Hahaha. $279.99 for the season
That is about 74c per day. Value wise, I suppose it depends on how often you watch it.
I'm considering my options this year
Redzone on espn2 has changed the game a bit for me
I'm not a fan of redzone. You get no feel of any game, it's all just scoring. Like basketball. Yuck.
I too am not a fan of Redzone. My love of American Football is more than just watching the scoring plays. For mine it's all about the finer points of the game, the blocking by the OL, the pass rush by defenders and much more. Aspects of the game that Redzone does not show.
I'm not a fan of redzone. You get no feel of any game, it's all just scoring. Like basketball. Yuck.
With the way that coverage is in Australia at the moment, I think only the most hardcore fan would find benefit or value for money from game pass (unless they don't have foxtel).
As it stands (if you have foxtel), you get 5 full games a week minimum (1 x Friday, 3 Monday and 1 Tuesday). If you go for a decent/popular team like most people in Australia do you are pretty safe saying that your team will feature in those full games 4-6 times a year which is edging towards half the season. Additionally you get all playoff games and redzone gives you live highlights of the non televised afternoon games (more if it is a close/high stake game).
I thin that is enough from most people here, especially given the price tag of the pass.
what if you follow the rams? you'll get zero games on tv. well, you'll get one thursday night game.
still, i'm not paying $17.50 per game.