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NFL player dies from heat stroke



<table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 width=255> <tbody> <tr> <td bgcolor=#ffffff height=1 width=4>
</td> <td bgcolor=#ffffff height=199 valign=top> &lt;!-- TOPSTORY TEXT -->&lt;!-- /includes/topstory.htm -->Stringer dies
Vikings All-Pro tackle Korey Stringer died Wednesday of complications from heat stroke. Stringer collapsed after going through conditioning drills with the team Tuesday morning. He developed multiorgan system failure and didn't regain consciousness Statement by commissioner Tagliabue &lt;!-- CONTENT BEGINS HERE -->All of us in the NFL family are stunned and saddened by the death of Korey Stringer. He was a popular and well-respected team leader and an active volunteer in the Twin Cities area. He had a burning desire to be the best and was a major factor in the Vikings’ success since 1995. We extend our deepest sympathy to his wife Kelci and son Kodie. The dangers associated with dehydration and heat stroke are well known throughout the country, especially among amateur and professional athletes. At this time of the year, we urge everyone to use caution during workouts and heed the warning signs associated with heat-related illness. NFL medical staffs are extremely knowledgeable regarding the hydration of players, fluid replacement and other methods used to prevent heat stroke. However, we now will ensure that our clubs again review their policies and procedures in this area. &lt;!-- CONTENT ENDS HERE -->


You see guys, we are on the ball. This story was only reported in todays telegraph and was on this site 24 hours ago. First in sports news.


great stuff legend.
getting back to the story, thats a real fear i had when they start playing footy in february.
its a wonder no one has got seriously sick..


Ozbash, I think the majority of league players will be ok because they are much fitter than NFL players who only play in one particular position. Korey Stringer was an offensive lineman which means he is one of the biggest fellas on the field. They do carry a lot of beef around and if you ask any of them, they would love to play i sub zero temperatures every week. I really don't think there is much to worry about with league players.


Up here in Townsville we have a lot of problems with heat exhaustion and heat stroke. I coach junior league and in the pre season training and start of the footy seson we have plenty of water on hand. I have seen a lot of kids that don't drink water collapse, it is very frighting. The problem with the kids is when you send them for a drink break, if you are not watching they will not have a drink. It is very hard to police. At our junior league club all coaches and managers do a first-aid course as well, which is very helpfull. We try to train as late as possible, but then they have to play in the middle of the day which doesn't help. As you know it is hot in Townsville nearly all year round.
Cheers Retread
Being an OL I have to agree with legend on the temp preferance but even at low temps us fat bastards still sweat like a whore in church. Although we'll never know the absoloute facts, there were without a doubt unknown factors playing a part here (whether that be drugs, hereditary etc) other than heat exhaustion.

Did you happen to check out that NFL fantasy league???


No I have'nt mate. Can you post the URL on here and i'll do that today. My team (Denver) has just signed Eric Davis from Carolina and we noe have nine corners on the roster. Super bowl here we come baby. I have most of my selections but I have to go through the list and pick the "sleepers" that will give me the most value.
If u e-mail this guy he will give u the invite with all the info u need. I cant open e-mail at the address he sent it to me for some reason so unfortunatly I cant pass it on. From memory (as bad as that is) u needed some sort of comp ID number or something to get started. Hope this helps.



Another factor is that the football equipment holds the heat in a lot, where you don't have that in RL, RU or soccer. And yes Korey Stringer was about 320 pounds, that must have been a factor. I just heard on a tv report that he had recentl lost 50 pounds! Maybe it will come out that he took some kind of drugs to lose the weight, which may have been a factor.
I'm still surpried that this happened because the NFL teams have extensive medical and training staffs, and they are much more aware of the importance of hydration than years ago. I think Stringer must have kept pushing himself even though he didn't feel well. And he was dehydrated in his previous day's practice and had to have IV fluids that day. So he shouldn't have practiced the next day, obviously.
I'm sure that league players are fitter than NFL lineman, the big 300plus pounders. But the defensive and offensive backs are very fit. It's probably a different type of fitness than rugby, pure anaerobic where rugby is a combination of aerobic and anaerobic. But for example Randy Moss the Vikings' wide receiver, played basketball this past off-season for a professional summer league team. I imagine basketball is closer to rugby's type of fitness