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Is Muralitharan touring Australia?


I haven't really heard anything about this, but i do remember his big cry when the crowd were taunting him and yelling "no-ball" at the MCG about never visiting Australia again.

Anyway, the odds are, with his current average of about 5 wickets a test match, he is poised to overtake courtney walsh's all time test wicket taking record in about half a dozen tests, and if he tours here, it will be at one of the Australian grounds.

The guy will absolutely smash all bowling records and whilst the ICC have changed the rules so that he can't be called for chucking during a match and only ever investigate his action when he is in the nets (where he can bowl without turning it for all they care). He has even developed a new delivery which spins the other way and is a blatant throw. He will easily take 1000+ test wickets and will never be overtaken.
His record doesn't count for squat as he's not a bowler… he's a chucker and a good chucker at that.

Both Aktar and Lee have been known to bent their arm on their faster balls as well. Aktar more so then Lee.


If you can chuck the balls as well as he can then I will admit he has an illegal action.

It still takes skill to do what he has done.

If he doesn't tour Australia, then id could amensly affect his push for most test wickets of all time. (The other contender being Warney)


First Grade
Sheez. It's because of dickheads like you guys that he doesn't tour this country. Get over it you chumps... his action is legal. The end.


Azkatro said:
Sheez. It's because of dickheads like you guys that he doesn't tour this country. Get over it you chumps... his action is legal. The end.
lol, thanks mr. cricket guru. You obviously are not in a position to comment because quite clearly you have not seen his revamped action.


Earl said:
If you can chuck the balls as well as he can then I will admit he has an illegal action.

It still takes skill to do what he has done.
Roger Clemens is skillful too, but has no place in cricket. Skillful? yes, but thats not the point.

Your challenge is irrelevant. I myself certainly can't throw the ball as well as he does. But one thing is for sure, i deliver a LOT better offies chucking it than i do bowling it.


syphon said:
The guy will absolutely smash all bowling records and whilst the ICC have changed the rules so that he can't be called for chucking during a match and only ever investigate his action when he is in the nets (where he can bowl without turning it for all they care).
The thing is that it looks like he is throwing it to the naked eye even when he bowls in the nets and he doesnt extend his arm. Umpires can't differentiate between his so called legal and illegal deliveries because the umpire has to look at where is foot is landing too. Thats why they took those powers away from the umpire.


First Grade
syphon said:
Azkatro said:
Sheez. It's because of dickheads like you guys that he doesn't tour this country. Get over it you chumps... his action is legal. The end.
lol, thanks mr. cricket guru. You obviously are not in a position to comment because quite clearly you have not seen his revamped action.

How do you know what I have and haven't seen? The bottom line is, it's been investigated to death and proven to be fine scientifically. And as far as support from the cricketing world goes, The Don said he was a champion bowler and AB says he's alright, so that's good for me too.


Azkatro said:
How do you know what I have and haven't seen? The bottom line is, it's been investigated to death and proven to be fine scientifically. And as far as support from the cricketing world goes, The Don said he was a champion bowler and AB says he's alright, so that's good for me too.
i know you havent seen him recently because you are still harping over circumstances when he was last analysed. his action was analysed 4-5 years ago at last count and has changed further since then. It was also in the nets where he knew he was being scrutinised. Is he going to try and rip them under those circumstances? And its pretty obvious Don, not only hasnt seen him recently, but comments how he is a good bowler, not on the legality of the delivery. You'd be naive to think anyone with a high profile in world cricket, like AB for instance, is going to openly question his action. Gilchrist and Hussain have done so but have been threatened by the ICC for doing so. Sri Lanka for a while now have been untouchable and to a lesser extent India and Pakistan, because of the threats to breakaway to form a rebel competition, so the ICC has been bending to their wills r the last 10 years.

and in regards to that poster above, that is not the reason that the powers were taken away from the umpire because the square leg umpire more often than not called him. It was a move made after his action was cleared in net conditions so literally now someone an stand and throw the ball baseball style and not be called.


Azkatro said:
The bottom line is, it's been investigated to death and proven to be fine scientifically.
This ridiculous argument can be used for drug cheats too. Ian Thorpe has been drug tested to death so obviously there is no need to retest him in the future. Bet Shane Warne wished that was the case.


Staff member
We've done this on previous threads.

We all agree to disagree.

Get over it.