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Game day round 9 V Warriors

Blood Shot Eyes

First Grade
The Dragon's poor line speed initiated today's poor performance. Poor selection decisions and the same old playing style ensured our poor showing.

Mary has to go and go now!

Like players can coaches go before June 30...on the other hand can we make it before 12th May...Ive allowed 2 weeks because we have a bye next week


First Grade
Firstly, I would give hearty congratulations to McFadden.......he made the hard choices, even in the brunt of severe criticism, he selected a team that would play for team.
This was a danger game and it panned out exactly that way.
I said on a previous thread that I wasn't sure wether McGregor was a good coach or a bad coach. Today, I am now 80% convinced he is void of any ideas especially in attack.
Ok, to start Quinlan at fullback and then move Dugan to the centres had some merit. But after the first 20 mins it was obvious that wasn't working and our best attacking weapon was idle. So, why not switch Dugan back to fullback, move Matthews to centre and bring on a back rower and take Quinlan off or move him to half and give Benji a rest?
The boys tried hard, you can see that, but the structures are, well, non-existent. Our much hailed "D" looked like a game in NSW Cup.
I'm happy we don't play next week, because I would feel the Raiders putting plenty on us.

Hard decisions have to be made........is St George as a football club willing to make them?


You blokes giving it to DeBelin go back and watch how he played against Brisbane. He might have had an off game but he doesn't have to apologise to anybody and he's far from soft - just ask McGuire, Thaiday or Corey Parker - better yet watch them after JDB hits them, they get up and look around for the bus that just hit them.
You're blaming the wrong people, people. I expect Dragon's management will get the message sooner rather than later and sack the right person.

Without question JDBs form has been one of the few positives this year.

Blood Shot Eyes

First Grade
WOW I am glad I missed the game.It would seem that we continue on our merry way of dishing up rubbish,Win,Lose or Draw.I love the Dragons,but this is the worst side in history to watch and I have been watching for 50 plus years.A sorry tale indeed.Where to next?

Mate like you been around a while...where to next you say, well theres always the movie channels...:(


Mary, Young and Hornby are all inexperienced at NRL level. It was a crazy idea to think they would be successful.

Just as in the latter days of the Price era, the players aren't buying into Mary's game plans and individual instructions given key players. Time for Mary to GO and Cleary to be appointed before it is too late. Let Cleary pick his coaching staff.

If this happened I'm sure we would see the success and style of play Dragon fans appreciate.


Here's the dragons plan going forward,keep Mary for another 2yrs then appoint Hornby/young as head coach the merry go - round just continues


Marshall and Widdop together have no chemistry at all. Today Widdop had a shocker, and Marshall was very good individually but neither looked like they were part of a TEAM.

Take the best two centres in the comp and put them in our team atm and they will end up looking like park footballers because of lack of opportunity from the spine.

Rein was busy and upped the tempo when he came on, but does nothing to create opportunities for the side. Isaac Luke looked like he was playing on one leg and he was 10 times more effective.

Quinlan looked right out of his depth, but the lack of attacking structure is enough to destroy the reputation of any player that pulls on our no 1 jumper.

I still believe Dugan has a future at centre, but not in this team. No sweeping plays so he gets the ball on the run,and with room to move under the current none existent structure. Looking forward to the Test to see if it proves my point.

ATM in this team he needs to continue on as a running battering ram, and help keep the score line respectable because of his superb on line defence.
Today was an embarrassment and confirmed that we are only making up the numbers in this years comp.

On the positive side, every line ball decision and possible opportunity over the eighty minutes went against us. But that does not excuse that pathetic second half.
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For his first game back, I thought Benji did well ... some great one on one tackles, a bit of spark.

Doesnt make up for the overall performance, esp 2nd half... Sad really.

dungay dragon

On the positive side the U 20s won 50 Zip :D
Some impressive youngsters there inc Dufty....
How did the Cutters go today ???


I'd say we will have a better idea of Dugan's suitability at right centre after Friday's test against NZ.

Widdop and Marshall are playing to instructions and should not be judged right now. Under a new coach and with new structures these two players have the potential to be the dominant haves in the competition.

Quinlan should be let go along with any others who want out before Jun 30. Promot some of our youngsters to first grade Host, Dufty, Car and others. We surely wouldn't do any worse.

Mann should be given a go in the halves and if he shows not to be suitable, let him go too.


First Grade
Gutted, bitterly disappointed, so much for my prediction of racking up a score...

10 is a decent score for us. Playing away, against the best team in New Zealand, with almost half their full compliment of players etc and so forth


10 is a decent score for us. Playing away, against the best team in New Zealand, with almost half their full compliment of players etc and so forth

I have no defence to that...
No excuses, as i said i kept waiting for us to click in attack, but alas ... zip


We have plenty of problems I know but:

Ahmau and Cooper are plodders who can't unload the ball unless they are standing still.

Debelin is the worst ball playing forward in the comp.

We know the problems with our spine so I will not labour the point.

Frizz, Matthews and Thompson all work hard but rarely worry the opposition defence when carrying the football.

Hard to criticise our outside backs because they receive so few quality opportunities over the course of a game. Compare the numbers of times the Warriors wingers saw the ball and on whole our wingers have to chase kicks if they want to get their hands on the ball.

All in all there is no respect or fear for our team as witnessed today.

Solutions: New coach. Packer to start and we should begin to blood some young forwards. Host is going to be a beauty, we must persevere with him. Might be time for McCarthy to get some game time if fit.
Why do we seem to be one of the few teams that sticks to the tried, (tired!) and true through thick and thin even though they are only scraping through games, and with no improvement in sight.

Our reputation was based on limiting the number of points the opposition could score, in 2016 we are doing the opposite and building a reputation as the team that can't score, even when we score, like our five missed opportunities today.
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