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Newton gets 12 weeks


Does he get a 25% discount for pleading guilty, if so I think it will be 9 matches.

Or doesn't he get that because it was referred directly to the judiciary.



Newcastle forward Clint Newton was suspended for 12 matches by the NRL judiciary for an ungraded striking charge.

Newton, 23, pleaded guilty to the striking charge stemming from a last round hit on St George Illawarra prop Ashton Sims.

But his legal representative Grant Butterfield argued in a 90 minute hearing that it was a shoulder charge gone horribly wrong.

However, the judiciary panel of Mark Coyne, Darrell Williams and Mal Cochrane still slapped Newton with a heavy ban that exceeded the nine week suspension recommended by NRL prosecutor Peter Kite.

Newton gave evidence that he closed his eyes to brace himself for the hit on Sims who he described as "one of the quicker front rowers that I have seen".

Newton said he didn't know what had happened until he saw the video replay on the big screen.

"Obviously I won't be attempting to shoulder charge anymore. The results, although unintentional, can be what you saw," he said.

Newton told the judiciary panel when he apologised to Sims after the game, the Dragons forward said: "Sweet mate, don't worry about it. You didn't do it on purpose, it's not your game, I accept your apology".

Butterfield - who argued for a three week sentence - compared the Newton incident to a 2004 hit from Dragons' David Howell on Brisbane fullback Karmichael Hunt which resulted in a grade four striking charge and a three week ban.

Butterfield emphasised Newton's good character, unblemished record and his contrition for the ugly incident.

Butterfield submitted written references from Knights chairman Michael Hill and NRL referees boss Robert Finch as testimony to Newton's good character.

Newton's father, golfing legend Jack Newton, was called as a witness for the defence.

"Clint was pretty distraught (after the incident). I've always tried to teach my kids to be honest," Jack Newton said.

"He said `dad it was a shoulder charge gone wrong and I didn't mean to hit him in the jaw'.

"One thing I can say about my son is that he is honest. That hasn't changed even though he was slightly in shock at the time."

When asked if he was biased, Jack Newton said: "Most people would suggest I am a crusty old bugger and a pretty hard marker.

"I've always taught Clint you don't demand respect, you earn it.

"I've always tried to impress on both my kids that having respect for you peers is paramount."

Kite showed footage of two other referred striking charges from 2004, a kneeing offence by Sharks pivot Greg Bird which resulted in a 10 week ban and Melbourne forward Danny Williams' infamous king hit on Tigers veteran Mark O'Neill (18 weeks).

Kite submitted evidence of Sims' injuries from Dragons doctor Martin Raftery which included three loose teeth which needed to be wired, cuts inside and outside of his mouth which required stitches, a bruised jaw and a mouth infection.
so this puts newton at making a return in round 11 next season. So when hes not injured he is suspended :cry: Half our luck.. Hopefully simmo abes and kirk can stay injury free.


so that was worse than greg bird's intentional knee?

i agree it deserved more than a few weeks but the judiciary needs some consistency!


I think he got what he deserved, an aggressive shot with the elbow to the mouth/head. Give a bit of sympathy for the poor bloke that copped it, I'm sure if you were smashed in the face like that you would want the person getting a harsh penalty.

In fact, everyone was lucky there weren't more severe injuries. The whole jaw could have smashed, possibly even other head damage. The point of the elbow/forearm striking someone the way it did is more powerful then a closed fisted punch.

12 weeks is fair.


This is the biggest crock I have ever heard from the judiciary. 12 WEEKS!!! and this is taking into account a guilty plea.
Without the loading Williams would have only got 8-10.
What they are saying is that it Newtons incident was deliberate and not an accident like he claimed. What they are also saying is that it was worse than Williams deliberate punch to the head of O'neil. Now.....have a serious think about, and see if that makes sense. A lifted elbow in a tackle vs chasing a bloke 5 metres to punch him in the head from behind. You dont have to be a genius to make the difference.


I think 8-10 weeks would have been sufficient. The judiciary has absolutely no consistency!


Yep, when you put it like that CycSteve it does sound a bit harsh.
It was always going to be bad...I thought maybe 8....


12 weeks is about right. Any less and it wouldn't have suited the action that he did. I'm facing the facts that it was careless and reckless, nothing more nothing less. You do the crime you get the time.


I have no problems with him being suspended buts lets put it into perspective. Williams, who king hit someone, so there was intent (remembering his defence was rejected) and knocks a bloke into gaga land gets 18 weeks. Included in that 18 weeks is a 75% loading because of his previous record. In effect his suspension for the actual offence is around the 11 weeks mark.

Newton effects a careless and reckless tackle. No intent proved. He gets 12 weeks which includes a 25% discount for an early guilty plea. In effect his suspension is 15 weeks. So basically he got more then Williams.

Sorry yes he deserved suspension but he has been made an example of. He is, I believe a victim, of the media like many others.

The judiciary is fast turning into a Kangaroo Court.


Chicken_Hunter said:
so this puts newton at making a return in round 11 next season. So when hes not injured he is suspended :cry: Half our luck.. Hopefully simmo abes and kirk can stay injury free.
2 games left this year+3 trial games next season=5 so that would make it round 7. There is also a strong posibilty that they will appeal and be successful using his clean record as grounds apparently it's been suggested he may get a 25% reduction which would be 9 weeks, minus the games I mention, that would bring him back in round 4 next year. They may also count the USA international which would mean round 3. So alls not lost yet. I wasn't really very surprised at the 12 weeks, whichever way you look at it, it was an ugly hit.

Bring it home Knights

First Grade
I thought with his clean judiciary record he would have copped about 8 or 9 weeks. I can't argue to much with 12 though. It was a very serious incident.