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League players and the Comm/Olympic Games

Te Kaha

First Grade
You stupid gimp. There is about 5 people on the planet that could tackle Hayne one on one with the space availale on the 7's field. Ditto Inglis. Besides you wouldn't need 7 NRL players, in fact you'd only need 3. A bloke to catch it and pass it to Fui Fui, and a decoy. So in theory you could do it with Luke Burt (catcher) and Brett Finch (decoy). Burt, Moi Moi and Finch would smash them in attack. Add Hindy and Michael Luck for defence. Sorry, that makes 5!

You are dumber than pigsh*t... every post you make shows how pathetic and stupid you really are... moi moi?? wouldnt last a minute and a half... how would these players get any ball?

I could easily name 100 league players who could make up a winning Olympic Union 7's side, but seriously any League player that needs 3 players to nullify him (ie almost half the opposition 7's team) would kill it.
Just like all those league players who became the best in their position in Rugby when they switched... oh hang on.. thats none of them.

Mateo and his offload.
Benji and his kangaroo hop
Anyone running off Thurston, Prince or Heather
M Mini in his prelim final form
Jennings and Gordon
Gaz and his shimmy shimmy shake
Carney (before or after the pub)
etc etc etc
Despite your wet dream about the "shimmy shimmy shake".. f**k you are dumb... funny how Gaz didnt "dominate" when he played Rugby in france and yet you think he will against internationals.

All you need to do is break a tackle. Or draw 2 and offload. And regardless of what training one needs to do, the NRL/ESL guys could eat it. Why? Because of the QUALITY of the opposition. Face it, if these guys are sevens players and sevens players only, they must be crap. Why? Because they can't even get a gig in a Super 12! Plenty of NRL reserve graders have forged great Super 12 carers. If you can't get in the Super 12, what's the choice? QLD Cup or Union 7's.
Again you dont know what you are talking about.. Super 12? there hasnt been a super 12 in a few years... and yes the gold medal winning team are Professional 7's players... and they are payed very well to travel the world playing 7's for the most part they chose not to play Super 14 and and played 7's instead.

The Cowboys pack would be undefeated 7's champions as sure as Greg Inglis has a beer gut. Therefore, a DECENT selection from the NRL would be murderous.:lol:
And yet no NRL player has manged to top the world playing Rugby.... but you of course not having watched or followed Rugby instantly know different... you are not only stupid you are geniused.(sorry to those who are geniused, i didnt mean to insult you by including this idiot among you)

History has shown SG Ball level players an be wallabies in 18 months - courtesy of Mr. D Macrae and Mr B Barnes. And fat low old Andy Farrell can rise from whinging pommy slob to a Union great without much disturbance of his waist line.
No different to NZ Rugby players becoming Kiwis in less than 18 months.... oh and when Farrell played for England they were thrashed in the world cup opener.. after they dumped him they made the final..

The Union trolls make me laugh at their conviction of their stupidity :lol::lol:/
And you would know about stupid.. im surprised you even manage to breath... having mummy to feed you must help you thru the day tho.


You are dumber than pigsh*t... every post you make shows how pathetic and stupid you really are... moi moi?? wouldnt last a minute and a half... how would these players get any ball?

You act like union 7's is a super fast paced game way faster than the NRL but it's not. It's actually very slow. Constant stoppages and breakdowns, frequent tries means even more frequent rests. It's a 14 minute game with the ball in play for about 6.

Just like all those league players who became the best in their position in Rugby when they switched... oh hang on.. thats none of them.
Why is this myth perpetuated? Just about every player thats gone over has ended up playing for the national team. In England Robinson was considered the #1 winger in the world plus captain of England. The most recent Super League player to go over was a stand out and the top try scorer too. In Aus just about every player to go over, even the Jim Beam cup players and failed Jersey Flegg players, have gone on to represent the Wallabies. For f**ks sake, Rocky Elsom is the CAPTAIN. and players like Tuquiri and Sailor are apparently failures despite there 100 tests.

Despite your wet dream about the "shimmy shimmy shake".. f**k you are dumb... funny how Gaz didnt "dominate" when he played Rugby in france and yet you think he will against internationals.
He didn't? This is what his coach said about him:

"Stade Francais forwards coach Fabrice Landreau, an interested spectator at Sydney Roosters training yesterday. Landreau, who admits he had not heard of Gasnier before he quit the Dragons to join Stade Francais, said he and Williams had made an impact in their first season. "For us, Mark Gasnier is fantastic," he said. "He is a brilliant player, he is very skilful and one-on-one he is the best. He can pass on the left and the right and he is very clever."

ONE ON ONE HE IS THE BEST. What a failure huh? Oh and I love how a union coach is impressed that a player can pass both ways. :lol:

Anyone who thinks these amateur chumps can hold a candle to the likes of Hayne in 7's has rocks in there head.
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Te Kaha - Nice little tantrum, but argument is this:
Union 7's players are netter than NRL players
We know this because No NRL player has become an all time great in Union 15's
No Union 7's player playes Union 15's.

Funny, I would have thought that carving up in test matches against 15 opponents would make it easy to carve up when you take 8 of those opponents off.

Of course, League players would never get the ball. What, there's no kick offs? Kick off, catch, give it to Fui, avert eyes to avoid the carnage, then get ready to convert the try. Kick and convert. Recieve kick off, give it to Fui.......

You may have an argument about a League XV winning ball off a Union XV because of the archaic world of scrummaging, and League's lack of experience with lineouts. But this is SEVENS. Smash, dropped ball. Or Tackle, rip ball out from defender (we know how to strip). There are not 6 fat thugs protecting the ruck in 7's like in 15's.

Anyway, how much is a pro sevens player paid? I'd bet the remnents of your left testicle that it aint the $1 million per annum available in Stupid 12 (or whatever number it is nowdays)


You are dumber than pigsh*t... every post you make shows how pathetic and stupid you really are... moi moi?? wouldnt last a minute and a half... how would these players get any ball?
Compared to you, Pigsh*t is Albert Einstein after a litre of Red Bull. You are a fair dinkum window washer.

Just like all those league players who became the best in their position in Rugby when they switched... oh hang on.. thats none of them.
They weren't the best in League either, but they shat all over their opponents in Yawnion. When they got the ball that is.

Despite your wet dream about the "shimmy shimmy shake".. f**k you are dumb... funny how Gaz didnt "dominate" when he played Rugby in france and yet you think he will against internationals.
Aside from you forgetting that 7 isn't 15 (look on your fingers ffs - you have 7 on each hand, that makes only 14 in total gimp), Gaz did enough to earn another contract, so obviously French Yawnion money men thought differently that you.

Again you dont know what you are talking about.. Super 12? there hasnt been a super 12 in a few years... and yes the gold medal winning team are Professional 7's players... and they are payed very well to travel the world playing 7's for the most part they chose not to play Super 14 and and played 7's instead.
:lol: I could fertilise the Royal Botanic Gardens for a year with that crap! CHOSE not to play Super "insert random number" - do not rep union players travel the world? I thought you lot had a team in every port, so to speak? So sevens - a novelty gimick - is more widespread than 15 a side Union. Interesting.

And yet no NRL player has manged to top the world playing Rugby.... but you of course not having watched or followed Rugby instantly know different... you are not only stupid you are geniused.(sorry to those who are geniused, i didnt mean to insult you by including this idiot among you)
Seeing Dunbcan Macrae walk from Souths reserve grade into the Wallabies run-on side tells me otherwise. Wendell, the man who couldn't score in Origin, and the man Freddy always kicked to b ecause he was crap - became Union's most recognised and advertised player, and a Wallaby stalwhart for years. If League players where crap, how come Union never elevated their players when they could tempt a League reject?

No different to NZ Rugby players becoming Kiwis in less than 18 months.... oh and when Farrell played for England they were thrashed in the world cup opener.. after they dumped him they made the final..
Dunno which Kiwi you refer to, Kirwan? - the Kiwis have been desperate at times though, ask Nathan Fein's grandmother.

And you would know about stupid.. im surprised you even manage to breath... having mummy to feed you must help you thru the day tho.
Yes it does actually. Poor old mum, battles around with her walking frame, and the pension doesn't pay much. Luckily there is that $600k per season offer to play wing for the Crusaders available to her. Trouble is the grovelling Union officials begging her to join make it hard for her not to trip over them on her way to Bingo.........


Shiznit and Parra - ffs I could name about 5 Australian 7's sides that would flog anything that touched an oval all in Delhi in the past fortnight. To suggest that the Union players were fitter - :lol:

Tell me, what would the Union 7 be worth on the open maret compared to:

1 Slater
2 Hayne
3 Tequiri
4 Carney
5 Taylor
6 Thaiday
7 Farah

And the only reason Yawnion is in the olympics is because Pommy toffs are running the show. It's London, not places that have never heard of Union such as Beijing, Athens, Atlanta or Western Sydney. The host nation gets a few sports to chose. The Twickers leather patch brigade jumped in quicker than you could say "Oh no, my chauffeur is late bringing the Bentley home from Lord Cockface's garden party!"

No wonder the local didn't turn up. They got a sniff early on that no athletes were participating.

Replace Farah with Marshall and that side would kill the other teams. Marshall and Carney are the playmakers, feed the ball to the backs and run it themselves. Taylor and Thaiday are more than capable in attack but can hit holes and are fairly hard to tackle. All the backs are strong and agile and will cause troubles for anyone.


This assessment was by no means unanimous. There are many better backs than Lote & he could only play the one position.

Te Kaha

First Grade
Compared to you, Pigsh*t is Albert Einstein after a litre of Red Bull. You are a fair dinkum window washer.
They weren't the best in League either, but they shat all over their opponents in Yawnion. When they got the ball that is.
Is that right moron... so if they "shat all over their opponents" how come they were never no 1? for the umpteenth time in this thread you are wrong... story of your life.... funny how after 2002, where the Wannabies have have the bulk of their League converts, they havent won a world cup, tri nations or Bedisloe cup... but by your moronic reasoning "shat all over their opponents"

Aside from you forgetting that 7 isn't 15 (look on your fingers ffs - you have 7 on each hand, that makes only 14 in total gimp), Gaz did enough to earn another contract, so obviously French Yawnion money men thought differently that you.
you cant count either???? its five fingers on each hand... oh wait.. that explains your stupidity... the inbreeding you have suffered has not only made you geniused its added fingers to your hands... And Gaz was a good player.. he still couldnt beat the best rugby players... yet you say he did... wrong again.

:lol: I could fertilise the Royal Botanic Gardens for a year with that crap! CHOSE not to play Super "insert random number" - do not rep union players travel the world? I thought you lot had a team in every port, so to speak? So sevens - a novelty gimick - is more widespread than 15 a side Union. Interesting.
A novelty gimick?? its an Olympic sport... and yes players choose it.. just because a muppet like you calls it a "gimick" doesnt make it so.

Seeing Dunbcan Macrae walk from Souths reserve grade into the Wallabies run-on side tells me otherwise. Wendell, the man who couldn't score in Origin, and the man Freddy always kicked to b ecause he was crap - became Union's most recognised and advertised player, and a Wallaby stalwhart for years. If League players where crap, how come Union never elevated their players when they could tempt a League reject?
I have never call League players crap.. only you have... The ARU in its stupidity bought players instead of investing in development.. they are paying for it now...

Dunno which Kiwi you refer to, Kirwan? - the Kiwis have been desperate at times though, ask Nathan Fein's grandmother.
The world champion Kiwis?? they have been as desperate as the ARU... no better .. no worse... oh and Ellis, Hill and Timu all played for the Kiwis shortly after converting.

Yes it does actually. Poor old mum, battles around with her walking frame, and the pension doesn't pay much. Luckily there is that $600k per season offer to play wing for the Crusaders available to her. Trouble is the grovelling Union officials begging her to join make it hard for her not to trip over them on her way to Bingo.........
Your mother has been offered 600K to play for Celtic Crusaders in the Super League???? i didnt realise they were that hard up.


They basically just sent their AFL commentary team on a free vacation[/B].

Yeah, I did notice that throughout the coverage of the Commonwealth Games. They had Stephen Quartermain, Corey Wingard and Brad McEwan in the studio, Anthony Hudson calling the swimming, Tim Lane calling the athletics, Luke Darcy (who I absolutely can't stand! Guy's got a major attitude problem) calling the netball, Andrew Maher as sideline eye at the athletics, and Mark Howard as sideline eye at the swimming. I dunno if I saw Neil Cordy in the coverage, but I know he's another prominent AFL guy on Ten.

Nevertheless, I don't ever remember a multi-event sporting competition that was covered by commentators from the same sport. I mean, imagine is the 2012 London Olympics (which I'm sure Ray Warren will be covering the swimming events), whom Ch9 have the rights to, was covered by Peter Sterling, Phil Gould, Andrew Johns, Wally Lewis, Andrew Voss, and Brad Fittler? HAHAHHAH! Brad Fittler. I can just imagine him calling the gymnastics. "Show me some women!!" Or Gus Gould calling the weightlifting when someone drops the weights? "NO no no no noooooo"

Regarding Billy Woods, are you absolutely sure he's an AFL guy? Didn't he write Hazem El Masri's biography a couple of years ago?


On another note:

Bill Woods had some snide comments about 7's not being hindered by the things people hate about League/Union...

If Ten gets the NRL, pray to god this man is nowhere near it. They basically just sent their AFL commentary team on a free vacation.

Yeah, I did notice that throughout the coverage of the Commonwealth Games. They had Stephen Quartermain, Corey Wingard and Brad McEwan in the studio, Anthony Hudson calling the swimming, Tim Lane calling the athletics, Luke Darcy (who I absolutely can't stand! Guy's got a major attitude problem) calling the netball, Andrew Maher as sideline eye at the athletics, and Mark Howard as sideline eye at the swimming. I dunno if I saw Neil Cordy in the coverage, but I know he's another prominent AFL guy on Ten.

Nevertheless, I don't ever remember a multi-event sporting competition that was covered by commentators from the same sport. I mean, imagine is the 2012 London Olympics (which I'm sure Ray Warren will be covering the swimming events), whom Ch9 have the rights to, was covered by Peter Sterling, Phil Gould, Andrew Johns, Wally Lewis, Andrew Voss, and Brad Fittler? HAHAHHAH! Brad Fittler. I can just imagine him calling the gymnastics. "Show me some women!!" Or Gus Gould calling the weightlifting when someone drops the weights? "NO no no no noooooo"

Regarding Billy Woods, are you absolutely sure he's an AFL guy? I thought he was pro-NRL. Didn't he write Hazem El Masri's biography a couple of years ago? Even if Ten did acquire the rights to League, I'd be sure that they would promote the crap out of it like they do with AFL, since they would've spent a lot of money to get NRL in the first place


Is that right moron... so if they "shat all over their opponents" how come they were never no 1?
Show me the rankings. Who and what actually rates Union test players in each position?

And again, you 14 fingered rocking chair dribbler whose grandpappy is also a nephew, how the f*ck do you justify claiming that 7's players are good based on players they never play against ffs!!!! You said they don't play 15s Yawnion. Therefore, what has 15's got to do with it at all, unless counting your chromasomes!

for the umpteenth time in this thread you are wrong... story of your life.... funny how after 2002, where the Wannabies have have the bulk of their League converts, they havent won a world cup, tri nations or Bedisloe cup... but by your moronic reasoning "shat all over their opponents"
Probably because the other 12 were sh*t. Probably because by contracting 3 League players in a 3/4 line they stopped potential backs frm playing test Union. Probably because they never got the ball. Probably because they never signed Joey, Or Brett Finch, or Ben Kusto. Who cares????

We are talking about SEVENS you sheep shagging dimwit. S-E-V-E-N-S. Which has nothing to do with the 15 fat useless Merino molesters in the Bore Blacks or any other 15-a-side gimps.

you cant count either???? its five fingers on each hand... oh wait..
...he pauses and looks at his on hand. Seven - stull seven every time he counts, just like his little brother, Uncle Nigel

that explains your stupidity... the inbreeding you have suffered has not only made you geniused its added fingers to your hands... And Gaz was a good player.. he still couldnt beat the best rugby players... yet you say he did... wrong again.
When he was in France he never had a chance against the best Rugby players, who stayed at home in the NRL

A novelty gimick?? its an Olympic sport... and yes players choose it.. just because a muppet like you calls it a "gimick" doesnt make it so.
You don't even know how many players there are you tool!

And I note that you havent answered my question about the players payments. Given that Stupid 14 players earn up to a million bucks per season, why would they give that up? You stated they knocked back a chance at interstate and test Yawnion. So, einstein, what do they earn?

I have never call League players crap.. only you have... The ARU in its stupidity bought players instead of investing in development.. they are paying for it now...
Maybe that's why they didn't win anything. Answered your own question

The world champion Kiwis?? they have been as desperate as the ARU... no better .. no worse... oh and Ellis, Hill and Timu all played for the Kiwis shortly after converting.
Household names there champ. Timu - yes the idiotic nuffy at Canterbury with the spider on his head. And who the f*ck were the Bore Blacks wit the other surnames? Gareth is a pommy Tiger, and Tezza is a pghlem distributor from Redfern. If there were any Kiwis of that name, I don't remember them, but they could have been all time greats in Yawnion - maybe topped that mythical ratings system that you stain the sheets with every night you think about it.

Get back to me with wages for the 7's players for either the Wallaies, Bore Blacks or the Royal Arse lickers. Because I put it to you that the Yawnion 7's players are amatuer, or at best on contracts that are dwarfed by the Stupid 14 or NRL wage.

But I know you won't answer that.

You cannot tell the difference between 7 and 15 ffs!


First Grade
Loudstrat is right, I have know idea why this guy keeps bringing up 15s rugby, we are clearly talking about 7s here, and the fact is, the players playing 7s are nowhere near the best available rugby union players.


Regarding Billy Woods, are you absolutely sure he's an AFL guy? I thought he was pro-NRL. Didn't he write Hazem El Masri's biography a couple of years ago? Even if Ten did acquire the rights to League, I'd be sure that they would promote the crap out of it like they do with AFL, since they would've spent a lot of money to get NRL in the first place

Well I've been told that maybe he's just towing the network's line - but I don't know - the stuff on Thursday Night Live and now the Commonwealth Games doesn't convince me.

That said - it Ten had the rights, New Zealand vs England 4 Nations would likely be on at 6pm this saturday on One HD - rather than 11:40pm! on CHANNEL de-NINE-d.

We need some competition here - hopefully 7 or 10 get it and keep 9 on their toes.

Te Kaha

First Grade
Show me the rankings. Who and what actually rates Union test players in each position?
Everybody who watches the games, fans, coaches, commentators... no different to how League players are rated.

And again, you 14 fingered rocking chair dribbler whose grandpappy is also a nephew, how the f*ck do you justify claiming that 7's players are good based on players they never play against ffs!!!! You said they don't play 15s Yawnion. Therefore, what has 15's got to do with it at all, unless counting your chromasomes!
Well dumbarse.. thats what YOU did f**kknuckle... you claimed that NRL players were better than Rugby 7's players even tho they dont play against each other...

Probably because the other 12 were sh*t. Probably because by contracting 3 League players in a 3/4 line they stopped potential backs frm playing test Union. Probably because they never got the ball. Probably because they never signed Joey, Or Brett Finch, or Ben Kusto. Who cares????
You do moron... you said NRL players were so much better... yet they still couldnt beat teams containing none.

We are talking about SEVENS you sheep shagging dimwit. S-E-V-E-N-S. Which has nothing to do with the 15 fat useless Merino molesters in the Bore Blacks or any other 15-a-side gimps.
So you admit you are wrong... and now its only 7's players you consider inferior.

When he was in France he never had a chance against the best Rugby players, who stayed at home in the NRL
And yet he still couldnt dominate... that doesnt say much about his ability then.

And I note that you havent answered my question about the players payments. Given that Stupid 14 players earn up to a million bucks per season, why would they give that up? You stated they knocked back a chance at interstate and test Yawnion. So, einstein, what do they earn?
A million a season??? geez do you ever stop talking bullsh*t??? I never ever mentioned interstate... I was refering to the wining team.. the team made up of full time professionals... who are paid the same and more then Super 14 players, depending on results.

Household names there champ. Timu - yes the idiotic nuffy at Canterbury with the spider on his head. And who the f*ck were the Bore Blacks wit the other surnames? Gareth is a pommy Tiger, and Tezza is a pghlem distributor from Redfern. If there were any Kiwis of that name, I don't remember them, but they could have been all time greats in Yawnion - maybe topped that mythical ratings system that you stain the sheets with every night you think about it.
You dont remember them because you know less than sh*t... doesnt change the fact that they made the number 2 league team in the world within 18 months and in one case less than a year...

Get back to me with wages for the 7's players for either the Wallaies, Bore Blacks or the Royal Arse lickers. Because I put it to you that the Yawnion 7's players are amatuer, or at best on contracts that are dwarfed by the Stupid 14 or NRL wage.
You can put whatever you like... you are still wrong... the top 7's teams are proffesional... the fact Australia doesnt have one is irrelevant.. they are hardly a top 7's team.

But I know you won't answer that.
already have dimwit.
You cannot tell the difference between 7 and 15 ffs!
Of course i can... 7 is your IQ and 15 is the IQ you aspire too.


Everybody who watches the games, fans, coaches, commentators... no different to how League players are rated.
And that constitutes an official ranking? You genius, in that case Lote, Wendy and Matty were ranked 1, 2 and 3 in the world because I said so! YOU GIMP! Its not as if Yawnion has Wisdens, or the ATP ranking. So you and your dad decided Sailor was not the best union winger while going the rumpy pumpy with a ewe? And that - somehow - has cred? FFS you deluded moron.

Well dumbarse.. thats what YOU did f**kknuckle... you claimed that NRL players were better than Rugby 7's players even tho they dont play against each other...
They don't have to - we can see how sh*t Yawnions's 7s player are!

You do moron... you said NRL players were so much better... yet they still couldnt beat teams containing none.
Well Yawnion must be a crap game if you can make the final of an international tournament without winning any games. Sounds like AFL to me.

So you admit you are wrong... and now its only 7's players you consider inferior.
They all are, but that aint the point. You reckon 7s players are better because you like 15's payers. That's as reliable as a Benji Marshall conversion attempt.

A million a season??? geez do you ever stop talking bullsh*t??? I never ever mentioned interstate... I was refering to the wining team.. the team made up of full time professionals... who are paid the same and more then Super 14 players, depending on results.
Giteau had a $1 million per season contract with the Western Farce.

So you confirmed they are on million dollar contracts - PENDING RESULTS? So what is it? Match payments - $250k for a win, $200 bucks for a loss?

You dont remember them because you know less than sh*t... doesnt change the fact that they made the number 2 league team in the world within 18 months and in one case less than a year...
In your dreams, maybe.

You can put whatever you like... you are still wrong... the top 7's teams are proffesional... the fact Australia doesnt have one is irrelevant.. they are hardly a top 7's team.
They won a silver medal you f*ckwit!!!!!!!!

So, you are saying that NON PROFESSIONAL Yawnion players would slaughter the NRL'S finest?

And you keep repeating this hilarious drivel? :lol::lol: This is classic stuff. You are brain damage exemplified. I bet you havent been able to control a bowel movement for 5 years.

Te Kaha

First Grade
And that constitutes an official ranking? You genius, in that case Lote, Wendy and Matty were ranked 1, 2 and 3 in the world because I said so! YOU GIMP! Its not as if Yawnion has Wisdens, or the ATP ranking. So you and your dad decided Sailor was not the best union winger while going the rumpy pumpy with a ewe? And that - somehow - has cred? FFS you deluded moron.
You REALLY are retarted... by your reasoning, Andrew johns was never the worlds best halfback, Hindy was never the worlds best 2nd rower, cam smith isnt the worlds best 9 ...

Well Yawnion must be a crap game if you can make the final of an international tournament without winning any games. Sounds like AFL to me.
f**k you really cant read.. where did i say they didnt win in games... i said they wernt a good team... you did know that some of the top Rugby teams werent present at the comm games... since you know.. they arent part of the commonwealth.

They all are, but that aint the point. You reckon 7s players are better because you like 15's payers. That's as reliable as a Benji Marshall conversion attempt.
History shows that converts from the NRL arent better than the best already available in Rugby... yet in your deluded mind you asume that a team from the NRL would thrash all comers.

Giteau had a $1 million per season contract with the Western Farce.
One player HAD a million dollar contract.. ONE and you instantly state that Super 14 contracts are massive... your lack of intelligence is staggering.

So you confirmed they are on million dollar contracts - PENDING RESULTS? So what is it? Match payments - $250k for a win, $200 bucks for a loss?
They are not on million dollar contracts.. only in your deluded mind are they... they are on a base salary.. like Super Rugby players which are upgraded on tournaments played and tournaments won.

They won a silver medal you f*ckwit!!!!!!!!
In a comp that didnt have some top teams playing!! ... and last i checked silver isnt gold... what Aussie 7's teams havent won... Any 7's series, 7's world cups, 7's gold medals.

So, you are saying that NON PROFESSIONAL Yawnion players would slaughter the NRL'S finest?
I have never said that... ever.. only YOU are saying that... i have stated that the best 7's teams would beat a sctratch 7's team of NRL players.

And you keep repeating this hilarious drivel? :lol::lol: This is classic stuff. You are brain damage exemplified. I bet you havent been able to control a bowel movement for 5 years.
Of course i can control a bowel movement... i get you to post in this thread.


Good Evening Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to another exciting edition of.....SPOT THE BRAIN CELL!!!

Tonights contestant is a professional sheep-shagger and part time Volvo driver from Rootawether in the north Island of New Zealand. He likes Rugby Union, snot tasting, and inserting small fruit up his arse.

Please welcome.....TE KAHA!! (applause)

Te Kaha is playing for the grand prize, a copy of the new best selling book "Scrums, Sheep and Sodomy - The History of The All Blacks"

Ok, ready? Lets go!

You REALLY are retarted... by your reasoning, Andrew johns was never the worlds best halfback, Hindy was never the worlds best 2nd rower, cam smith isnt the worlds best 9 ...
Wendell Sailor's mate once reckoned he shat all over Campo - so yes, an NRL convert WAS ONCE RATED AS THE BEST ON HIS POSITION.

Sorry, no brain cell here.

f**k you really cant read.. where did i say they didnt win in games... i said they wernt a good team... you did know that some of the top Rugby teams werent present at the comm games... since you know.. they arent part of the commonwealth.
France and Argentina are crap at 15's Union - stands to reason they are crap at 7's. Still, the topic is "NRL players would flog all in the Commonwealth Games Yawnion 7's tournament" Teams NOT ELIGIBLE for the commonwealth games are irellevent.

Two down - no brain cell yet. Keep trying though, Te Kaka, early days yet!

History shows that converts from the NRL arent better than the best already available in Rugby... yet in your deluded mind you asume that a team from the NRL would thrash all comers.
History also shows that the best way to play test Union for England or Australia is to play first grade rugby league with Brisbane or Wigan. Histpry also shows that even Souths (now defunct) reserve grade side could produce a wallaby. And Lote and Wendell's 65 plus tests - way up there sunshine.

Te Haka's score - still DUCK EGG!

One player HAD a million dollar contract.. ONE and you instantly state that Super 14 contracts are massive... your lack of intelligence is staggering.
If such a talented superstar as a 7s Union player were to try Stupid 14, going by your previous assertions that they are equal to the test 15's players, they would be snapped up pronto! But lets look at your next answer - we might find the brain cell yet...

They are not on million dollar contracts.. only in your deluded mind are they... they are on a base salary.. like Super Rugby players which are upgraded on tournaments played and tournaments won.
UPGRADED? HUH? NO CONTRACT? NO GUARANTEED COIN REGARDLESS OF WHERE YOU FINISH? Surely they would leap at the chance of even HALF of Giteau's annual plunder (double what the Kangaroos skipper is on btw) given that it's guaranteed?

So, if the 7's players:

  • Are at least equal to their 15s counterparts in terms of skills
  • Elect to play sevens rather than 15's
  • Have a fantastic lifestyle travelling the world and playing in 2 or 3 annual 7's tournaments
  • Are on a base salary ( comparison - NRL base salary is $55k)
then their brain would be so small that they would barely be able to breath. Even Carl Webb managed to get triple that from Parra!


In a comp that didnt have some top teams playing!! ... and last i checked silver isnt gold... what Aussie 7's teams havent won... Any 7's series, 7's world cups, 7's gold medals.
Silver medal, in any tournament, is fantastic. Yet, if that feat doesn't prove that the team is any good, THEN GAME SET AND MATCH NRL.

For admitting that an above average 7's national side is sh*t, you get BONUS BRAIN CELLS - taking your tally to FOUR! One more and you'll be admitted to the British Aristocracy - home of Rugby Union. And TWO MORE, and you can join the Broncos fan club. They meet in the third cubicle in the girls sh*tter at the Caxton Hotel every Monday night - don't forget your dentures!

I have never said that... ever.. only YOU are saying that... i have stated that the best 7's teams would beat a sctratch 7's team of NRL players.
But given that this thread is about an NRL 7's flogging a Commonwealth Games Yawnion 7's - which got your testicles twisted in the first place......


But thanks for being a great contestant, Te Kaha. As a consolation prize, here is your arse. On a platter!

Te Kaha

First Grade
See.. proof positive i CAN control a bowel movement.. i got you to post again...

Wendell Sailor's mate once reckoned he shat all over Campo - so yes, an NRL convert WAS ONCE RATED AS THE BEST ON HIS POSITION.
Thats a lie... when you have to reort to lying that shows you have nothing.

France and Argentina are crap at 15's Union - stands to reason they are crap at 7's. Still, the topic is "NRL players would flog all in the Commonwealth Games Yawnion 7's tournament" Teams NOT ELIGIBLE for the commonwealth games are irellevent.
You yet again show how little you know... Argentina and france where 2rd and 4th at the last qorld cup... hardly crap... and the french 7's team have actually won some 7's tournaments... Once again it shows you dont have a clue what you are talking about... and thats not including Fiji who are the 2nd best 7's team in the world.

History also shows that the best way to play test Union for England or Australia is to play first grade rugby league with Brisbane or Wigan. Histpry also shows that even Souths (now defunct) reserve grade side could produce a wallaby. And Lote and Wendell's 65 plus tests - way up there sunshine.
History also shows that the time those players where in the sides.. they won NOTHING.. hardly a great endorsement.... only ONE former League player, Jason Robinson has won anything as a Rugby international... and he never played in the NRL.

If such a talented superstar as a 7s Union player were to try Stupid 14, going by your previous assertions that they are equal to the test 15's players, they would be snapped up pronto! But lets look at your next answer - we might find the brain cell yet...
Aside from the fact that not all the best 7's players make great 15 aside players and not all great 15 aside players make good 7's players... 7's players have there own skill sets... there have been some players who started international Rugby playing 7's that moved on to be a success in the 15 aside game... but i wouldnt expect you to know who Cullen or Lonu are... you arent very smart

UPGRADED? HUH? NO CONTRACT? NO GUARANTEED COIN REGARDLESS OF WHERE YOU FINISH? Surely they would leap at the chance of even HALF of Giteau's annual plunder (double what the Kangaroos skipper is on btw) given that it's guaranteed?
Because most dont even earn that much... and again you use a SINGLE Australian players salary and consider that the norm... Super 15 salaries start a lot less than that.

So, if the 7's players:

  • Are at least equal to their 15s counterparts in terms of skills
  • Elect to play sevens rather than 15's
  • Have a fantastic lifestyle travelling the world and playing in 2 or 3 annual 7's tournaments
  • Are on a base salary ( comparison - NRL base salary is $55k)

How stupid are you?? really???
  • As has been already said.. they have a differnt skill set to there 15 aside counterparts.. they are better at that skillset than those counterparts
  • yes they elect to play those tournaments
  • There are 8 to 10 7's tournaments a year plus the chance to be in the comm games and now the Olympics.
  • The base Salary is between 80-100K
Silver medal, in any tournament, is fantastic. Yet, if that feat doesn't prove that the team is any good, THEN GAME SET AND MATCH NRL.
No it doesnt... coming second in ONE tournament doesnt prove you are a good team.. and thats second.. they have NEVER come first in the games... EVER.

But given that this thread is about an NRL 7's flogging a Commonwealth Games Yawnion 7's - which got your testicles twisted in the first place......
NO dipsh*t... changing the goalposts again, now that you know you know sh*t about anything... You previously stated that a team made up of NRL players would win the comm games gold... they wouldnt.

And to prove I can control a bowel movement... post again.

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