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Johns was overlooked as Aust Captain because of Drug Use- Newcastle covered it up


Le KooK said:
Andrew Johns admits to a decade-long drug habit......

And it's Wayne Bennett's fault.

One of your best, Misty...
you are so far off the mark of the actual point of misty's post it blows my mind. misty didn't even insinuate bennett was at fault for anything - just that he may or may not have been silenced on the issue by someone higher up.

hopeless.. you are hopeless..


First Grade
Misty Bee said:
One thing bugs me though. When Wayne Bennet was in control of the Kangaroos, he (quite admirably) raised the problem of excessive alcohol consumption by some of the code's elite. If the revelation by Webcke and Tallis listed above is correct (I have no reason to doubt it), why didn't Wayne make a song and dance about drugs as well?

My guess? cover up at the highest levels. They'd cop a well intentioned Bennet raising the grog issue, but not the drugs. In light of problems ranging from Craig Field's days, to Coffs Harbour, to Gaz's phone calls to various pub fights and brawls and anti social behaviour, it could have done merious damage to the game. Sadly, the drugs issue is something that ALWAYS has to be dealt with at some stage, and the highest levels will always be the most acountable. I wouldn't be surprised if we see Gallop fall, if it is proved that he knew about drug problems with senior players, and failed to either weed them out or co-ordinate rehabilitation.

You're not quite clear there Misty. Are you insinuating that Bennett let the drug problem slide or are you insinuating that you feel he either did/didn't raise it as he knew the NRL/ARL wouldn't have the balls to take action?


salivor said:
You're not quite clear there Misty. Are you insinuating that Bennett let the drug problem slide or are you insinuating that you feel he either did/didn't raise it as he knew the NRL/ARL wouldn't have the balls to take action?
it's perfectly clear... unless you think bennett is at the highest level in the game.


Misty Bee said:
My guess? cover up at the highest levels. They'd cop a well intentioned Bennet raising the grog issue, but not the drugs


First Grade
perverse said:
it's perfectly clear... unless you think bennett is at the highest level in the game.


Calm down sweet cheeks, I'm asking Misty a question, how about you let him answer it.


What a load of crapola.

The only person who let AJ down is AJ.

The only person responsible for AJ taking drugs is AJ.

If it turned out a bronco player took an E you sure as hell wouldnt see me typing dozens of limp wristed posts trying to make all the excuses under the world for him.

Talk about sad...
I think we need to look more in Chris Anderson's direction. Bennett stopped the Roos from partying too much in 04-05 in the UK. Ando was old school, open slather, let's get on the piss as much as we like style. Remember Mason's comment? About how they were just going on a tiki tour around Europe getting pissed every night on 03.


salivor said:
Calm down sweet cheeks, I'm asking Misty a question, how about you let him answer it.
sweet cheeks? right..

fair enough though, misty care to needlessly explain yourself?

oh and locky - the concept of this discussion is clearly going way over your head. we're talking cover ups and conspiracies here.. not about who's to blame for andrew johns taking drugs.


First Grade
Considering how the last sentence of Misty's first paragraph is worded, I can see how Le Kook could take it that way hence asking for clarification from Misty. You seem a little rattled with getting clarification, you seem rattled in general, perhaps you should have a lie down.


salivor said:
Considering how the last sentence of Misty's first paragraph is worded, I can see how Le Kook could take it that way hence asking for clarification from Misty. You seem a little rattled with getting clarification, you seem rattled in general, perhaps you should have a lie down.
i jumped the gun a little ill admit, i just completely fail to see how there is any doubt over what misty has posted - it clearly raises question marks over the administration of the game, not bennett... he's an extremely minor player in the issue.

Mr Saab

Roy Masters has to look at some of his timeline facts.

Johns was made Aust captain in 2002 for the 64-10 smashing of GB.
He was injured by Luke Bailey in the semi and Tallis was made captain for a one off game later in the yr.
Johns came back as captain in 2003...then was injured again with his neck issue (who knows if it was injury though) and Lockyer was made captain of the 2003 roo tour and has been captain ever since, one off injury permitting.


What Misty implies is that Bennett was reticent in his duty of care to the players on that Kangaroo tour - he is accusing him of hypocrisy.

Funnily enough the coach who should be under the public spotlight as to their knowledge/actions in the Johns scandal is the bloke currently coaching Misty's mob...


First Grade
perverse said:
i jumped the gun a little ill admit, i just completely fail to see how there is any doubt over what misty has posted - it clearly raises question marks over the administration of the game, not bennett... he's an extremely minor player in the issue.

That's how I read it as well from Misty's second paragraph but as I said, I can see how it can be read differently when you consider Misty isn't exactly Bennett's biggest fan.

Who knows what has and hasn't been said. I'm sure the NRL/ARL have been and are aware that there is a problem but to what extent and have they been maybe a little naive? Who knows. I think the real issue is the in-house testing and the fact that clubs have no obligation to inform the NRL of positive tests. There's no way Andrew Johns and Newcastle are the only parties involved in this, we've all heard the rumours of high profile players having in house tests swept under the carpet, it's potentially a huge can of worms that I don't see the game wanting to open any time soon.


First Grade
Joety took the drugs, and is suffereing the consequences for it. That is just, and he accepts it. Typically, it sounds like it's all left up to the family unit to deal with. Tragically, few organisations have the knowledge, the power, the people and the ability to tackle this issue and drive drugs out of their stars, and help them onto a better track. There wasn't a bigger cash cow to the game than Joey, and no-one that could have done anything, did.

Joey wasn't helped by the code because he was Joey. Like him or not, the code let him down.

What are the consequences of drug use (note he has NOT abused drugs) that he has faced? He received a warning and record in the UK. His image has been tarnished. But he still has his family, and the money that he has made from the game, as well as all the trophies and sponsorship he got on the way.

Whilst there is a social issue that Johns could not help, you can not take away all responsibility from Johns on this issue. The game didn't let Johns down, they have one of the best drug policies in sport, the club may have let Johns down, but Johns also let Johns down.

And as for the use of drug abuse, why does everyone think it is drug abuse rather than drug use?

Misty Bee

First Grade
There are three certainties in life. Death, taxes, and Queensland paranioa. Please, issue an OAM to Le Kook for this astute observation: The biggest issue with the Andrew Johns drug revelation is how it makes Wayne Bennet look. You f**king wombat!!!!!

This issue cuts far higher than normal cross club internet baiting. If Bennet and Tallis end uplooking like angels, then I'd absolutely applaud them for it.

What I'm suggesting is what Perverse clearly understood. Salivor, you tried really hard, but just had to look for the invisible monster under the bed. Lucky Tallis didn't mention that sometimes he acted as a playmaker, or all hell would have broken loose!

Frailty said:
Whilst there is a social issue that Johns could not help, you can not take away all responsibility from Johns on this issue. The game didn't let Johns down, they have one of the best drug policies in sport, the club may have let Johns down, but Johns also let Johns down.

F**king oath it did, if his book reveals that Joey had Bi-Polar disorder. For a code that has the ability to -

Employ barristers at the judiciary fighting for a fringe first graders rights to beat a charge to play Souths next weekend,

Have the elite of the medical profession on call to treat injuries,

Provides employment for a swag of sports psychologists,

Is up to date with world best practice drug testing procedures, and the effects of all kinds of drugs on the human body,

- pleading ignorance when it's biggest drawcard is battling on of the greatest demons in mental health, and REFUSES TO ACT IN HIS BEST INTERESTS, is criminal and utterly negligent.

To put it another way:

Joey uses drugs = Joey kets kick up the arse.

Joey suffers from a major mental disorder = Joey needs professional help.

Joey is copping his punishment, and will cop more. Those that could have helped him, and didn't, get away scott free.

If Bi Polar disorder is the issue, the NRL and his club have neglected their duty of care. There was a diagnosis in 2002. The club must have known about it.


First Grade
To put it another way:

Joey uses drugs = Joey kets kick up the arse.

Joey suffers from a major mental disorder = Joey needs professional help.

Joey is copping his punishment, and will cop more. Those that could have helped him, and didn't, get away scott free.

If Bi Polar disorder is the issue, the NRL and his club have neglected their duty of care. There was a diagnosis in 2002. The club must have

Glad you read my post misty as I suggested the CLUB had a responsibility and NOT the game itself...

What is Joey's punishment? Really I'd like to know, because if he is getting punishment, we may as well let everyone who has used drugs live the life that he has!

I am sure that there are plenty of players with bipolar or depression, just like in public. Unfortunately, NO ONE can help until the person themselves want help. Johns has said himself, he hadn't thought about it until now.

Johns 'problem' is a storm in a tea cup. There are so many people worse off who no one will do anything for and no one cares, and because he played a sport, we all expect everyone to help him. Johns is Johns' responsibility, and no one can help him until he wants help.


Seems to me, a lot of people wanted to help Joey, but did not have the power to do so, but warned the relevant people who did have the power (his family, management, club etc). So IMO, those people close to him were the ones who let him down the most.


First Grade
Misty Bee said:
What I'm suggesting is what Perverse clearly understood. Salivor, you tried really hard, but just had to look for the invisible monster under the bed. Lucky Tallis didn't mention that sometimes he acted as a playmaker, or all hell would have broken loose!

I asked you a simple question and you haven't been able to do it without acting like a child. I got all the clarification I needed, not that I didn't already know you were a prat.


First Grade
icewind said:
Seems to me, a lot of people wanted to help Joey, but did not have the power to do so, but warned the relevant people who did have the power (his family, management, club etc). So IMO, those people close to him were the ones who let him down the most.

As far as I was aware his Family were aware and did tell Andrew to get help.
The club seemed to not do anything, and I wouldn't go as far as saying the NRL knew... But again, no one can help until Johns wanted help.


First Grade
Misty Bee said:
That's the only kind you are capable of asking. :crazy:

This from the man who felt Shane (or was it Adam?) Perry was a hidden talent being held back :lol:

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