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Langer may not play on Saturday


Heres the story:

Broncos plan for Alf's absence
Thursday 26 September 2002
THE Broncos are making contingency plans for a possible late change to their line-up and are claiming underdog status for the rugby league grand final qualifier against the Roosters at Aussie Stadium on Saturday.
The Broncos, who were beaten 28-18 by the Roosters six weeks ago, covered for the possible loss of veteran halfback Allan Langer by running Phil Lee, Shaun Berrigan and Casey McGuire in the halves in the club's final Brisbane training run yesterday.
Langer accompanied the team to Sydney yesterday afternoon but he may have to return to Brisbane at short notice if his father Harry's condition deteriorates.
Harry Langer, 68, has been battling cancer for five years and was admitted to hospital last Sunday. Allan visited his father yesterday before flying to Sydney.
In the second half of the training run at Red Hill, Langer was a spectator as Lee and Berrigan in particular worked as the halfback/five-eighth combination.
Broncos forward Carl Webb (calf) was ruled out but Brisbane took 19 players to Sydney with McGuire and Neale Wyatt the 18th and 19th men.

Put aside your hate for the man, its a tough time he must be going through, probably not the best state of mind to be in heading into a game of this size. My best wishes to the Langer family and I hope his father can make a recovery.


Assistant Moderator
from: http://www.leagueunlimited-online.com/

<table align=center border=1 bordercolor=#006699 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 width="95%"> <tbody> <tr> <td align=middle bgcolor=#1b7cad width="100%">Langer Rules Himself Out of Roosters Clash</td></tr></tbody></table>
<table align=center border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 width="95%"> <tbody> <tr> <td align=left width="50%">Written by:Michael Edgar</td> <td align=left width="50%"> </td> <tr> <td align=left width="100%">26/9/02</td></tr> <tr> <td></td></tr> <tr> <td align=left width="100%">Send this article to a friend</td></tr> <tr> <td></td></tr> <tr> <td align=left width="100%">Champion Broncos halfback, Allan Langer, has ruled himself out of this weekend’s elimination semi final against the Roosters to be with father, Harry, who is hospitalised in Brisbane suffering with cancer.
At this stage no official announcement has been forthcoming on who will be Langer’s replacement but the Broncos did train with Phillip Lee and Shaun Berrigan as their halves combination yesterday before flying to Sydney.
Casey Maguire and Neale Wyatt travelled with the team to Sydney as standby replacements while bullocking forward Carl Webb, has been ruled out with a calf injury.
The Roosters have not made any changes to the side at this stage but do have Shannon Hegarty and Luke Phillips at their disposal. Both players are returning from injuries with the current team's form the only thing keeping them out of the side.


Here's a question for you guys that run League Unlimited-Online, after reading bronco's post and Willow's post above.
Do you all have reporters who work for you all (like the media outlets)who hunt down various league and sports stories, or do you guys just 'copy' the stories from other media sources, including the internet, and just re-word the articles and post it up.
Just curious.
I'm not questioning your credibility or legitimicy (sp). :))



Assistant Moderator
Thats Ok Outlaw. In short, we get our articles from wherever we can.

Firstly, we get media releases from the various outlets. Namely, NRL clubs, the NRL itself, the NSWRL and a number of ESL clubs as well. There are a few others too. The list of media sources is growing every week.

Secondly, we get articles sent directly by contributors. These are just people like any of us here who go to games. Everyone has a specialty. When it was in the news, my specialty was Kogarah Jubilee and by going to meetings and talking to those directly involved, anyone can get an insight into the goings on and can submit qualified articles.
As a result, we get to know people who are 'in the business'.

Thirdly, we have contra deals with other websites where we'source' each others material. This is a great way of pooling resources and spreading the word of RL. Naturally, we credit the source and the others credit us.

Finally, we do what any other site does and listen to the radio, watch TV and surf the net. I know for a fact that this is a common way for all media outlets to get there stuff. Its usually to do with items of common knowlege. Breaking news stories is something we try to do for ourselves.
We've seen our stories appear elsewhere almost verbatim. This is fine by me although we'd allow them to source the material if they simply asked.

So basically, its a combination of things. The trick is managing it all and bringing all the resources together into one place.
The great news is that its growing at a fast pace. There are a core of five people who run the site and sometimes I can't keep up with the flow of ideas. Its all very exciting.

Just on a final note, if anyone ever wants to submit an article, or a point of view, they only need to send it in. This can be done by joining the site members area at LUO or by simply sending it by email.

Thanks for the interest.


Assistant Moderator
Sorry, I forgot to mention the NZRL connection in my second paragraph. The Kiwis will string me up for that oversight. ;)


Good question Outlaw and I can almost confirm we will have a sports journalist from channel seven writing for us next year but if you keep your ear to the ground you'd be amazed at what you hear.

I have a source close to the Bulldogs who told me a while back about NTG pulling the pin on their sponsorship well before it broke publiclyand some of the reasons why they pulled the pinthat were never released to the public. I also got an invite to the Sharks BBQ yesterday but my real work wouldnt give me the time off.:mad:

In short, people in Rugby League have made an assessment of our website and they see us as a serious website committed to covering Rugby League which is quite an honour considering we have only been around for less than six months.

So if anyone wants to lend a hand, just let us know and we'd be more than happy to accomodate you.:D


Why are you guys so quick to use the word "hate"?
I am sure no one hates Alf,some may dislike some of his tactics but its only a game of football and not worth hating anyone over.
I,m sure everyone wishes Alf,s dad well.
In the eighties,after an SOO game in Sydney,Wally Lewis,wife wrote that "you could feel the hate in the crowd".I was at the same game and thought the mood of the crowd was quite jovial.One of us was obviously wrong.
Let,s give the paranoia a rest.


Well considering you can't talk about anything Langer related or Broncos related on this forum without being jumped upon some people do have issues with the man and club but hate probably is a strong word.
Also some of the crap that has come up in the chatroom about the guy is a bit worrying, now I just laugh it off because it was getting pretty pathetic.


Assistant Moderator
Bronco: "some of the crap that has come up in the chatroom about the guy is a bit worrying"
Why is it worrying? Doesn't worry me at all.


Willow you've been spending too much time around El Duque. The simple fact is that I put that original comment on this post because I didn't know what kind of reception the post would recieve.


Assistant Moderator
Bronco.. You worry too much. El Duque and I just good friends... nothing more..

"I didn't know what kind of reception the post would recieve."
I would never lay the boot into a bloke when he's down. I leave that sort of stuff to certain short, balding half backs. ;)


I don't like to sway away from thread topics, and I apologise to bronco in advancefor doing so, but Outlaw's question and the answers both Willow and legend posted, have me interested and curious about something.
I maybe well off track here, so please bare with my query...
So are you two gentleman (Willow and legend)saying that anyone can write a league related article and post it up for all too see on the Legue Unlimited Online web page?
What are the guidelines and R&amp;R's?
A detailed reply covering all areaswould be appreciated by yours truely. I'm certainly somewhat interested, and I may speak for others also.
"Well considering you can't talk about anything Langer related or Broncos related on this forum without being jumped upon..."

I couldn't agree more. On this message board, it's a waste of time trying to have a rational discussion onanything related to the Broncos or Langer.


Assistant Moderator
Thats ok Ryback. You write about anything that takes your fancy. Its not restricted to just match reports or RL news items, although we do get a lot of that, we also have articles from people offering their thoughts on a certain RL subject. A few more passionate than others. It could be about salary cap issues or about the how good (or bad) the meat pies are at footy games. Its up to you.

The only criteria is that we don't accept anything which is slanderous or is a direct cut and paste from another site (without permission).

To submit the article yourself, you can go to http://www.leagueunlimited-online.com/and 'Join the Team'... Thelinks are there.
Any article submitted goes into to admin area to be activated after we check it out.
Alternatively, you can send it via email to media@leagueunlimited-online.com
Be sure to include your name (or the name you want to use) and an email address.


MM I know that we're not the only ones who feel this way and I think its sad that this forum now has virtually no Broncos discussion. Just look at some of the great posters here that are Broncos fans, Cryptic Messenger, Vertigo, Kiwi and yourself Mystery Man to name a few. We don't get to hear any of their views on the Broncos.


Assistant Moderator
"...it's a waste of time trying to have a rational discussion onanything related to the Broncos or Langer"
With respect, anything said against Langer was always met with aggression to the point where it became difficult to discuss it rationally. Subsequently, it just became easier to joke about it.

Besides, there have been some worthy debates about Langer and the Broncos in recent times... so I'll take you task on that.
I think the issues of Langer's tackling style and how he was given preferential treatment this year by the judiciary are rational issues. Its just that you don't want to hear it.


What do you mean you don,t accept anything slanderous?I,m pretty sure I slandered a certain referee after the Parra v.Newcastle game.I certainly meant to.


Assistant Moderator
IMO, the LWOS forum by its very nature can afford to be more... how should we say it... expressive with certain viewpoints. The boundaries for slander are a little wider.
If you want to call someone a cheat, you're just as likey to have someone challenge you on it. So alls fair in love and war.

But when publishing articles on LUO,there exists no opportunity for immediate reply, so we have to be more discerning. Having said that, if we have a certain referee who has obviously lost the plot, there are certain ways of describing this while leaving it up the reader to make up their own mind. Any discussion on censorship is always dicey so thanks for asking. ;)

In any case, its considered unacceptable to publish anything on LUO which can attract litigation. You know, like bringing player's sexual preferences into question or exhibiting clear-cut racism or saying that Alfiecan't play. How may cans of worms do you want to open? ;)

El Duque

"or saying that Alfiecan't play"

Hmmm but Alfie was allowed to sing St George can't play so I don't see how their could be any litigation if someone wrote that in an article.It would be just their opinion.