would you like some inside goss?
one of the eels officials gave us the word in NZ about three major injuries.
DYKES - has cracked rib cartilidge or something, very very painful, takes ages to heal.
possible season
CAYLESS - has a fracture from the pin that is holding that plate to his arm from last years injury. They don't want to risk it cos it could turn out like meniga, constant broken arms.
possible season
GURU - has detached a teeny tiny muscle near his pelvis. they keep thinking he'll be right, then it gets bad. dr johnson is sending him for more mri's this week. if the can't treat it then....... dum dum DUM....
possible season.
oh and
CANNINGS could be back soon.
i stress possibale, cos miricles can happen, but yea, thats what i was told guys..