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NRL puts a city offside


NRL puts a city offside

Comment by Ray Chesterton
August 15, 2006
THE NRL has now become even more myopic than its referees and touch judges.
It is classically short-sighted to all but derail Newcastle's premiership chances by exposing their captain Andrew Johns to probable suspension despite the crudity of him calling a touch judge a "f---ing. c--t."

Johns, amazingly, now faces a draconian suspension of four matches for swearing. Yet he wasn't even suspended after pleading guilty to striking in round 23.

Suspending Johns is like shooting a cannon to subdue a butterfly.
Balmain Test prop Steve Roach only got four weeks and a $5000 fine in 1990 for calling a referee a "f---ing wombat" and patting him on the head."
Johns' outburst was the by-product of refereeing ineptitude.

If the decision-making had been accurate it would not have occurred.
Touch judge Matt Cecchin and referee Paul Simpkins may feel aggrieved at Johns's language but the whole Newcastle community is in shock because of the lost opportunity from their ruling.

A potential four-match suspension will end Johns' season in the cruellest possible way given Newcastle' lack of achievement when he is not around.
This whole fiasco has evolved into an embarrassing farrago of ineptitude and abstract silliness because the NRL has failed to correct deteriorating refereeing standards this year.

Undetected forward passes are common, players don't have to make contact in the play the ball, goal-line restarts are taken a metre into the field of play, stripping has been exploited and knock on rulings can be inexplicable.

Last weekend, the Manly-Knights game ended in controversy following a referee error that has been confirmed by the NRL.
Other games had their moment of mystery decision-making as well.
Johns's tirade, as indefensible as it is, has to be measured not as an isolated incident upsetting the tranquil relationship between players and refs.

It has to be seen as a human reaction to myriad mistakes by referees that are scarring the game.
They are creating anger and frustration among players, coaches and supporters driven to absolute distraction by crucial mistakes.
The NRL has enjoyed an essentially unruffled reign since its creation and past transgressions and heartache have been allowed to heal as the game scaled new heights.

Such acceptance has now ended in the eyes of many supporters, sick of seeing their teams chances of winning go into a refereeing lucky dip each week.

How many years until the players and people of Newcastle forgive the NRL for virtually ending their season?

Lets just hope that if anything is to come out of this whole fiasco it is that the NRL start to take seriously the ineptitude of the match officials. Players are becoming more frustrated by the week, and if the standards of refereeing stay where they are I can see Johns' suspension not being an isolated event.


well everyone in the world must understand that you do explode sometimes. and you cant say joeys explosion was uncalled for. he had every right to get full pis**d off. anyone on this forums would of done exactly the same thing if they were out on the field. i bet that f**king ref Checcin or whatever would of sworn if he was in joeys position. f**king sook.


Seems like a well written article to help a News Limited employee get off a charge...

Jack Daniels - your comments aren't welcome here. F*** off champ.

jack daniels

Alex28 said:
Seems like a well written article to help a News Limited employee get off a charge...

Jack Daniels - your comments aren't welcome here. F*** off champ.

Joey must be rubbing off on you with that swearing!

garden fairy

Boys, the one thing you learn when dealing with children is that if they carry on, it's usually to get attention. Ignore it and it will go away eventually.

Maroubra Eel

I hope he gets it downgraded.

The article is spot on. If the officials hadn't stuffed up then it wouldn't have happened.
jack daniels said:
Nothing to forgive.
Like me, not everyone in Newcastle tosses over the Knights.
And has the NRL really ended your season?
You should'nt have to rely on one person to win!

By the number of posts that you have made on here you obviously have no idea about the game of Rugby League, if u were a regular here, or any other forums you would see that we are not the only people complaining about REPEATED stuffups by the officials. Apparently these stuffups are allowed by the hierarchy because as they say............referees are hard to get. If this is the standard that we have to continually look forward to then god help the game of Rugby League

Big Tim

First Grade
medievilknight said:
Apparently these stuffups are allowed by the hierarchy because as they say............referees are hard to get. If this is the standard that we have to continually look forward to then god help the game of Rugby League

Champion halfbacks come along everyday.....

FFS! They are making him a scapegoat for their own inadequacies.

All this is smoke and mirrors to hide the fact that they f**ked up. The fact that if they sack Simpkins, officials the quality of Ceccin will be in charge of the finals.

I have said this before and I will say it again.... if you want the players to be role models, and family friendly,


Fact is that they could be ending a superb career. If you were rubbed out of the game you love, for being emotional why would you wanna come back if your team gets knocked out of the finals while you are suspended?

Big Tim

First Grade
Another thing,

If you were at the back of Bay 1 on Friday night you would have heard more colourful language from me.... and it was directed at the officials.

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