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Mr R.Cogburns return to posting....

Gday all, just looked into the WORL forums and saw that Cogburn has made a grand return through writing one of the longest posts i have ever seen. I was tempted to invite him into this forum, but was seeking the thoughts of others before i do so....forums need controversey, perhaps we can find it with this guy...
Anyways, here is the post by Mr Cogburn:
Don't believe me, then read this!
"The beginning of the verse proclaims that God is the only Deity of the heavens. the earth. and all in between:
He is the Lord of the heavens and the earth, and all that lies between them;He is the lord of the Easts (Saffat, 37.5)
The concept of the Lord of everything is defined in this setting and within the limits of our knowledge. Since the earth. the sky and all else in between have been mentioned, a different reality or a different spatial continuum is not in question. The verse does not end there, however. A new concept is added: 'He is the Lord of the easts’.
So, in addition to the earth, the sky and all in between, we have the concept of 'Easts'. In Arabic, the plural form is used for three or more things. Therefore, God is the Lord of at least three Easts, or of many Easts . What kind of scientific concept does this verse intro­duce? Before seeking an answer to this question. let us call to mind certain facts.
It is a commonplace that we conceive of space in terms of three dimensions. The existence of an object is determined by the space it occupies with respect to the dimensions of length, width and height, in addition to its position.
But is the universe composed of, and space consti­tuted by, these three dimensions alone? Until Einstein's Special and General Theories of Relativity, scientists believed that the universe consisted of three dimen­sions. The world-famous physicist, however; deter-mined on the basis of mathematical calculations that there are more than three dimensions and that a fourth, fifth or higher number of dimensions would introduce different concepts of space. According to Einstein, the fourth dimension is time. Time is not simply a matter of reading a clock, but a dimension of the same order as height, width and length. It is coextensive with the other dimensions. Our visual perception, however, can see in only three dimensions and no more. In fact, some organisms cannot even see the dimension of depth: lizards and snakes see the world in two dimensions, like a photograph or a movie cartoon.
Starting from this milestone of physics, we would have to conceive of spaces other than ours, and in addi­tion to the physical space we observe in the universe at large. In these spaces, velocity is different, time is dif­ferent, action is different; and so are translation, con­vergence and regression. This is why the concept of 'worlds' introduced by the Qur'an is an expression of such diverse spaces. The world of angelic beings, Heaven, Hell, and the world of spirits all lie in the domain of such spatial continua. Our difficulty in con­ceiving of them stems from the perceptual deficiencies of our three-dimensional habit
Having noted this, let us now recall the final part of the verse: 'He is the Lord of the Easts.'
'East' is the expression of a direction, a dimension. This expression occurred for the first time in connection with the sun. The word 'orientation' or finding one's bearings implies the Orient or East as the first or primary dimension. Although the expression Lord of the Easts and of the Wests occurs in many verses in the Qur'an, only the Fasts are men­tioned in this verse. This is why we are dwelling on this point at such length.
The point is that 'the Easts' are proclaimed as a set of directions, quite apart from the existents we refer to as the earth and sky. With this verse, God draws our attention to other directions and dimensions, indicating the existence of worlds and spaces composed of dimensions other than the physical world we are familiar with. In a sense, He says
Lam the Lord of the Easts in order to introduce the notion of infi­nite dimensions, which contemporary physics is just begin­ning to discover. But why only the Easts? Because in the definition of dimensions, the first dimension is the East, whereas the West is simply an extension of the Eastern dimension in the opposite direction. We can say that this verse clearly heralds the existence of thousands of spaces and worlds embedded in an infinite-dimensional matrix.
Many other meanings derive from the verse besides the meaning discussed above. I would like to mention two of these.
The meaning births' can also be derived indirectly from the plural mashariq. In this case the meaning points to a different scientific truth. The East, which is where the sun rises, also symbolizes the direction in which the earth moves around the sun. But, do we have only one East, or only one motion in the universe?
No. While the earth revolves around the sun within the solar system, the sun is also revolving around the Milky Way galaxy together with its family of planets. The Milky Way, in turn, is revolving around the central axis of the supergalaxy or local cluster of galaxies to which we belong. Thus, we may well speak of three different Fasts.
This meaning, therefore, is also hidden within the state­ment Lord of the Easts' (rabbu l-mashariq). The very fact that magharib (Wests) does not succeed
mashariq (Easts) in this verse is a confirmation of this. We shall see while interpreting future verses that there are many statements in the Qur'an pointing to the rotation of the earth. For this reason East' in reference to the earth's revolution is in the plural, indicating that these rotations occur at many levels.
If we take the verse from the standpoint of a direction on earth, the concept of the East differs for each location on the globe. The east of Turkey is in the east with respect to its western regions, while our east is actually west from the standpoint of Iran, which lies even further east. Therefore, the East concept is different at every point on earth, and these concepts form an ensemble of Easts. This concept geo­metrically defines the surface of a sphere.
Let us now reread the verse in order to discover anoth­er significant scientific observation: He is the Lord of the heavens and of the earth, and all that lies between them; He is the Lord of the Easts (Saffat, 37.5)."

Even Adrian Lam gets a mention. I always knew that God had good taste!
The rest of you can give up now, you don't stand a chance.
How deep and meaningful!


Assistant Moderator
Probably got his mum to write it for him.

Yeah, I reckon it would be great to have RC here.
But IMO, it causes too much hassle to invite people over publicly (if that's what you were going to do). Besides,any such attempt will just get deleted by those ever watchful moderators.
You'll have to use an alternative method of inviting him.
I was thinking going the email willow, that would probably work a lot better ;)
I think a few others would do well in here as well. Some people have joined WORL as of late who seem to have a bit of potential....But on the flip side, WORL needs a strong forum so nicking all the 'talent' is not a good idea in the overall scheme of things....
The Fan.


Assistant Moderator
You know, I've never been able to comes to terms with this concept of stealing or nicking other members. Contributors are not currency. They are people who quite often add their views to a number of chat and discussion formats.
I never saw anything wrong with inviting debators into a discussion. Nor have I seen anything wrong with talking to familiar 'stranger' who sits next to me at the footy. IMO, both are the same.
Anyway, that's my simple view on the subject. I didn't really want to go into rights and wrongs.
However, to avoid making people too paranoid about their 'cargo', I suggest no intervention. But if you want to spread the word, an emailshouldn't create any dramas and there are loads of other ways as well. The bottom line being that the old place isn't the only place. We actually have a number of new members here now who knew nothing about WORL. It's become clear to me that LWOS is heading in a different direction.
I'm sure that when Legend gets his website up and running, you'll see the word spreading like wild fire!



I'll be the first to admit, the website is a little way off but I have enrolled myself in aweb design course which starts next month so I can come up with a quality production. This will not be some fly by night thing and I would hazard a guess and say about 25-30% of the members are not from WORL and that figure will continue to increase. Besides, LWOS is a link on rleague.com and was a link on the WORL messageboard. There is nothing wrong with that and it is something that should be actively promoted.

To be honest, the whole rivalry thing is getting boring and both sites will move in different directions. My concentration is on making this site the best it can be and to bring in people who are interested in ALL sports, which is starting to happen. Jealousy is the ultimate waste of time and if I was always worried about other sites, I would be doing this one a major disservice.
Go for it.
Any bugger silly enough to follow the transit lounge needs help.
Any silly bugger who thinks that God follows the transit lounge needs more help.
As an act of humanity,we should be a conduit to providing that help.
LOL Lord Ted, i dunno if you were a part of the 'transit lounge' argument back on WORL a few months ago. It was absolutely hilarious, cogburn went nutty when some of us got onto Mr Politis case about buying players. I will try and get him into here :)
The Fan.



can you hold back cogburns arrival for at least a week,i'm not in the mood to be confronting cocky rooster supporters presently.


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