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Morley = 7 weeks

i cant really say, he diserved more or less, thats for the judiciary to decide, when i saw it, it looked pritty bad although at the end of the day it was the juidicary decides..


Earl said:
Absolutley ridicolous.

Michael Crockers tackle was worse?

I dont know of too many ways of getting causing a serious spinal injury by copping a bit of a knee to the guts....

Of course spear tackles are worse. They are the worst part of the game.

A knee is just a cat act. It doesnt actually have much chance of causing any sort of injury, particularly when its a soft knee to the guts. Most tackles would have hurt twice as much as that.

7 weeks is fair. IMO the absolute only offences that should ever see a suspension in the double figures are intentional high shots, king hits, and spears. All have far greater chance of causing injury than a knee (unless you attack their head of course).

Mr Saab

East Coast Tiger said:
If he really wanted to hurt Corey Hughes he could have gone in with a swinging arm, something I believe is viewed as less serious in our game than kneeing, but in this instance would not have been any less dangerous.
The point I'm making is these incidents get blown way out of proportion and calls for massive suspensions is over the top and detrimental to the game.

You serious?
The morley knee wouldnt have hurt him if he conencted?
A knee, with the intent and force he came in with, would have knocked Hughes teeth down his throat.
What is detrimental to our game is that we have people like morley who have this so called "brain snap" and feel that they can take the law into their own hands with a knee lift.
It was like watching the video game Double Dragon with the way he used his knee.


First Grade
Danish said:
I dont know of too many ways of getting causing a serious spinal injury by copping a bit of a knee to the guts....

Of course spear tackles are worse. They are the worst part of the game.

A knee is just a cat act. It doesnt actually have much chance of causing any sort of injury, particularly when its a soft knee to the guts. Most tackles would have hurt twice as much as that.

7 weeks is fair. IMO the absolute only offences that should ever see a suspension in the double figures are intentional high shots, king hits, and spears. All have far greater chance of causing injury than a knee (unless you attack their head of course).

the only time sum1 with ay brain would ever throw in a kneee during a footy game is to the back, head or thigh to cork it....in this case i believe Morley's intention was to knee the face....he shudda got way more...as should a deliberate knee to the back


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
What happens if next time Morley has a brain snap, connects with the head of the player and has enough force to fracture a skull? There was intent to cause injury, whether he connected with the intended part is irrelevant. Just because he's a good player, he doesn't deserve special treatment. It's far too convenient that he's back in time for tri-nations. 12 weeks minimum. Extremely soft sentence.

Lyzor, once again you've proven your worth. Try offering an argument behind your paltry statement instead of just saying it "was disgustingly harsh".
the sentence was a joke and is another reason why the game is losing support as the players may as well wear dresses and play in makeup.

It will be like the afl soon were players are charged for dancing with an opponent (which the afl strangely calls a melee) although it looks like they are auditioning to be a contestant for dancing with the stars.

the people on here who think it was right or he should have got more need to have a good look at themselves as maybe you should be wearing dresses and make up yourselves.- most likley do

the world has become so soft nowadays and needs to return to great days of the 1940's/50's and early 1960's. Military service including active service needs to be re-introduced to toughen up the soft generations


Timmah said:
What happens if next time Morley has a brain snap, connects with the head of the player and has enough force to fracture a skull? There was intent to cause injury, whether he connected with the intended part is irrelevant. Just because he's a good player, he doesn't deserve special treatment. It's far too convenient that he's back in time for tri-nations. 12 weeks minimum. Extremely soft sentence.

Lyzor, once again you've proven your worth. Try offering an argument behind your paltry statement instead of just saying it "was disgustingly harsh".

You also cant ban players based on 'what if's'.

Can only go on the facts and that is a knee to the torso. Previously another player got 10wks for kneeing a player to the HEAD and concussing that player.

Is this incident worse or not as bad. I would think it ws not as bad. therefore the penalty would have to be less than 10wks.



marshall stalin said:
the sentence was a joke and is another reason why the game is losing support as the players may as well wear dresses and play in makeup.

It will be like the afl soon were players are charged for dancing with an opponent (which the afl strangely calls a melee) although it looks like they are auditioning to be a contestant for dancing with the stars.

the people on here who think it was right or he should have got more need to have a good look at themselves as maybe you should be wearing dresses and make up yourselves.- most likley do

the world has become so soft nowadays and needs to return to great days of the 1940's/50's and early 1960's. Military service including active service needs to be re-introduced to toughen up the soft generations

So I'm guessing you thought compulsory conscription was a great idea too?
How about WWI? Or WWII?

Need a few more of those hey champ, so we can "toughen up" this generation


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member

Morley can shove it up his coight. If this happened in Round 2, he would've got at least 15 weeks.
Hutty1986 said:
So I'm guessing you thought compulsory conscription was a great idea too?
How about WWI? Or WWII?

Need a few more of those hey champ, so we can "toughen up" this generation

Military service hurts no one as i did mine in the Soviet Union and my wife did her's - 2 lots in fact - standard service and medical military service.

Military service should be compulsory and conscription compulsory when needed.

How about doing something for your country for once and don;t say i pay taxes as lots of others do too.

18 year olds should do 3 years military service and each person should do 2 weeks each year upto the age of 65- instead of 4 weeks annual leave - 2 weeks for military service and 2 weeks recreation leave.


First Grade
The NRL will be softer as a result of the loss of Moz.

He is the last true hard man of the game.

Played with sprains, strains, tears, concussion and agression.

There are no more hard men in our game, no current player stacks up to Moz.

Farewell champ, you will be missed by those who loved the toughness you brought to our game.



Theres a lot more to toughness than laying someone out with a cheap or illegal shot, tell Ruben Wiki or Shane Webcke they're soft - I dare you.

Morleys style of toughness is a remnant of an era long dead, where cheap shots were the norm and sickening incidents weren't examined in such detail as today.

There is no doubt he made an impact, but there's also no doubt he's a thug.

black cat

gee you dogs fans are wingers,he was just getting corey to take up his usual position,look at timmahs avatar,hes trying to give morely a headjob.
poor old utai hey,a reflex action that came from behind his back to nearly take a players head off.what is it that since the dogs have been caught cheating,drug taking,trashing property,alleged sexual assult and others things that thier fans seem to have turned into the biggest whingers in the nrl,wanting every body hung out to dry,get over it they done the right thing by rubbing him out of the nrl,we dont have to worry about him anymore in our game.


Whinge whinge whinge whinge whinge whinge *breath* whinge whinge whinge.

The guy has finished his NRL career, he will not 'hurt' your teams anymore, wtf do you care if he got longer??

I don't remember seeing Lolesi suspended for a shoulder charge to the head, or Menzies for a similiar incident, yet Morley should have been ousted for 6-8 weeks according to some of you morons.

I am aghast at the level of knowledge or lack there of displayed on these forums about rugby league.

You all have such short memories to go with your very small brains.


The hardest men in the game are players like Webcke and Hindmarsh. These guys are world class athletes who exert massive effort every week. There hard in the same way that the guys in the tour de france are hard. Morley may be good at dishing out punishment , but I don't think he goes through the pain barrier as much as Webcke and Hindmarsh. For me, thats what I respect most. A lot of guys are strong and hit hard which makes them tough in a way, but there not tough enough mentally to consitantly perform.

Lancelot Link

Chook said:
The NRL will be softer as a result of the loss of Moz.

He is the last true hard man of the game.

Played with sprains, strains, tears, concussion and agression.

There are no more hard men in our game, no current player stacks up to Moz.

Farewell champ, you will be missed by those who loved the toughness you brought to our game.


There's a difference between toughness - which Morley was certainly very capable of! And downright low thuggery - which he also has always had in his makeup. As was spectacularly underlined by last Saturday afternoon's game.

And besides - Adrian Morley is no tougher than a good 20 other current NRL players. "no current player stacks up to Moz" - The NRL loses nothing from his departure, I'm afraid...

Lancelot Link

HoLLuS said:
Whinge whinge whinge whinge whinge whinge *breath* whinge whinge whinge.

The guy has finished his NRL career, he will not 'hurt' your teams anymore, wtf do you care if he got longer??

I don't remember seeing Lolesi suspended for a shoulder charge to the head, or Menzies for a similiar incident, yet Morley should have been ousted for 6-8 weeks according to some of you morons.

I am aghast at the level of knowledge or lack there of displayed on these forums about rugby league.

You all have such short memories to go with your very small brains.

Let me guess...Another Roosters fan, right?


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