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Foul Play Within The Community

I don't know how appropriate this thread is, but I'll give it a go.

Is it just me, or do others here believe some members herepost under more than one Forum name?

The reason I ask is because within the last couple of weeks or so, I've noticed a couple of members who I've been able to link to others here who go under different names, in terms of 'similarities' in the way they post. I'm not talking about Dog-T (great thread BTW, read through the whole thing a few days ago) inccident, or the Johnny Ricco of late. I'm talking about a few posters, some who post regularly - and some who don't, that 'speak' and 'post' in an almost identical manner, that the possibilities of them being the same person is very high.

I don't want to go posting names (more out of embarrassing myself then those concerned), but I think it's only a matter of time before these individuals slip up.

Does anyone else suspect this, or am I just getting paranoid over trivial matters?


It does happen!!

have almost thought about doing it once or twice myself!!

Haven't but and never will, Im Macca and I will stay as Macca.

Can't really say it bothers me, because Im sure like everyone on this board, you know who you respect and only really read there posts with any interest.
I'm sure it happens too Broncos-fan-baller.

But I'll be more than willing to break the ice and start naming names :)
For a long time, in the old community, I thought Mystery Man & Studebaker were the same person, but ruled out that one after a while. Here are some others that I though were the same people -

Mystery Man & Cryptic Messenger - both post in a very articulate wayand present worthy posts
Bronco & Dog - no particular reason except paranoia I guess
The Saint & Meltiger - both posts in somewhat identical ways
Macavity & Meltiger - always backing one another up and agreeingtoo often
Studebaker & Bronco - see above
Legend & Edwahu & Raidpatch- share a 'rare' common interest lol ..
Matt O & Jason E - seem to agree way too often
Willow & Gav - no particular reason again
Mud & Ozbash - both love to throw fuel into the fire

No offence to those I named. It's all in good fun

Cheers - Aaron C



Assistant Moderator
There's really nothing that can be done about it.
As macca said, it happens and I'm sure it's common with any community.
Unless someone feels that they are being 'ganged up on' and are being subjected to personal abuse, then I can't see any problem with it.
Usually, it just the work of people who want to have fun with the forum and IMO that adds to the colour of the place.
However, its always OK to email myself or one of the other managers if there is anything that is causing concern.



Assistant Moderator
Willow & Gav - no particular reason again
Good theory except one of us in Australia and the other is in the UK...



9 out of 10 people on this board live in Australia

most of Australia is made up of Dial up internet services, and therefore you get a static IP when u dial in.

You could ban the Host IP but that would ban the whole ISP, IE: if I was on Telstra Big Pond and you banned my Host IP, then noone on Telstra would be able to get in.

The otherproblem is that to be amember you just need a passport, thats like saying you need a $1


Assistant Moderator
No we can't. We only have your hotmail / email address. We don't have access to NineMsn's server so it's kind of hard to see the IP address. I say 'kind of hard' because we have a counter on the site which shows us a little more information than your average forum.
I went through all this when were trying to track down Dog T ... but with little success.
Basically, we're at the mercy of the member.

Yeh, when I figured that out Willow, I gave myself a

Mate, up until a few months ago, I honestly thought you were in GB. I always knew where Gav was located.

Hell, I didn't even know about your URL until earlier this year. Aren't I just the alert one?

Cheers mate - Aaron C.



Assistant Moderator
Well anyone can start a hotmail account and get a new passport and nickname.


Aaron, some interesting match ups there!

Mystery Man and Cryptic Messenger? I once thought they were the same, then again Iused tothink Vertigo and CM were the same.
Saint & Meltiger? I bet Meltiger loves that one. Both are definately one off's, I think?
Me and Willow? It's bloody cold where I am, Willow's probably been sunning himself on some beach today.
Studebaker and Bronco? Interesting

Mud and Ozbash? Nice thought, but I'm afraid they are almost certainly two different people.

Just kidding Willow.

Mate, I hardly find the time to post under one user name, can't even begin to imagine how I'd handle two. Plus, with my goofiness (is that a word?), I'll probably sign the other one with 'Aaron C'

Anyhow, I'm out of here for the evening.

Cheers - Aaron C.



Assistant Moderator
Gav: I still got the salt water on my skin. The water was a cool 26 degrees...
Hows the hot cuppa tea shaping up?


Willow, the cuppa's very nice thank you! Except that it's cacky decaf coffee.
26 degrees? Isn't that harmfull? Wonder what the temp is at Blackpool?
mr broncosfanballer:
what do you mean i am sumone else?
i am Johnny Rico of the Roughnecks and there is no one else here but me.
no one would be able to show the same knowledge i have - no one else is as smart
maybe some one else has tried to speek like me and they are fooling you.

I promise that I am not Studebaker or Cryptic Messenger. My only alias was the grandmaster himself- Dog-T.

I feel like Cryptic Messenger, Vertigo, and Raidpatch have very similar "talking" styles, but I'm certain that they're not the same person.
Funny thread. You got waytoo much time on your hands 'T'

Here's another one Raging Bulldog and Legend. I actually thought these two gents were playing us therefor a while,with there 'I know who you are -- do you know who I am?' posts awhile back. But I remember a time when they both posted at the exact same time once, so that threw that theory out the window.

phuc hu

This very interesting thread.I be accused long time of be Mr Ozbash. This not true.Sister and I join WORL long time ago and I leave to rescue dizzy sister from Yorkshire knock shop.
Very bad place.Many big farmer who like to say 'AAAAhhh, answer lie in soil".
I lucky to get sister away from there and now we back New Zealand living peacful life again.
So I not another, I me.
Phuc Hu

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