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Crowd Increase Initiative


I feel that most NRL clubs have serious issues with resources and ability to develop actual ticketing and game day promotion activities.

My idea is for the NRL to buy this IP (Intellectual Property) from each club for 3 - 5 million a season, then off load that to an IMG to push into the market place at a premium of 4 - 6 million per team.
This will allow the NRL to recoup their 75 million handed to clubs, IMG to make 15 - 16 million per season and free up the clubs to focus 100% of their resources and facitlities to local marketing initiatives to increase crowds.


me no speak marketing, only English. Can you rephrase in simple words for stupid rugby league follower like me to understand.


It's actually a pretty good idea. Who knows, the clubs could start taking notes and after a couple of years they could be raking in the cash themselves with a dedicated department. Either that or the NRL could run the show properly and re-invest the profits back into it's clubs (and News :roll: ) It also wouldn't hurt if a 3rd party is out there promoting their brands.

I guess there's a risk involved in regards to image maintenance, although with the current horrendous press they're getting, the NRL could pour acid on little children it would probably improve public perception.


By "an IMG" do you mean the International Management Group that helps the Titans or does IMG stand for a kind of company as in an International Marketing Group? Either way I'm not sure it could work. If the NRL Clubs have limited resources to promote games now, brining in a middle man may only serve to further shrink their resources. They'd have to be assured that IMG could bring resources or skills to the table that the NRL don't have, such that the increased revenue from IMG would outweigh the expense occured in hiring them.

I also think one of the main reasons that NRL clubs don't do a lot of promotions for games, is that it doesn't really work that well. I know in Brisbane the Broncos scaled back their promotions because there just not proven to be effective.


Lantana said:
I feel that most NRL clubs have serious issues with resources and ability to develop actual ticketing and game day promotion activities.

My idea is for the NRL to buy this IP (Intellectual Property) from each club for 3 - 5 million a season, then off load that to an IMG to push into the market place at a premium of 4 - 6 million per team.
This will allow the NRL to recoup their 75 million handed to clubs, IMG to make 15 - 16 million per season and free up the clubs to focus 100% of their resources and facitlities to local marketing initiatives to increase crowds.

it could work either way...

other than that... Most NRL clubs have limited resources...


Leagueguy said:
By "an IMG" do you mean the International Management Group that helps the Titans or does IMG stand for a kind of company as in an International Marketing Group? Either way I'm not sure it could work. If the NRL Clubs have limited resources to promote games now, brining in a middle man may only serve to further shrink their resources. They'd have to be assured that IMG could bring resources or skills to the table that the NRL don't have, such that the increased revenue from IMG would outweigh the expense occured in hiring them.

I also think one of the main reasons that NRL clubs don't do a lot of promotions for games, is that it doesn't really work that well. I know in Brisbane the Broncos scaled back their promotions because there just not proven to be effective.

The idea in signing off on 15 million worth of IP would be for IMG (or similar - STW) to run it as it's own subsidiary business model, reasoning its own staff and administrative support and network. It would be completely seperate from the clubs and not rely upon them in anyway.

This would allow the clubs to focus their current attentions and efforts on promotions and crowd increases as the club would recieve their 'corporate' dollars in a lump sum at the start of the year from the NRL who then recoup the money from IMG in effect. Sure it has some holes but as resources are super tight I see crowd figures as a massive sign of strength.

That is the first time I have ever heard of promotions not being effective?

It is a formulated way of creating interest?
Surely 21,000 at Adelaide Oval for Georgia and Namibia in 2003 had a tiny amount of it attributed to promotion?
Or was it just pot luck they turned up and sold it out?
Lantana said:
The idea in signing off on 15 million worth of IP would be for IMG (or similar - STW) to run it as it's own subsidiary business model, reasoning its own staff and administrative support and network. It would be completely seperate from the clubs and not rely upon them in anyway.

This would allow the clubs to focus their current attentions and efforts on promotions and crowd increases as the club would recieve their 'corporate' dollars in a lump sum at the start of the year from the NRL who then recoup the money from IMG in effect. Sure it has some holes but as resources are super tight I see crowd figures as a massive sign of strength.

That is the first time I have ever heard of promotions not being effective?

It is a formulated way of creating interest?
Surely 21,000 at Adelaide Oval for Georgia and Namibia in 2003 had a tiny amount of it attributed to promotion?
Or was it just pot luck they turned up and sold it out?

What intellectual property exactly would the NRL be 'buying back'?



I work in the industry and have also worked for the company that may be in question.... But I dont understand what Lantana is on about?


International RL said:
What intellectual property exactly would the NRL be 'buying back'?

The IP they would be buying back would be the rights to the jersey, sleeve and short sponsorships, the ground signage, the corporate boxes etc. The value of this is generally in the 3 - 4 million dollar range.

They then sell this to IMG who utilise their expertise in these fields and on sell them with a premium built in.


Hindyscrack said:

I work in the industry and have also worked for the company that may be in question.... But I dont understand what Lantana is on about?

Hindy as you have worked in the industry you will see this is a simple form of out sourcing to an organisation (IMG, STW) that has the experience, expertise and resources to broker NRL Clubs intellectual property within the marketplace.

This would free up club resources to focus on lifting gates through development and implementation of community based promotions and activities.


That is the first time I have ever heard of promotions not being effective?

It is a formulated way of creating interest?
Surely 21,000 at Adelaide Oval for Georgia and Namibia in 2003 had a tiny amount of it attributed to promotion?
Or was it just pot luck they turned up and sold it out?

I didn't say all promotions were ineffective, I'm just saying I don't
think the ones in Brisbane to increase crowds have been that successful. I'm sure all promotions are effective in that they will generate some interest, but ultimately the revenues they generate have to outweight the costs. I think all clubs would say that increasing crowds was difficult.

I can't really speak for the Sydney clubs, but I know that in Brisbane the Broncos have a marketing team that works very hard through the off season to sell corporate boxes. Its a very tough job and requires a lot of effort from the Broncos in wining and dining their sponsors. Could someone like IMG, respond the the needs of Brisbanes sponors, better than the Broncos themelves. I have doubts about this.


First Grade
Hindyscrack said:

I work in the industry and have also worked for the company that may be in question.... But I dont understand what Lantana is on about?

Are you the tea lady?

Perth Red

Post Whore
Why is it that some NRL clubs seem to have difficulty attracting gates over 15-20,000? I used to think it was because they had Leagues clubs and lots of money so not that fussed about how many turned up to watch. Given some of the financial problems of some clubs this would appear not to be the case so what is it?

I can understand Melbourne's not being great but Canberra, Penrith, St George, Wests etc? Is it just that there are too many teams in Sydney in terms of the number of RL fans to go round or is it that clubs just don't know how to market themselves and therefore are not attracting a wider audience?


First Grade
Well the Tigers hav been pretty good the last 2 yrs and have averaged over 18000 this year which is like the Bulldogs, who have also averaged over 18000. I dont think there is to many clubs, there is room for all of em but imo they aint using there potential.


I think the unfortunate truth is Canberra is more of a union town at the moment
Brumbies pull in around 20k a game, raiders dont
Its also not that widely known that canberra is a fair bit of an aussie rules town
its not the main sport, but it is pretty big - especially the local comp (eg. the swans reserves team plays in the ACTAFL because its much stronger than the NSWAFL)

It'll all sort itself out shortly when the brumbies relocate to victoria, tho
and also now the AFL has given us the arse

Perth Red

Post Whore
Don't suppose the stadium at Canberra particularly helps either does it? (ie little cover given the weather you have)

Personally I don't think 18,000 is that great really do you? I know it is for RL but in the bigger sport picture, as the No1 sport in NSW, it isn't that great is it?

Would be interested to know if bums on seats or bums in front of TV's is more important to the NRL as the two may be conflicting?

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