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Dirty Dogs want rule changed to suit themselves.


I've always believed that the 90 second rule is a joke. The referee should stop the clock until after the kicker has taken the shot at goal.

thats bloody right give us more for our money, the game is about scoring tries not shooting at goal RU style


Post Whore
They should stop the clock .. but that would interfere with program scheduling :)


First Grade
It's hardly a ludicrous proposal like salary cap exemptions for living in the Eastern suburbs. The club and El Masri have done all of the right things, and are prepared to cop it on the chin if the request is denied. He's the best goal kicker we've ever seen. I'd take his advice about goal-kicking over anyone else's.

If the NRL were serious about stopping kicks, then they'd have introduced much stronger penalties. The current penalties are little more than a persuasion rather than a road-block. As if any team is going to miss an important kick at goal to save $2000.


there are four options:
1. el masri kicks faster
2. the dogs continue to incur the fines
3. someone other than el masri takes the kicks
4. fine el masri himself for taking too long. that'd sort him out quick smart.



STILL at it son!???..My GOD but this post just REEKS lame desperation!...Quite tragic. Even by YOUR...for want of a better word - standards!

SUGGESTION BOX TO ADMIN: How about an "Ignore Post" button/feature??...It's been fun 4 a while...but I've had enough...

Rest in peace Melon


Post Whore
Ive hated this rule since day 1
Schif got royally f**ked over by it and was always going to... but stiff shit El Mazri, everyone else has to live by it too


Us and about 12 other clubs this time!!


And the only reaon Parra havent been fined this year...is u actually need to SCORE to take a shot at goal....but i dont spose you lot would really remember that, now would you??



Its those d*cks that take up the full 90 seconds - FOR KICKS SMACK IN FRONT OF THE GOALS - that should be fined anyway...

I could SPIT the @&**($ thing over from there,....but HOW many times have u seen it - a kicker sooooaking it up under the blcak dot as he lines up his kick...kust cos he CAN!

And THATS the kind of time wasting the rule was brought into attack in the first place...and it clearly aint working!! :roll:

I have thought this since the MOMENT the rule came in, and it has JACK to do with El Masri - the cash doesnt come out of MY pocket..and he STILL pots them from all over the shop - and thats ALL i care about! :D - But just stop the clock FFS!...Jumping straight from the way things were last year, to just fining ppl 2 grand a pop - thats a bit EXTREME a jump!...Its just an ILLOGICAl & drastic change of rules...."Hey, I've got an itchy toe!...I know - Why dont i cut off my foot?..THAT will solve my itch!"

brent @&$($$ Webb * his mong'like kicking style STARTED all of this anyway...and now the useless b&tch doesnt even KICK any more?!?!....BAH!!! :evil:


Post Whore
Dog-E said:
Its those d*cks that take up the full 90 seconds - FOR KICKS SMACK IN FRONT OF THE GOALS - that should be fined anyway...

I could SPIT the @&**($ thing over from there,....but HOW many times have u seen it - a kicker sooooaking it up under the blcak dot as he lines up his kick...kust cos he CAN!

And THATS the kind of time wasting the rule was brought into attack in the first place...and it clearly aint working!! :roll:

I have thought this since the MOMENT the rule came in, and it has JACK to do with El Masri - the cash doesnt come out of MY pocket..and he STILL pots them from all over the shop - and thats ALL i care about! :D - But just stop the clock FFS!...Jumping straight from the way things were last year, to just fining ppl 2 grand a pop - thats a bit EXTREME a jump!...Its just an ILLOGICAl & drastic change of rules...."Hey, I've got an itchy toe!...I know - Why dont i cut off my foot?..THAT will solve my itch!"

brent @&$($$ Webb * his mong'like kicking style STARTED all of this anyway...and now the useless b&tch doesnt even KICK any more?!?!....BAH!!! :evil:

in the imfamous words of Chopper


Dogs Of War

It'd be a fair fine if the kickers has a shot clock, but without one the kicker has no idea how long he has left to take the kick. I'm sure most kickers would hurry their prepartion if they could see they only had 20 seconds left to kick the goal.


Do you possess common sense??

Again i say - i really dont give a RATS BUM at then end of the day if el masri continues to be fined...doesnt cost ME a bean...and is sure hasnt affected his kicking!! :D

The rule itself however, is ILLOGICAL. Pure & simple...You cant tell me its NOT!...Hell - youve even said as much yorself above!! :lol:

So...Whats your problem?? (Apart from hhe bleeding obvious! ...would you like me to type a bit s l o w e r perhaps? :lol: )


Post Whore
yea the rule is rubbish, worst rule ever invented
there is a simple solution of stopping the clock all together, but f**k me, no point whinging to high heaven about it


Post Whore
The rule is fine! I mean Fitzgibbon seems to be able to kick it within 70 seconds every time whether it be from in front or touch!

Tell me why ElMasri can't. I'm a goalkicker and I do not take any more than 60 seconds to kick a ball. There should be no change at all. Everyone knew of the rule before the season and he should have adjusted his kicking style.


Raider_69 said:
yea the rule is rubbish, worst rule ever invented
there is a simple solution of stopping the clock all together, but f**k me, no point whinging to high heaven about it

Well...this is a Rugby league discussion forum!...and i am discussing Rugby League here - a particularly controversial issue of the day at that - the fact that I have NEGATIVE feeling towards this PARTICULAR story...shouldnt be an issue!??! :?[/b]

Magpie Nick

If Schifcofske had to change from a mound of sand to a kicking tee so he didn't get fined, El Masri should be able to walk a little faster...


First Grade
But it could be a big conspiracy by the Roosters to throw El Slowpoke off his kicking, noone has thought of that?

I mean think about it. The Roosters get the NRL to make this rule knowing that coming to the end of 04 we could be in a position to force El Slowpoke to kick faster thus being less effective? Or alternatively plan B was to send the Bullcheats broke with fine after fine after fine?

How good is our management!!! :clap:

It's the worst rule in Rugby League. Play should be stopped from the moment a try is awarded and then 2 minutes is given to kick the goal and be back for a kick off.
100 seconds for a goal kick and 20 seconds to get back and kick off.

That stops two things.

1. The kicking team taking there time
2. The team kicking off has less time to muck about on there way back to 1/2 way.


The NRL will never impliment a rule that states the clock must be stopped after every try until the kick at goal has been taken. Games could go 20-30 minutes overtime (especially those game that feature 10+ tries) and it would stuff up the TV scheduling.

I wish they would adopt that rule, but realistically it's not going to happen.



It is pretty funny that the title says that the Dogs are doing it to suit themeselves. A rule change would be for all and not just El Masri.

If they are going to have a time for a kick to be done, then I think if the kicker goes over that time before the kick is taken then they don't get to kick it.

That said the kicker should also at least be given an indication of how much time he has left. I think earlier in the year they fined Shifcofscke for going only 5 seconds over the limit. I don't know how a kicker is going to stand there and count out 90 seconds while trying to put a kick over from the sideline.

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