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NRL marketing rejects Simply the Best campaign and music altogether


Timmah said:
For the record, the NRL's marketing obviously has worked on some sort of level lately... crowd numbers continue to push higher and interest is at record highs... sponsors are jumping aboard constantly...

all that has happened in spite of the NRL's amateur-hour marketing, not because of it
griff said:
all that has happened in spite of the NRL's amateur-hour marketing, not because of it

The NRL simply don't have the dosh for a serious year-round campaign. Now if News LTD paid the NRL its true worth for television coverage then they could mount a proper advertising campaign with good media spend. Well at least they wouldn't have an excuse.

Big Mick


I'd like to see 60 seconds of 100 years of footage...with an old player...then a new player making a similar play...then another old player etc. But in the background...no music....just Frank Hyde's commentary..
Big Mick © said:

I'd like to see 60 seconds of 100 years of footage...with an old player...then a new player making a similar play...then another old player etc. But in the background...no music....just Frank Hyde's commentary..

I think you're on the money there but will the QLD fans get the Frank Hyde commentary?


Blind Freddy said:
Gret move, we can't be recycling the same material over and over again.

I just hope that they choose some better type music and not the "bogan" type orientated crap we 've been forced to endure for the last 20 years.

Time to take league into a new diverse direction.....

BTW glad to hear we have a full time year long marketing manager for the NRL. You wouldn't know it because all they seem to ever do is pre seaon work ad campaigns only.

What would you prefer? Classical music?
Blow that whistle ref was the worst ever.


About 10 years ago, on Optus Vision sports channel, there was an AFL ad running celebrating 100 years of their game. It sounded like the singer was Kenny Rogers but I don't know for sure. It sounded country but it was excellent. The lyrics went:

Aussie Rules I thank you for the best days of our lives
All those hazy, lazy Sundays
There were no better days in our lives
I thank you for the laughter
And I thank you for the tears
I thank you just for helping us to over come our fears
And I thank you...for 100 years.

I think this was a reworking of an original country song but don't know what it was. I think NRL should adopt this exact song except change Aussie Rules to Rugby League for 2 reasons. First, it is an excellent song, with sing-a-long quality and a bit emotional and fits the centenary perfectly. Second, the AFL is trying to distract people by saying it is their 150 year anniversary but what better way to discredit that than use the 100 year anniversary theme song they used from 10 years ago.

If anyone recognises the lyrics and knows the original song title/artist let us know.
ucantseeme said:
About 10 years ago, on Optus Vision sports channel, there was an AFL ad running celebrating 100 years of their game. It sounded like the singer was Kenny Rogers but I don't know for sure. It sounded country but it was excellent. The lyrics went:

Aussie Rules I thank you for the best days of our lives
All those hazy, lazy Sundays
There were no better days in our lives
I thank you for the laughter
And I thank you for the tears
I thank you just for helping us to over come our fears
And I thank you...for 100 years.

I think this was a reworking of an original country song but don't know what it was. I think NRL should adopt this exact song except change Aussie Rules to Rugby League for 2 reasons. First, it is an excellent song, with sing-a-long quality and a bit emotional and fits the centenary perfectly. Second, the AFL is trying to distract people by saying it is their 150 year anniversary but what better way to discredit that than use the 100 year anniversary theme song they used from 10 years ago.

If anyone recognises the lyrics and knows the original song title/artist let us know.

Sounds like Kevin Johnson's Rock and Roll I gave you all the best years of my life.


Staff member
Really at the end of the day it needs big hits, sweeping back line movements, fans going crazy. From every state, NZ, young and old, white collar and blue. The peoples game. - the greatest game of all.

Blind Freddy

bobmar28 said:
What would you prefer? Classical music?
Blow that whistle ref was the worst ever.

Something which shows that our sport is for everybody and that appeals to and targets every demographic. Something that shows everything that is bloody awesome about the sport basically and stirs up pride for the sport and makes a causal follower turn into a proper one. Something epic!

Blow that whistle was crap!

No more Barnsey, no more Hoodoo Gurus, no more Chumbawumba, no more washed up "artists", no more crap!


So something really artistic then Blind Freddy.

Remember that Simpsons episode on Mr. Plow. At first Homer does a really cheap ad with a jingle "Call Mr Plow, That's my name, That name again is Mr. Plow".


Then he goes to an ad agency who do an ad with no sound, in black and white, filled with unrelated scenes and pictures. "Was that your ad dad?" "I dont know".

Blind Freddy

ucantseeme said:
So something really artistic then Blind Freddy.

Remember that Simpsons episode on Mr. Plow. At first Homer does a really cheap ad with a jingle "Call Mr Plow, That's my name, That name again is Mr. Plow".


Then he goes to an ad agency who do an ad with no sound, in black and white, filled with unrelated scenes and pictures. "Was that your ad dad?" "I dont know".

"do you come with the car??" :)

My point is surely there is something they could put on film that shows why all us league nuts follow the sport and why we all know Rugby League craps on the other codes.

They would not be be short of material. If artistic is what it takes then use it. The end justifies the means when it comes to promoting the code above "the others".


Staff member
I certainly wouldn't use the same song that aussie rules went with. The original song it was re-worded for (Rock 'n' Roll I Gave You All The Best Years Of My Life ... if that's it's name) is a good song, but can you imagine the jeering we'd cop from them if we used the same song for the same event (100yrs in Australia)?

I know a few people won't be keen on this idea, but what about Jimmy Barnes's 'Working Class Man'? It's lyrics can easily be adopted for League. It has slower, quieter parts which can be used for showing older footage, emotional scenes (winning GF's and Origins, losing the same, ect), and it has up-tempo rockin' parts which would go great with big hits, celebrations, ect.
I wouldn't be upset if they did this.


First Grade
Timmah said:

Could all you marketing geniuses who seem to know what the NRL fans want maybe get off your whinging backsides and maybe email the NRL, perhaps put suggestions forward?

It's all well and good to sit here, have a go at Paul Kind and the NRL for not coming up with something you'd like better - but you can't expect anything if you aren't making them hear your voice.

So, offer some suggestions - tell people what you'd like to see.

Remember this is trying to appeal to an audience of millions of people around NSW QLD and abroad. Not just yourselves and your musical tastes.

For the record, the NRL's marketing obviously has worked on some sort of level lately... crowd numbers continue to push higher and interest is at record highs... sponsors are jumping aboard constantly...

But the need to whinge, right? Right?
A couple of points.

1. The NRL's marketing has worked: Your evidence is the increase in the game's popularity. I would say the game has succeeded in spite of their marketing and it is the only thing holding the game back from achieving so much more.

2. Offer some suggestions: What, email them? So we get a automated or sacharine generic response? Yeah, I can see how that would help :roll:


First Grade
Bring back:

"Whether you're at the Cricket Ground, Lang Park or the Bush.
You've still gotta run, you've still gotta tackle, you've still gotta push....."

rest of words lost in time until ".....playing Rugby League Football, the Greatest Game of All".
Last heard on old video "Lewis on League".