i was just thinking today about the players that were part of the magpies final side of 99. I think the strongest side would have looked soemthing like this
2.David Buko/aseri lang
3.Kevin McGunniess
4.Branden Pearson
5.Ken McGunniess
6. Kevin Willis
7.Leo Denyvor
8.Harvey Howard
9. Cherry Mescia
10. Dale Fritz
11.Brenton Pomery
13. Steve Georgarlis
Skando was coming off the bench. Im sure there were others who i cant remember. But looking at that side i thought there were some quality players, and i think that side may have under achieved. What are your thoughts. I was a Balmain fan, but was always weary of a clash with the magpies
2.David Buko/aseri lang
3.Kevin McGunniess
4.Branden Pearson
5.Ken McGunniess
6. Kevin Willis
7.Leo Denyvor
8.Harvey Howard
9. Cherry Mescia
10. Dale Fritz
11.Brenton Pomery
13. Steve Georgarlis
Skando was coming off the bench. Im sure there were others who i cant remember. But looking at that side i thought there were some quality players, and i think that side may have under achieved. What are your thoughts. I was a Balmain fan, but was always weary of a clash with the magpies