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Fitzy vows to work with Price

El Diablo

Post Whore
Fitzy vows to work with Price

By Dean Ritchie | December 14, 2008 11:00pm

DEFIANT Parramatta chief executive Denis Fitzgerald last night declared his 30-year position was safe before vowing to somehow work with long-time enemy Ray Price.

Price joined fellow club legends Brett Kenny and Eric Grothe - along with John Chidiac - on a rebel ticket that yesterday secured positions on the Parramatta football club board.

The Parramatta Pride and Passion group won four of the seven spots on the board, with 22-year chairman Alan Overton missing out.

The three board members who were re-elected were Michael Johnson and two former players, Geoff Gerard and Ron Hilditch, while Gary Morris, Chris Jurd and Don Ritchie failed to hold spots.

Former Eels and Test five-eighth Kenny topped the voting with 203, followed by ex-winger Grothe, 201, and former lock Price, 194. Fitzgerald and Price have been long-time foes.

"I can work with Denis Fitzgerald. Can he work with me?'' Price said. "It's up to him to work with me. I've got no problems if he's after the same thing that I am - that's to see Parramatta succeed.''

Fitzgerald said he was willing to work with Price and Brett Kenny, another who dislikes the CEO. "I have worked with him (Price) before when we were both players, then again when I was CEO and he was a player and I also worked with him when he was previously on the board,'' Fitzgerald said.
"Certainly, yes. It's workable. I am happy to work with them. I have had a lot to do with the three former players. We have agreed to work together for the betterment of Parramatta. We will work in the spirit of co-operation. I've been on a number of boards that haven't been friendly.

"But we got through it and we will get through this. We will move on.''

Asked whether his CEO position was secure, Fitzgerald said: "My job is safe. I will continue to work to the best of my ability.''

About 20 fans gathered outside the leagues club and chanted "Parra, Parra, Parra'' when news of the result filtered through. "I wasn't shocked but I was surprised,'' Fitzgerald said. "I was quietly confident we could get the seven directors returned.

"There was some anti-current board and anti-Fitzgerald sentiment and that had a small effect (on voting). But the lobbying and politics are now over. It is now a matter of getting on with the football season.''

Like Price, Kenny was delighted, saying: "The people have spoken and now we have to do the right thing by the people.''

El Diablo

Post Whore

Denis is no menace: Kenny

Michael Cowley | December 15, 2008

DESPITE a very public debate that has at times become personal, Brett Kenny says he and his three fellow incoming Parramatta Football Club board members do not have a "big problem" with Parramatta Leagues Club supremo Denis Fitzgerald.

Those in the lead roles were focused on unity after yesterday's vote for the football club board, playing down the verbal stoushing during the lead-up.

"No more in-fighting or public brawling, that's what we're looking to do," Kenny said. "You want everyone going in the same direction. At the end of the day, what we're looking to do is have the club become very successful again.

"We [the new football club board and Fitzgerald] had a short meeting after the general meeting, and it was very good, there wasn't a problem there. We all spoke about what was put in the papers, and we all realised there was a lot of paper talk involved and now we have to go in the same direction …

"A lot of people don't get on well in various companies, but when it comes down to making a decision for that company, you put your personalities aside, and that's what we'll be looking to do."

Fitzgerald said he was not surprised by the result, and urged all parties to "accept that decision, move on and work together for the betterment of Parramatta". "We had a meeting and I congratulated the board members," he said. "I've worked with those four guys before, three as players, and know them well and I'm sure we can work with them. I'd like to see a stop to any negative coverage the club may be getting. There had been a couple of the board members in Ray Price and Brett Kenny who had been very critical … but now they are on the inside, I'd like to think that'll be over."


Fitzgerald said he was willing to work with Price and Brett Kenny, another who dislikes the CEO. "I have worked with him (Price) before when we were both players, then again when I was CEO and he was a player and I also worked with him when he was previously on the board,'' Fitzgerald said.
"Certainly, yes. It's workable. I am happy to work with them. I have had a lot to do with the three former players. We have agreed to work together for the betterment of Parramatta. We will work in the spirit of co-operation. I've been on a number of boards that haven't been friendly.

"But we got through it and we will get through this. We will move on.''
Bit less cocky than you were in the media earlier last week Denis... keep swallowing that humility pill.

Asked whether his CEO position was secure, Fitzgerald said: "My job is safe. I will continue to work to the best of my ability.''

"I wasn't shocked but I was surprised,'' Fitzgerald said. "I was quietly confident we could get the seven directors returned.
Head in the sand much? And use of the word "we" should be seen as highly dubious.

"There was some anti-current board and anti-Fitzgerald sentiment and that had a small effect (on voting). But the lobbying and politics are now over. It is now a matter of getting on with the football season.''
Does that mean he'll refrain from wading in and going on the offensive personally against members who are merely exercising their democratic right by nominating for election in the club they are part of?

Hope he's having trouble sleeping tonight, and thinks hard about pulling his head in in the future. (And also ceases to refer to himself in the third-person...)


there is change ...and there is more change to come ......

if he cant see that ....he has even less vision then i thought.


Er....yes Denis, I think there were a few pokies told!


Parramatta Eels NRL and Leagues Club chief executive Denis Fitzgerald says he will work with the new Parramatta District Rugby League (PDRL) club board members and listen to what their plans are for the future.
Former Eels greats Ray Price, Eric Grothe Snr and Brett Kenny were elected along with property developer John Chidiac to give the Parramatta Pride and Passion ticket control of the seven-member football club board on Sunday.
The incoming quartet ousted long-serving Parramatta Leagues Club chairman Alan Overton, while Chris Jurd, Don Ritchie and Gary Morris also failed to get re-elected.
The board has vowed to bring control of the Eels NRL and Toyota Cup teams back under the PDRL and away from the leagues club.
"I'll be speaking to the new district club board and intend to run through the changes that were made back in 2001 to take the team under the leagues club's guidance and show it was all for logical, commonsensical and sound financial reasons," Fitzgerald told Sydney's 2KY Radio.
"I'd like to think we have a chance to have a chat with the three ex-players and John Chittiac to find out if we have any common ground instead of arguing and carrying on.
"We can work together, it's not as though because they have got on (the board), I shut up shop and move on.
"I'll be listening to what their goals are, and do they have a plan about how they go about things?"
Fitzgerald said he can't guarantee the first meeting between the PDRL and the Leagues Club, due to take place on January 14, will be harmonious and said there have been a lot of lies told during the campaign.
"So many lies have been told in this campaign and people with little bits of information and rumours that were totally wrong.
"When you can sit down in a boardroom and assess what the situation is with firm facts and figures and not just make-believe things designed to discredit individuals .. than we may have a better picture of where we are rather listening to people who do not have the full story."