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Hi guys,

Boy, I haven't done thisin over half a year!In case you wondered,I've spent most of that time in asmallplace in Mahia (North Island, east coast).I decidedI'd go up there to get my head straightened out after my Dad's deathand everything, then a difficult break-up not long afterwards.

I thought I'd end up literally starving after a couple of weeks, butactually I grew quite partialtothe simplicity and lack of pretence that kind of lifestyle offers. Going on treks, sitting on the porch reading andlistening to the ocean in the evenings, even the sight of my neighbour'sshack with a satellite dish on topall helped toget mesmiling again.

Because my Dad died without a will, I ended up getting ownership andcontrol of a sizeablepiece ofhis estate. Not 'call me on the yacht' sizeable, butlarge enough that I could probably continuea non-materialistic (i.e. bachelor/recluse's) existence without working for a while. I initiallythought my mother would be able tostrongly advise me onall ofthis, but it seems (although she wore the pants) she doesn't know that much more about investingthan I do. Best play it safe then, but what exactly is safe? How safe is too safe?

As you canimagine this isn't the sort of situation you'dwant most 21 year-olds to be in, especially one that isn't the sharpest knife in the draw,alreadyenjoysthe vicarious thrill of being aspectatorand neverreally had much of a work ethicanyway. Perhaps our flag-waving, toy-wearing friend below(I'm sure you'll all have seen Sonny Shaw on asports broadcast at some point) has anheir apparent!

[shudder] God, let's hope not. So now I'm back in Kapiti, using my freshly-honed pragmatism and maturity to clean the place up, as well as (not unlike the Warriors right now)finding outexactly who my friends are.Like most young Australasians I used to thrive on hating everyone who wasn't broketoo, butnot even silver-spooning leechesdeservethe "so, what do you do again?" or the "d'ya thinkeveryonebuys lotto ticketsbecauseweloveour jobs?", or the "you can take meto Prague now, yes?". I just hope thepeople at LWOScan find it in their hearts to take me back and accept me for who I am (whoever that was, is,or will be). Besides,everyonecan just skipmy posts like they always did!

Cheers, and a rudely belated thanksto all those who offered metheir sympathiesback in October,


Welcome back Kipper, hope all's well again.

Make sure you stick your nose in over at the Front Row forums on LU as it seems to be the happening place now... :D


Assistant Moderator
Welcome back Kipper. Sorry to hear you've been going through a rough patch.
There are others more qualified than me in the art of investment. I always go for the safest route and buy well positioned real estate. There are some pretty handy long term investment portfolios about if you just want to get monthly returns but I prefer to see where the money is being spent... thats just me.
Anyway, good luck.

eels fan is spot-on about The Front Row.
Go to www.leagueunlimited.com and click on the 'Front Row' tab. You'll see a few famliar mugs in there. Cheers.:D



Its great to see one of the good guys back. It seems you are your way to getting in the saddle again, and thats good to hear. All I can offer are my best wishes and some advice which has helped me in times of need. "Chin up, keep up the fight, that is what defines you".



glad things are sorting out for ya kips,,
get over to the front row forum on LU .
we need all the help we can get ;)



Welcome back to one of the most eloquent posters who has graced these forums. Kipper, the only peice of investment advice I can give you is to invest in a ticket to sydney for the finals if the Warriors manage to sort themselves out! (which I think they will, they aren't exactly playing terribly yet)



Thanks guys, and thanks for the advice. The thing I like about you all is howhappy in you own skinsyou've alwaysseemed to be, so whateverissaidI'm taking it onboard. Who my age wouldn't like todevelop the disposition of a CyberKev, Willow or Ozbash,or even a bit of thelearned smugness of a Mystery Man!

Right, I'm off to have a look atthis new forum....



Don't be fooled Kips, I've got some habits I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy! That saidf I've gotta admid I'm pretty content with life in Sydney right now.
(of course I might not have been saying this if the Warriors hadn't given it to the Sharks on the weekend!)