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Gallop likens Storm fans to terrorists!

Can you explain how its valid.

What are the "similar features" of people engaging in genuine terrorism (taking lives etc) and a few people booing at a sports event?

I'm trying to find even a tenuous link there.

Even Gallop has been forced to apologise for the unacceptable comments today.

He's admitted he's in the wrong. Are you still supporting the views he's admitted were wrong?

You can't admit you're in the wrong when you aren't. Gallop made a decision to apologise because of manufactured media pressure and illiterate outrage.

Terrorists act inappropriately and do bad things - They're passionate, it doesn't excuse it.
Storm act inappropriately and do bad things - They're passionate, it doesn't excuse it.

You see? Both are comparable, regardless of the difference in severity of the 2 actions (being abuse, threatening and booing vs blowing up innocent people)

Walt Flanigan

Are you genuinely happy with having a CEO for our code who uses the word terrorist to describe a few fans booing at a sports event?

He didn't use the word terrorist to "describe" a few (14,000) fans at a sporting event.

Would you like to point out where David Gallop says that Storm supporters are terrorists?


You can't admit you're in the wrong when you aren't. Gallop made a decision to apologise because of manufactured media pressure and illiterate outrage.

Terrorists act inappropriately and do bad things - They're passionate, it doesn't excuse it.
Storm act inappropriately and do bad things - They're passionate, it doesn't excuse it.

You see? Both are comparable, regardless of the severity of the 2 actions.

You're just trotting out gallops tired and laughable 'passion' argument - I still don't see any realistic link between terrorism and a few sports fans booing. Seems the media (even international) have found his comments bizarre.


Are you honestly saying there is a close link between terrorism and fans booing at sports events? Are you seriously saying that?

You need to put your storm hatred aside and see how farcical it is trying to defend gallops latest foot-in-mouth episode.


At no point did Gallop describe the Storm fans as terrorists.
At no point did Gallop describe the Storm fans behaviour as terrorist-like.

The NRL and Gallop haters are just clutching at straws. Get over it people.

El Diablo

Post Whore

I was at the game and was booing Gallop for the following reasons:
1) His absolute refusal to try and grow the game in Victoria and stand up to channel 9 here
2) The ridiculous penalties handed out after Brookvale (1 week for Brett Stewart?????)
3) The "don't you just love monday night football" text to Searle when Titans beat us

I wasn't booing him for the salary cap issues, and I presume neither were the Knights fans in our row who were booing louder than anyone else.


sure buddy


He didn't use the word terrorist to "describe" a few (14,000) fans at a sporting event.

Would you like to point out where David Gallop says that Storm supporters are terrorists?

Would you like to point out where I said that he said they ARE terrorists.

He likened the behaviour of our fans to terrorists.

If it wasn't in reference to our fans when he mentioned terrorism then who's fans was he referring to? or what behaviour was he referring to?

The guy has just made our sport a laughing stock again, and if he'd compared Raiders fans behaviour to terrorists then you wouldn't be too happy either. People get booed every day in sport.

He's come out with a grovelling apology today and clearly knows he's in the wrong.

Luckily for us its just another anti-Storm soundbite from Gallop that will be getting pinned straight on the dressing room wall for our next game. Bellamy doesn't have to build a siege mentality because that idiot does it for him.


At no point did Gallop describe the Storm fans as terrorists.
At no point did Gallop describe the Storm fans behaviour as terrorist-like.

The NRL and Gallop haters are just clutching at straws. Get over it people.

Why has he hastily released an extensive apology, saying his words were "not the best" if he has done nothing wrong?


Latest Sydney Morning Herald Article on the subject:


Gallop's terrorist remark upsetting, says Cameron Smith

Melbourne Storm captain Cameron Smith has predicted NRL boss David Gallop will receive an even more hostile reception from the club's fans in the future after comparing their passion to terrorists.

Gallop made the comparison during a radio interview yesterday, the day after he was abused by the crowd during the presentation of the minor premiership trophy at AAMI Park in Melbourne.

"I never really go for that whole passion line," Gallop told SportsDay Qld. "I mean, terrorists are passionate about what they do and, you know, that doesn't make it right."

He did a further round of interviews today to clarify his comments, including one on Sky Sports Radio, on which Smith is a regular guest.

"I was just using an extreme analogy and wasn't trying to cause offence to anyone," Gallop said.

The Test hooker was listening on the line while Gallop was interviewed by hosts Terry Kennedy and Michael Slater before being put to air and asked for his response.

"I guess it is a little bit upsetting ... [with] the timing of it all," Smith said. "David, I guess, realises now that it is the wrong thing to say.

"I was a bit surprised that it took him so long in that interview to say that he regretted it and I think it took you, TK [Terry Kennedy], to ask him that but we move on. David is obviously entitled to his opinion. He is the boss of our game."

Asked how he thought Storm fans would feel about Gallop's comments, Smith said: "I think they will be fired up even more now. People are here are very passionate about sport and particularly Melbourne Storm fans about our club and of course they are going to boo David Gallop.

"They are disappointed about what happened last year and the decision to move the premierships from the history books but he has got a pretty hard job.

"I know he faced an icy reception up at Manly a couple of weeks prior but there is nothing the players in the NRL can do about that. Obviously when we travel away as a football team to opposition grounds, we get booed a lot as well. Is that poor behaviour? No, we believe that is just part of the game and if we can cop it every week then I think so should everyone else."

Yesterday, the SportsDay Qld host John Rothfield, better known as Dr Turf, was left incredulous at the statement made by Gallop on his program

"That's possibly the worst analogy I have ever heard in my life, with all due respect, David," Rothfield said to Gallop.

But Gallop stood by the comparison.

"Well, it's a topical one at the moment [in reference to the memorial services for the September 11 attacks that occurred earlier on Monday in New York (AEST)]."

After being quizzed by the show's co-host Brad Fittler, he went on to say: "I obviously didn't enjoy it [the abuse] but I'm absolutely confident we made the right decision [to punish the Storm for salary cap breaches in 2010]."

The boos towards Gallop from the crowd on Sunday started as he walked from the players' race on to the field at AAMI Park.

They reached fever pitch as he tried to speak, drowned out as some in the crowd started a "Gallop's a wanker" chant.

Gallop realised he was on a hiding to nothing and kept the speech short, with even those out on the field unable to decipher his words before he handed the shield and a trophy over to Storm boss Ron Gauci.



sure buddy

You tell me why I was booing then, since you claim to know what Storm fans are thinking better than those fans do themselves.

Why were the Knights fans booing? Were they caught up in the salary cap stuff also?

It's hilarious how people would support Gallop the buffoon if he ran the code right into the ground as long as they got to hate the storm in the process. The guy is a complete embarrasment and no other CEO makes comments like these.

Walt Flanigan

Would you like to point out where I said that he said they ARE terrorists.

Are you genuinely happy with having a CEO for our code who uses the word terrorist to describe a few fans booing at a sports event?

He simply insisted, that like terrorists, Storm fans were using the word "passion" to excuse their poor actions.

He wasn't insinuating that Storm fans strap bombs to themselves and suicide bomb a children's hospital.

The only problem I have with what Gallop said is that it is obviously too difficult for people like you to understand.


To appease whingers like you.

Awww, he did it just for me?

There is no way he released that apology just for angry Storm fans. He did it because he's made the game a laughing stock again and has clearly been advised to go into damage limitation across a range of media interviews.

The strangest bit was when he said he used the analogy because "it's topical at the moment".

You can just imagine him thinking "I've got a great idea, it's 9/11 and that's about terrorism, so I'll compare storm fans behaviour to terrorists. Gee I'm a genius"

The guy doesn't have a brain and the NRL needs a proper CEO going forward.


He simply insisted, that like terrorists, Storm fans were using the word "passion" to excuse their poor actions.

He wasn't insinuating that Storm fans strap bombs to themselves and suicide bomb a children's hospital.

The only problem I have with what Gallop said is that it is obviously too difficult for people like you to understand.

Again, where did I say he insinuated we strap bombs to ourselves?

Did you know that his comments made the sports news in the UK? Are the UK sports networks all storm fans who are 'haters' too?

Most people inside and outside the game clearly find his comments bizarre, laughable and unacceptable.

Except people blinded by Storm hatred like yourself.

Eels Dude

Storm (no pun intended) in a teacup this. Just a typical case of the media putting a spin on things. Sometimes people are better off saying nothing, but then if didn't they'd be blamed for not responding so you can't win either way.

Walt Flanigan

Again, where did I say he insinuated we strap bombs to ourselves?

Did you know that his comments made the sports news in the UK? Are the UK sports networks all storm fans who are 'haters' too?

F*ck dude.

You said that he described Storm fans as terrorists. This is a lie.

The media thrives on outrage to sucker in sheep like you.

Most people inside and outside the game clearly find his comments bizarre, laughable and unacceptable.

Except people blinded by Storm hatred like yourself.

If you read the comments on those articles you'll find that most people think Storm fans are a bunch of whingers.