sorry to fill this forum with US corrupted material. I guess I didn't leave enough space for you to write on and on about your hero Michael Clarke.
And I stand by my claim that I have no idea what the hell magpiemax was talking about. that post made no sence. I mean, first he bags the nfl, then he says he has a mate who watches it and then there was something about how all the players are getting old. I mean, there was no structure and no point that I could see being made.
leicester city are only a new acquisition to my grand list of heroic sporting clubs. they were recruited last year after I worked with an english bloke from leicester and he talked of leicester the way I think of Balmain, so I had no choice but to support them. However, my interest isn't yet at it's peak. I do however know enough to know that they are out of the relegation zone and managed a stirring draw with Arsenal. Meanwhile, Derby look set to make their third stint in third division. As a leicester fan I can take pride in supporting a club that has never dealt with such utter humiliation, such profound mediocrity, such a lack of character in the club that third division is even comprehendable. And they have the nerve to call their home "pride park". The word "pride" has never been so badly abused. The club should be sued for false advertisement.