coming into effect (along with a few other 'adjustments') on 1 June.
A tackle occurs when the ball-carrier is held by one or more opponents
and is brought to ground.
A ball-carrier who is not held is not a tackled player and a tackle has
not taken place.
Opposition players who hold the ball-carrier and bring that player to
ground, and who also go to ground, are known as tacklers.
Opposition players who hold the ball-carrier and do not go to ground
are not tacklers.
working on this ruling, Rogers was not tackled in the final and would have scored, therefore Australia wins world cup on a 'rule back'.
A tackle occurs when the ball-carrier is held by one or more opponents
and is brought to ground.
A ball-carrier who is not held is not a tackled player and a tackle has
not taken place.
Opposition players who hold the ball-carrier and bring that player to
ground, and who also go to ground, are known as tacklers.
Opposition players who hold the ball-carrier and do not go to ground
are not tacklers.
working on this ruling, Rogers was not tackled in the final and would have scored, therefore Australia wins world cup on a 'rule back'.