Most of us can avoid the shit he got up to, and has he actually been punished?
I can’t be positive, just ambivalent I guess…
I get it.
I don't think there is anything wrong with being ambivalent. I was really just pointing out that is is harder to see the good in someones game when you do not like the person period.
I am pretty wary of people and tend to avoid people with issues in my private life where I can, occupational hazard.
Based on my training, someone who behaves like that is likely to be hallucinated, even the worst bangers won't mess with civilians like that, Mum and Pop and kid when drunk.
That incident was a above and beyond. Which strongly suggests delirium.
Either Alcohol induced (not as likely) or alcohol and drug induced (far more likely).
We know this is likely to be true because there is years of this characters substance free conduct to back up that he is not a violent psychopath when sober.
It would be a different story if he had a history, usually in childhood or adolescence of antisocial behavior and substance abuse issues.
Clearly he is a dangerous guy when he is using.
And a good citizen when he is straight.
Technically speaking substance abuse is a mental health diagnosis, I know that is unpopular...framing it that way, but his case meets with the medical text book definition if we are being impartial.
On the other hand, if he uses he is high risk, and he now knows this without reservation, in which case if he relapses, he deserves the book thrown at him.