The fact that a code of football as allegedly as big as rugby league is in this country could have a ‘sugar hit’ in a State the size of WA says so much about the failure of the code’s administration to promote it and make it a truly national game.
I just don’t buy this viewership argument at all. If you can’t wrangle enough
supporters/consumers in a city of over two million people that says more about your product than anything else.
There’s also two other factors that people seem to be forgetting
1. We live in a society, due to technology, where societies are interconnected. People essentially move to anywhere in the world for career or lifestyle opportunities. We don’t live and die in the same suburb anymore.
2. People on here, including me hate fumbleball. They also might only watch rugby league. But that’s probably a minority. People can follow more than one sport at a time and there might be a whole lot of people who probably follow both fumbleball and league and have no particular aversion to either.
The only argument (to me) against Perth or most other expansion ideas is player talent/depth. Even then though every problem has a solution.