The problem we have with the cost of energy is not the source of the energy , but rather the way the national energy market works.
Vested interests will pass off all kinds of shit as gospel but for the most part it's a crock of shit.
And all this boils down to a lack of cohesive policies for years, and this whole idea of building more coal fired generators is a sham, because it will not drag down prices one little f**king bit. I'd hazard a guess that most of our politicians don't even understand why this is.
It's all fairly f**king complicated, and you need to read a lot very boring shit to understand how and why our market works, but here's the simplified version of how our market works
Firstly, our generation in order of cost is ( cheapest to dearest )
Nuclear ( if we had it )
I don't know where hydro fits but whatevs
The above is fact,if anyone doesn't believe it, go and do some f**king research
So, that being the case, why the f**k does the cost of energy keep going up despite the fact that the cheapest sources of power ( solar and wind ) are increasing as a percentage of our generation mix?
It doesn't make sense , until you look at the market.
We need base load generation, and wind and solar don't provide this as yet, so we have coal, and we have gas. But the problem is that when wind and solar are generating , they displace the need for coal and gas, and hence push the price up for the power these generate, this is because building these sources of power is f**king expensive and they have a limited life, so in order to gain the best value from them they must generate at capacity, however when cheaper power is available, they can't sell their capacity, so what they do generate is more expensive.
Coal needs to be running pretty much to a pre determined schedule, because you cant just switch it on, so whilst it's full capacity might be needed at times, it's actually rarely utilised, but in order to have it at the ready, means greater waste. That's where gas comes in, it's dispatch-able, it can be wound up quickly to supply peak, and wound down when not needed, which sounds great in theory, but when you've invested hundreds of millions of dollars into a plant, that now isn't being utilised a great deal of the time, it aint making you any money, and surprisingly enough, capital expects a return.
So that's where the market intervenes, when we need gas to supply the peaks, because it's running part time it bids into the market at a higher price, and that then sets the price the retailers pay, for the power we use.
This is because without that mechanism, these generators would not exist, and the grid would then effectively have to shed load ( cut your power ) or the whole thing crashes.
So whilst renewables are the cheapest form of generation, their mere existence pushes the price of other forms of generation up, which we need to have at the moment when the sun doesn't shine and the wind don't blow.
And more coal won't make this cheaper because it will only push up the price of gas ( because there will be less need for it ) but gas will still set the price when it is needed, and that price will be higher because it;s capacity will be less utilised.
Anyways, that's my take on a subject that's been effectively hijacked by the climate wars, and for which the level of public discourse is shockingly dishonest and misinformed.