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NOT AGAIN!! Tim drinking already??/ Suspended indefinitely


Post Whore
mickdo said:
I agree 100% with Piggy. When he gets caught drink driving or bashing someone then throw the book at him, but until then this is simply not sackable stuff, especially given this...
exactly!! - he's supposedly shoved a santa (which the police wouldn't bother with) and yelled at an old dude and his grand-daughter - while not exactly nice behaviour he's hardly some f'n menance that they try to portray him as .... his other supposed "indicents" were nothing!!


Post Whore
eelavation said:
the ban only applied during the football season...
True, but it wasn't the greatest reply, It could be interpreted as me and Timmy go out on the piss all the time and we've never landed in the poo.


eelavation said:
the situatuation with the contract appears to be interesting...I just can't see where there's a winner out of this one and I still think the invetible will happen tomorrow.

At the moment, it appears that the only thing he's done wrong is break his promise not to drink. Initially, I thought he abused or beat someone up. If drinking was the only issue, then I would be inclined to try and sort his problems out rather than turfing him altogether.


Post Whore
TheParraboy said:

there is an opportunity for the club, his parents, his close friends , whoever, to do something about his drinking NOW. forget footy.

lets not wait till a drink driving event where potentially he could kill himslef or worse an innocent bystander
well if we believe everything we hear he's supposed to be on a constant bender - yet there's NEVER been any such totally stupid behaviour yet has there?? - maybe he's not that stupid - he just wants to have a bloody drink to deal with things


I have no problem with him getting on the piss if it isn't effecting his football or doing anything illegal, I would have a problem with him saying he wouldn't & then going against his word straight away if that's what he has done. Saying that I still don't think he should be sacked for it but I guess there is no point them giving last chances unless they mean it.


note to Piggy, Finch, Mickdo and co

thats not the point maybe Tim didn't do anything wrong this time the point is he was drinking not what he did while drunk

maybe because he didn't do anything wrong (ie abuse anyone) he should just get a massive fine ($40,000), and forced to go into an AA program, breath tested before each game, training session etc and if he registers over a 0.02 (P plater limit) it's another $10,000 fine

that might teach the idiot a lesson

as for coming back to bite Parra on the backside if he goes to another club considering how many times he failed to produce for Parra, the chances of him producing against Parra are slim enough to make me want to take the chance
some of my relo's used to think I was a alco coz they only time I saw them was at parties when I was having a few. But they were the only time I really drunk, but you couldn't tell them coz everytime they saw me I was drunk as.

Stagger eel

Staff member
At the moment, it appears that the only thing he's done wrong is break his promise not to drink. Initially, I thought he abused or beat someone up. If drinking was the only issue, then I would be inclined to try and sort his problems out rather than turfing him altogether.

problem is CS, he was on thin ice as it was and the timing was extremely poor, I believe he presented a cheque $1000 to ronald MnDonald house yesterday and than this happens, I'd be more inclined to wait and see what the club say tomorrow because what i'm hearing is that there's more to this than meets the eye.

we'l just have to wait and see.


MRJUCY said:
I have no problem with him getting on the piss if it isn't effecting his football or doing anything illegal, I would have a problem with him saying he wouldn't & then going against his word straight away if that's what he has done. Saying that I still don't think he should be sacked for it but I guess there is no point them giving last chances unless they mean it.

Thats true. But we also have to remember, he didn't break his promise 6mths later, he broke it the same week. That to me shows he's either an alcoholic or has some serious personal issues. Footy aside, I think it's time for someone to step in and get into his head to unravle his problem.

Lets help him through it!


eelavation said:
problem is CS, he was on thin ice as it was and the timing was extremely poor, I believe he presented a cheque $1000 to ronald MnDonald house yesterday and than this happens, I'd be more inclined to wait and see what the club say tomorrow because what i'm hearing is that there's more to this than meets the eye.

we'l just have to wait and see.

Yeah, he sure as hell made my night. I can't bloody sleep now!


Post Whore
I come from a family that has been exposed heavily throughout the years to alcoholism in all its forms, which is probably why this resonates so much with me.

Like most of you, it's easy to fell, "What an idiot." But the underlying issues are that people who drink like that have issues that need attention.

Let's just forget about the football aspect for one moment and focus on two important isues:

(1) Tim Smith is a human being; a young man who, even without football in his life, has the sky itself as his limit to reach; and (2) the football club itself is filled with his friends and people who are, for all intents and purposes, as good as family to him as he can get.

For those two very reasons I deem it as crucial that people do whatever they can to help him. Tear up his contract if you truly feel it is the best course of action for the club - but do not let the guy out in the cold. He's devoted years to the club, and the club likewise has invested years into him. Tim Smith is a friend to the Eels and the Eels a friend to him - as good friends should do, they should extend a helping hand to him in his time of need.

It's all too easy to criticise his immaturity, his arrogance, his seeming lack of intelligence...But what is harder, and definitely more helpful, to do is to stand back for a second and ask yourself, "OK - why does he have this problem? And because we care about him, how can we help him?"

The only instance where help cannot do much is when the subject themself doesn't want help. Using my experiences as an example, they do tend to want help - but beating this particular addiction is so, so demanding and so, so tough that at times they are defeated by their addiction and us folks trying to help them lose our tempers and believe that they do not want our help at all.

Sorry - I was rambling. But the bottom line is that the kid obviously has issues that are life - and career - threatening ones, and to call him names and question his principles is not a productive measure to be taken in guiding him through this journey.


This thread is actually a little surreal for me. I'm sitting here with a pounding headache from last nights work Christmas party.

Pot, kettle and all that....


Eela: Guess we'll wait and see if there is more then meets the eye (although I hope the unreported stuff your talking about is positive and not something like he stumbled into a brothel before getting home)


Hurriflatch said:
note to Piggy, Finch, Mickdo and co

thats not the point maybe Tim didn't do anything wrong this time the point is he was drinking not what he did while drunk

maybe because he didn't do anything wrong (ie abuse anyone) he should just get a massive fine ($40,000), and forced to go into an AA program, breath tested before each game, training session etc and if he registers over a 0.02 (P plater limit) it's another $10,000 fine

that might teach the idiot a lesson

as for coming back to bite Parra on the backside if he goes to another club considering how many times he failed to produce for Parra, the chances of him producing against Parra are slim enough to make me want to take the chance

If he gets off, he'll definitely be looking at a hefty fine. 40K sounds reasonable!


Post Whore
Hurriflatch said:
note to Piggy, Finch, Mickdo and co

thats not the point maybe Tim didn't do anything wrong this time the point is he was drinking not what he did while drunk

maybe because he didn't do anything wrong (ie abuse anyone) he should just get a massive fine ($40,000), and forced to go into an AA program, breath tested before each game, training session etc and if he registers over a 0.02 (P plater limit) it's another $10,000 fine

that might teach the idiot a lesson

as for coming back to bite Parra on the backside if he goes to another club considering how many times he failed to produce for Parra, the chances of him producing against Parra are slim enough to make me want to take the chance

maybe you need to go to AA? maybe I do? I drink sometimes ..... as if any of us have any idea how much he drinks and whether its a problem, we aren't his best mates

and frankly i think its bullsh*t that he had to agree to NEVER drink - of course he's gonna bloody agree to it whether he wants to or not if everyone is on his back and questioning his future unless he does

Stagger eel

Staff member
Yeah, he sure as hell made my night. I can't bloody sleep now!

really CS there's no point worrying about it now, it aint going to change anything, I think the important thing is we need to pull together as a club and get through it but more importantly whether this time tomorrow night Smith is an eel or not is irrelevent the most important thing for Tim is to get his life back on track.


Post Whore
GizLoki said:
This thread is actually a little surreal for me. I'm sitting here with a pounding headache from last nights work Christmas party.

Pot, kettle and all that....
exactly - 70% of the population has probably got on the piss at this time of year at some form of xmas party


strider said:
maybe you need to go to AA? maybe I do? I drink sometimes ..... as if any of us have any idea how much he drinks and whether its a problem, we aren't his best mates

and frankly i think its bullsh*t that he had to agree to NEVER drink - of course he's gonna bloody agree to it whether he wants to or not if everyone is on his back and questioning his future unless he does

True, that no one knows how much he obviously has a problem and if he can't deal with it himself as has been proven then he needs to be forced to do it

no different to if some Joe Blow faced court of alcohol related charges and was forced into rehab.

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