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Irvine speaks


who was actually suprised that Stuart handed in his resignation?

c'mon really...I wasn't in the slightest.

The results here are only damaging his reputation...I was almost relieved even though I think he is a good coach.

Someone is lying.
If Irvine did sound out other coaches I can't really blame him...he'd be mad not to the way the team is going.
I hope he has been in Bennetts ear or even Goulds .

Maybe he was a lot less suprised by the resignation than me.

In saying that though he has denied contacting Brown right from the start.

If Brown is such a great mate of Rickys, Irvine will probably be the next to go.

Which puts Brown in a interesting situation.
He dobs , every other clubs board will see that as a bad thing.
He deny's it and Ricky and him will have issues.


carch, I've already responded to you once in a different post. I won't be posting anything on the forum.

must have missed the bit where you posted exactly what he has done wrong.
That is because you haven't ....and won't for fear of retribution.
Which is fair enough.

Yeah, members should know but since when, in any era, have the members been told the facts and the truth. You only ever get told what the teller wants you to hear. From either side. So that leaves people having to use their own sense of logic and having to following the principles based around the balance of probabilities

again you a probably right but I reckon you could trust the current board more then the last one.

Not on my part anymore. Sure I don't like him and I don't think he should ever of been put in the role of Chairman. You don't put 2 year olds in the Melbourne Cup. I could be hearing all the wrong things for all I know but carch, they are all things that have passed my ear in the last 3 months or so. Well after Elmer got into power and at around the time a steady stream of people started walking away from the joint.

That's the big picture to look at. Look at the place over the year since the footy started. It's as dysfunctional as it ever was. Possibly more so as never in the history of the club has then been this level of abandonment by highly skilled, senior employees. This year is different. Why?

The last lot were not held accountable for anything and fugged the club right up the arse to within an inch of it's life.

So? Has that worried you once over the last 4 years?

Not at all...same goes for Gallen ...can be the biggest dickhead on the field but I am glad he plays for the Sharks.

So ricky firing off after the fact is typical of him.
Doesn't mean I think he is a bad coach.

I have stuck up for the dude but he hasn't made it easy to do on occasions.


Post Whore
must have missed the bit where you posted exactly what he has done wrong.

You missed nothing. I haven't and won't be posting specifics or what may at this time be hearsay.

That is because you haven't ....and won't for fear of retribution.
Which is fair enough.

Yeah, the man is litigation crazy. Also though, I'm not going to post anything I hear because I am "nothing" and I have "no credibility". I'm a "troll". Remember.

again you a probably right but I reckon you could trust the current board more then the last one.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. You sound like Irvine wanting to put the ills of the world on the old board. carch, the club has been fugged since 1975 when they were first bailed out and looking to close. There has been a succession of boards since then and each one has walked into a poisoned chalice. The club has been "saved" on 2 or 3 occasions prior to this. The longest serving, most successful board was actually the one that got gazumped last year. So, although I was no great fan of the last board, I never saw the point in making change when it wasn't going to be, IMO for the better. And guess what, doesn't matter in the end who turns out to be the villain, things are not better. The place is dysfunctional with a capital D.

As to trust. The comparison you made is the current board against the most recently deposed board right? Consider this, the previous board was in tenure for 10 years and it was only in the last few that they started losing trust. This lot is losing trust after less than a year. That is bound to cause a whiff of a bad odour isn't it?


The last lot were not held accountable for anything and fugged the club right up the arse to within an inch of it's life.

They also held the place together for 10 years of tenure. They weren't all bad. Blaming them now for 40 odd years of bad luck, mismangement and whatever else is purely deflection by the current lot to cover up their own actions or non actions IMO

Not at all...same goes for Gallen ...can be the biggest dickhead on the field but I am glad he plays for the Sharks.

So ricky firing off after the fact is typical of him.
Doesn't mean I think he is a bad coach.

I have stuck up for the dude but he hasn't made it easy to do on occasions.

I don't understand why you mentioned it then. Seems out of context to the discussion


time will tell I guess.

..yet I still have no answer to what he has done.


I don't understand why you mentioned it then. Seems out of context to the discussion

I was responding to the fact that Ricky is only now coming out and saying stuff...once is done and dusted.

Same as it ever was.


First Grade
They also held the place together for 10 years of tenure. They weren't all bad. Blaming them now for 40 odd years of bad luck, mismangement and whatever else is purely deflection by the current lot to cover up their own actions or non actions IMO

The Board is and always will be a place of politics. No matter what government is in, they will always blame the preceding government before them for at least the first term in Government. The same thing happens at board.

But how can you honestly deny that the previous Board were not poor managers who almost ran the club into the ground? They effectively kept running us at a loss and created 10 million worth of debt - which was ok because of the development.


First Grade
Consider this, the previous board was in tenure for 10 years and it was only in the last few that they started losing trust

Not the way I remember it. They inherited a club that was doing good on and off the field when Gow was forced out and almost imediately made decisions that started and accelerated the slide.

They had a solid platform and f%^ked it imo.


First Grade
Frenzy you speak like a man who is truly ambivalent.

Are you going to go tonight and make these claims that Irvine has been lying? If its true the club will benefit from your calling him out.


Post Whore
Frenzy you speak like a man who is truly ambivalent.

Are you going to go tonight and make these claims that Irvine has been lying? If its true the club will benefit from your calling him out.

Firstly. That'd be because I am ambivalent. I told you that myself. You denied it at the time

Secondly. What lies has Irvine told? I don't recall writing here that he has lied. You're being a naughty little boy newman and making things up to suit your agenda.


Post Whore
The Board is and always will be a place of politics. No matter what government is in, they will always blame the preceding government before them for at least the first term in Government. The same thing happens at board.

But how can you honestly deny that the previous Board were not poor managers who almost ran the club into the ground? They effectively kept running us at a loss and created 10 million worth of debt - which was ok because of the development.

You're a bit muddled there Frailty but I know what you mean. The previous board in the last few years of their tenure were seemingly bad managers. I haven't said otherwise and in fact said I wasn't a fan of them.

However they are gone and the buck stops with the new lot. History books won't show who was in power the year before the club dies.


First Grade
Firstly. That'd be because I am ambivalent. I told you that myself. You denied it at the time

Hahaha. That was me being sarcastic. Ambivalent people dont get elbows deep in arguments with all comers and type out lengthy transcripts for no other reason than their own interests.

So I will take it that you are not going tonight. If you are there come and say Gday.


I am not part of the Chairman's camp, mouthpiece or any such thing.

I do have a problem when there are two sides to a story and only one side of the story going out into the media.

I think that this is a classic case of the old vs new.

Stuart and Fisk are the old guard and have always run thing their own way on their terms. Both have been a very big part in turning the club around. Fisk had no direct involvement in saving the sharks from closing the doors, but his ability to assist in getting sponsors on board cannot be questioned. In that respect he did play a huge part in saving the club.

The current Board have absolutely 100% backed Stuart all the way. They had too, even if we wanted another coach, we as a club couldn't afford it. The same loyalty wasn't shown in return.

Someone has posted a very accurate description of what took place. The only problem is that the names are around the wrong way.

For mine, there will be two key points:

1. The financial outcome at the AGM this evening
2. See what players the Club can sign in the immediate future for next season.


what was said DI?
A caller from Como Jannali JRLFC came on after & wanted 2 questions asked.
Why did the club stop paying the 80k per year for the shire JRL referees.
2. Why has no Cronulla player or coach ever gone to the CJJRLFC

I can answer that.
The club is broke. pay for its yourself ya cheap como merkin.
COMO is a merkin of a place.


And some old pisshead threw a schooner glass at me when I played for Gymea back in the 70's.

f**k Como

Declared Idiot #88


Hughes asked him about the 4 resignations. Said they weren't linked and he has full support of board. Confirmed the spray ricky gave him on sat nite and said it was a mistake of his to go into sheds. Mott left after 15 yrs to spend time with grandchildren. Denied any link at all with all leaving. Said we will survive and when asked if we will announce high profile signings he said yes we will. Also said that players have approached sharks about playing under flanagan

Also that the sharks may use john osbourne in the future in a consultancy role

Was disappointed in fisk and rickys comments and that as far as he knew he had a good relatioship with all 4 leavers


what was said DI?
A caller from Como Jannali JRLFC came on after & wanted 2 questions asked.
Why did the club stop paying the 80k per year for the shire JRL referees.
2. Why has no Cronulla player or coach ever gone to the CJJRLFC

I can answer that.
The club is broke. pay for its yourself ya cheap como merkin.
COMO is a merkin of a place.


Its good to see after everything still going on people can still find time to rip on Como.

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