on what things meant - its been said before that as far as reports go (which should be impersonal & in the third person to show impartiality) it was full of self-opinions. But ho hum...none of that holds any water for people who want to belive one point of view only.
Getting back to why no disciplinary charges / fraud charges / tax , etc - the question is why not? Perhaps on further investigation by INDEPENDENT offices the report is seen for what it is & there actually was no charges to answer?
Just asking...

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