if we look back, i think we would all agree the lose to panthers 32-31 in 2000 sent us into a downward spiral that almost killed us. Now here we are 4 years later and we all watched the tigers put on a powerhouse display against a premiership favorite and form side of the competition. dogs didnt play bad, they didnt play great, dogs played unbeleivalbe and we matched them. a bit of bad luck towards the end of the game costed us victory. we almost snatched victory with 10sec to go but it wasnt to be. im reading and hearing people say this was the best game of the year and i agree, im also hearing people say theyve never seen tigers play so good in there short history and again i agree. Now just like that downward spiral in 2000 i think we are headed to a new spiral an upward 1, a powerhouse tigers outfit that can match it with anyone. THIS SEASON ISNT OVER, RALLY BEHIND THE TIGERS AND LETS PUT UP A FIGHT FOR 8TH SPOT. BRING ON PARRA