Some wise man once said you should try everything in life once.....except incest and folk dancing. I can safely add watching the Eurovision Song Contest to the list.
The first 90 minutes was excrutiating watching, with some very woeful acts that wouldn't get a look-in at the Mossman Bowls Club. Special mention goes to the Austrian (truly shithouse, the Wiggles would have done better singing 'TNT')and German enteries (with the latter looking like Pauline Hanson's twin).
The voting system is also dodgier than a roadhouse kebab, with viewers from participating countries able to ring in during a ten minute window and vote for their favourite song. The only stipulation is that they can't vote for their own country's entry. Votes are then allocated to the top ten songs by country, with 12 votes going to the top, 10 to the second, 8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 etc.....
This system heavily favoured Russia on the night, with the two furry-bowl eaters getting the maximum votes from Estonia, Latvia and the Ukraine, as well as a host of other former Iron Curtain countries.
Also, there were other bullshit results such as Greece and Cyprus trading 12-votes for each other. Apparently the same occurs between Britain and Ireland. I'm glad to say that the Irish clearly saw the poms for what they were and left them dangling down the bottom of the table where they belonged, below illustrious entries such as Bosnia, Slovenia and Malta. The only way that the Poms could possibly get points in future (based on last night's performance) is if Gibraltar or theShetland Islands enter, so the locals can give a few votes for the old mother country.
In addition, only two entries played their own instruments (Belgium and Ukraine). Ms Malta started her song playing the piano but soon forgot all about it.
For those who care, Turkey won, just ahead of Belgium.
The first 90 minutes was excrutiating watching, with some very woeful acts that wouldn't get a look-in at the Mossman Bowls Club. Special mention goes to the Austrian (truly shithouse, the Wiggles would have done better singing 'TNT')and German enteries (with the latter looking like Pauline Hanson's twin).
The voting system is also dodgier than a roadhouse kebab, with viewers from participating countries able to ring in during a ten minute window and vote for their favourite song. The only stipulation is that they can't vote for their own country's entry. Votes are then allocated to the top ten songs by country, with 12 votes going to the top, 10 to the second, 8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 etc.....
This system heavily favoured Russia on the night, with the two furry-bowl eaters getting the maximum votes from Estonia, Latvia and the Ukraine, as well as a host of other former Iron Curtain countries.
Also, there were other bullshit results such as Greece and Cyprus trading 12-votes for each other. Apparently the same occurs between Britain and Ireland. I'm glad to say that the Irish clearly saw the poms for what they were and left them dangling down the bottom of the table where they belonged, below illustrious entries such as Bosnia, Slovenia and Malta. The only way that the Poms could possibly get points in future (based on last night's performance) is if Gibraltar or theShetland Islands enter, so the locals can give a few votes for the old mother country.
In addition, only two entries played their own instruments (Belgium and Ukraine). Ms Malta started her song playing the piano but soon forgot all about it.
For those who care, Turkey won, just ahead of Belgium.