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Hunt, Folau will find AFL harder : Joel Reddy


You can add Inglis to that.

Running in straight lines at your opposition must be pretty difficult though...


That's very observant of, Joel. I thought they'd waltz it in.

Love the 360 degree comment which comes out ad nauseum when talking about Rugby league players. Anyone who watches Aussie Rules would know even players at the elite level have problems with this. The game relies a hell of a lot of the communication skills of the players around you. Making sure they let you know when you might be in a spot of bother so you don't get caught holding the ball, or are blind sided by someone coming at you on angle that isn't in your line of vision.

They'll find it harder because, for the most part, they're playing a game which they have no clue about playing. Then again, we all know that's not the reason they were signed on for in the first instance, so time is on their side.


So the players aren't in it for the challenge of playing the game Aukmel?

That is a very cynical outlook you have there.

Having watched cutie run around with an Australian ball today I was struck by the way he ran, it looked very different. He didn't look as light on his feet like you need to be in AFL. No fluency, the knee lift was too high but it will come.


Stronzo said:
So the players aren't in it for the challenge of playing the game Aukmel?

That is a very cynical outlook you have there.

Did I say that? I'm sure they'll give it everything they've got. They could be complete gimps and noone at AFL HQ will care.

Stronzo said:
Having watched cutie run around with an Australian ball today I was struck by the way he ran, it looked very different. He didn't look as light on his feet like you need to be in AFL. No fluency, the knee lift was too high but it will come.

As I said, time is on their side.

I'm almost tempted to go and watch Hunt play next week.


First Grade
That's very observant of, Joel. I thought they'd waltz it in.

Love the 360 degree comment which comes out ad nauseum when talking about Rugby league players. Anyone who watches Aussie Rules would know even players at the elite level have problems with this. The game relies a hell of a lot of the communication skills of the players around you. Making sure they let you know when you might be in a spot of bother so you don't get caught holding the ball, or are blind sided by someone coming at you on angle that isn't in your line of vision.

They'll find it harder because, for the most part, they're playing a game which they have no clue about playing. Then again, we all know that's not the reason they were signed on for in the first instance, so time is on their side.
you can love the 360 degree comment all you want, fact is that it is a fact, also the work off the ball, as reddy said, this guys played both sports and obviously has no "agenda", leagues a tougher sport than Aussie rules but Aussie rules is harder, much harder in fact.


Staff member
you can love the 360 degree comment all you want, fact is that it is a fact, also the work off the ball, as reddy said, this guys played both sports and obviously has no "agenda", leagues a tougher sport than Aussie rules but Aussie rules is harder, much harder in fact.

what rubbish, one isn't harder than the other

they are different games that require different skills


First Grade
360 degree argument always makes me laugh. An AFL player may get "tackled" 2-5 times a game, so maybe once or twice he'll get tackled by some-one he doesnt spot, probably less then happens in league. Also will be funny seeing some-one try to arm-grab Issy from behind, it wont register with him such is his power.


Staff member
the 360 degree argument is a fallacy

as much as some AFL fans would like to believe the sun shines out of the hero's arse, even they dont have eyes in the back of their head

players rely on thier team mates to tell them if they are in the clear

just look at Milburn getting run down against the Weagles, he turned around and blew up at his team mates for net telling him he had to get rid of the ball,

how do you think Travis Varcoe makes so many tackles, he runs them down from behind

but hey its AFL, they are superhuman, pretty piss poor argument


First Grade
The biggest hurdle these guys will have is the ball to foot speed. It isn't hard to mark or run all game but it is hard, for guys who grew up not playing the game, to pick the ball up and put it on the boot quickly.


First Grade
the 360 degree argument is a fallacy

as much as some AFL fans would like to believe the sun shines out of the hero's arse, even they dont have eyes in the back of their head

players rely on thier team mates to tell them if they are in the clear

just look at Milburn getting run down against the Weagles, he turned around and blew up at his team mates for net telling him he had to get rid of the ball,

how do you think Travis Varcoe makes so many tackles, he runs them down from behind

but hey its AFL, they are superhuman, pretty piss poor argument

what he means by 360 degree vision is that pressure comes from all directions, you often dont know whats coming from behind, with league, the play is all in front of you, you dont have that perceived pressure, you often see AFL players just kick it as fast as they can and you think what a dud, he had heaps of time, fact is, he didnt know that, you say team mates help with talk and such, let me tell you this, they often dont and often opposition players are yelling out when there is no pressure coming to put you off, then theres the massive crowds, the players dont hear the whistle sometimes the crowds that noisy.

israels a great league player, he can break league tackles, he wont be breaking tackles in the AFL if he doesnt see them coming, think what you like about that, but if you disagree your a muppet, also, israel is a great league tackler, but AFL tackling is very different, for starters, running a guy down at full speed and twisting him before he hits the ground so you dont get into his back, zero high contact is allowed, no ankle taps.
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Staff member
what he means by 360 degree vision is that pressure comes from all directions

bullsh*t, that makes no sense whatso ever

you often dont know whats coming from behind, with league, the play is all in front of you

sorry, but our thinking of gridiron

you should watch a game of league one day then came back and try and put forward a sensible argument

israels a great league player, he can break league tackles, he wont be breaking tackles in the AFL

oh puleese,

he can bust a 3 man league tackle but your saying he cant bust a tackle above the hips

this probably makes sense to you

but if you disagree your a muppet,

that means so much coming from you

also, israel is a great league tackler, but AFL tackling is very different, for starters, running a guy down at full speed and twisting him before he hits the ground so you dont get into his back

yeah no one else does that,

I mean AFL players never get penalised for pushing in the back, do they ?

zero high contact is allowed

same as League

here's 10 bucks, go and buy a clue
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First Grade
LOL @ Israel not being able to break AFL tackles. I'm sure he'll be able to escape a tank top grab from behind.


First Grade
bullsh*t, that makes no sense whatso ever

sorry, but our thinking of gridiron

you should watch a game of league one day then came back and try and put forward a sensible argument

oh puleese,

he can bust a 3 man league tackle but your saying he cant bust a tackle above the hips

this probably makes sense to you

that means so much coming from you

yeah no one else does that,

I mean AFL players never get penalised for pushing in the back, do they ?

same as League

here's 10 bucks, go and buy a clue

please dont quote me mate with out adding my full quote, israel will not break tackles if he doesnt see the tackle coming, fact is mate, no one can because most times before you've even realised you've been tackled your kissing the dirt, in league, 99% of the tackles are expected, even instigated, not so with AFL, just shows how stupid you really are im afraid.

FTR, this is what can happen when you dont see the contact coming and havnt braced for it, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HYIsT96ywt0 but you carry on with your "leagues better, tougher, harder, more skilled, more complex" than aussie rules, its amusing me.

this ones a good example too. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qZWe4yjq4-k&feature=related

note, these 2 players didnt even have the ball, wouldnt that be a penalty in league? if so, thats pretty soft.
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Staff member
but you carry on with your "leagues better, tougher, harder, more skilled, more complex" than aussie rules, its amusing me.

making things up now are we ?

of course you can show me where I said that or bagged AFL ?

all I've done is rubbish your stupid arguments


making things up now are we ?

of course you can show me where I said that or bagged AFL ?

all I've done is rubbish your stupid arguments

The only thing worse than a bad troll is one who has to lie in the process of trolling.


First Grade
making things up now are we ?

of course you can show me where I said that or bagged AFL ?

all I've done is rubbish your stupid arguments

stupid posts? in what way?

fact is mate, if you cant see the difference in the 2 games you need help, the tackling in league is stronger yes, but its very different, the 360 degree comment you all find ridiculous is ridiculous, you do know what 360 degree means dont you? league has basiclly 180 degree pressure, theres a big difference and its a difference these players will stuggle with.


Staff member
stupid posts? in what way?

read back at the crap you've been posting

fact is mate, if you cant see the difference in the 2 games you need help, the tackling in league is stronger yes, but its very different, the 360 degree comment you all find ridiculous is ridiculous, you do know what 360 degree means dont you? league has basiclly 180 degree pressure, theres a big difference and its a difference these players will stuggle with.

no point in regurgitating the same crap that you've already posted

didn't make sense the first time, repeating it makes even less sense


intentcity said:
stupid posts? in what way?

fact is mate, if you cant see the difference in the 2 games you need help,

Don't be so bloody stupid.

Twizzle is a huge Aussie Rules fan who knows exactly what the difference is between the two games.

intentcity said:
the 360 degree comment you all find ridiculous is ridiculous, you do know what 360 degree means dont you? league has basiclly 180 degree pressure, theres a big difference and its a difference these players will stuggle with.

A bit like Jordan Lewis huh?