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Mona's Flee-the-coup clause


From today's Canberra Times.

Departing Canberra Raiders centre Joel Monaghan has a verbal guarantee from the Roosters coach Ricky Stuart that he can leave Sydney if he struggles to settle in next year.

Stuart made the offer on Saturday, helping sway Monaghan's decision to accept a three year deal with the Roosters early Sunday morning.

Monaghan explained yesterday how difficult the decision had been. It wasn't until 5am on Sunday, after a sleepless night, he had his answer.

Monaghan said money had not been an influential factor, with the Raiders, Roosters and Manly all making similar bids

"At one stage I was thinking about going to Manly I thought it would be a good change" Monaghan said "Then two days before I was set on staying. I sat down and thought about it and this (the Roosters) is what I came up with.

Player Manager Jim Banaghan denied any knowledge of an out-clause in Monaghan's contract.

Roosters chief exeutive Brian Canavan confirmed it, but said it was not a written clause.

"It's just been done verbally: Canavan said "That was one of those one-on-one chats Ricky had with Joel last saturday"

Stuart also offered Monaghan a room in his house until the 22 year old felt settled in Sydney. Monaghan said he's most likely to move in with brother Michael, now captaining Manly. Canavan was confident Monaghan's move to Sydney would be a sucess.

Monaghan said the deciding factor to join the Roosters was to play with a sucessful club.

"They're leading the comp, they have been for the last couple of years and I think they'll be there in the next couple. I think that's what's best for me as a footy player right now. They don't take much convincing, the Roosters"


He is crazy to take a verbal agreement. They won't release him if he hates it up there. He needs to get it on paper. I bet they wouldn't let him.

No wonder he played like a dog on Saturday. How many one on one chats did Ricky have with him on Saturday?

A bedroom at Ricky's. I'm sure they would have offered a spot next to 'Sticky' if he wanted.

This writing of an article was by no means a take over from resident jouralist Greeneyed. Parts of the story not affecting the outcome have been edited (o.k, I'm lazy)


First Grade
I don't even think he will start at the Roosters. He's only a really good performer at the Raiders because our attack is based around him.

For mine it'll be:
1. Mini
2. Roberts
3. Walker
4. Cross
5. Byrne


First Grade
Its probably wishful thinking on my behalf, not that I have anything personal against Joel, except he sold us out :lol: :lol: . I think they will bring Byrne in if Monaghan doesn't hit form straight away. Byrne is a pretty solid player for the Roosters. Have they got a 5/8 to replace Fittler yet?? I guess 'famous' Amos might move to the 6.


You're kidding aren't you Edabomb. Are you saying he is not better than Roberts, WALKER, Cross or Byrne.

I would take him over any of that lot. Having a look at that backline, they will struggle to hold teams out, out wide. Who can tackle in that lot?


First Grade
No, I think he is definately a better center than Walker and Cross, and a better winger than Byrne. But they all have experience in the Roosters organisation. If Monas doesn't fire in the first five rounds he could be in trouble.... Pretty sure he will hold his own though, look how well Jamaals been going this year.


Well then, if we still want him, the idea is that we get somebody from the SGB to buy a roosters jersey **shudders at the thought of it** then go and wear it **shudders twice as much** outside Monaghan's place at 5:30 every morning doing crazy shit until he gets sick of Sydeneney. But I'm guessing that verbal contracts, even though I believe they are supposed to be legal, would really count for sh|t all, especially when it was a one on one thing.


First Grade
How about Woodgers in a dress??? Shouting out "Now you're a rooster I love you Joel!!!!!". No offence Woodgers, but I think that'd be a pretty mean image.


I would Edabomb but he knows who I am. Maybe if I tried something that I saw on a show called Miriam......... ;-)

If he is going to live with his brother then he will be right near BAY25. C'mon Si, you know all the tricks. Banana in the exhaust pipe of his yellow Monaro, shattered glass in his latte, beer mug in the face.

He will be back in Canberra before his Kambah High instincts to kill someone and get put in Jail even starts.


First Grade
Woodgers... but I posted this earlier in full... from the CT website... I really hope you didn't type it!
We don't need joel now anyway. Look at how his replacements have gone in recent weeks. Phil had 4 tries in 3 games, Smith got a double. The raiders love scoring on their right hand side. Joel is nothing without Mogg on the inside, NOTHING!!!!

Ah wishful thinking, eases the pain.


First Grade
TiTTieS said:
Well then, if we still want him, the idea is that we get somebody from the SGB to buy a roosters jersey **shudders at the thought of it** then go and wear it **shudders twice as much** outside Monaghan's place at 5:30 every morning doing crazy sh*t until he gets sick of Sydeneney.

Why does it have to be an SGB member? None o us would sink so low as to prostitute ourselves in a Roosters jersey. Thanks for offering, though TiTTieS, I think the job's all yours. :lol:


Woodgers... but I posted this earlier in full... from the CT website... I really hope you didn't type it!


I couldn't find where it was. I did type up the bits I thought were relevant. For once I thought I was Scoop :arrow: