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NRL to help keep Joey


NRL to help keep Joey
By Barry Toohey
April 25, 2004

NRL boss David Gallop yesterday offered to directly involve himself in renegotiation talks with the game's best player Andrew Johns in a bid to keep him in the code next season.

The injured Newcastle captain comes off contract at the end of the season but despite a belief among some in the game that he will see out his career with the club, there are no guarantees.

Knights officials met with coach Michael Hagan last week to form a strategy to keep Johns at the club amid fears a "curiosity" factor and the potential financial lure of rugby union may see him switch codes.

The Knights plan to step-up negotiations over the next two weeks.

There was also an informal get-together last week between Johns, Hagan and Test coach Wayne Bennett where the possibility of him switching codes was raised.

It is believed Bennett cautiously advised against such a move.

Gallop said yesterday he would be prepared to get involved if he was asked by the Knights.

But he said the NRL will not be throwing a bagful of money at Johns to persuade him to stay.

"Whatever assistance we could provide would have to be within the perimeters of the salary cap but we would be prepared to help if we could," Gallop said. "Obviously, we'd hate to see Andrew lost to the code."

Asked what the NRL could offer, Gallop replied: "He is starting to carve out a career in commentary and we could certainly assist with that but there could also be some opportunities with our existing sponsors which we could explore that are generally dealt with outside the salary cap.

"We would certainly be prepared to sit down with the Knights to discuss it."

Johns' other career options include investigating what are certain to be lucrative offers from English clubs or waiting until the June 30 deadline expires and testing his worth at other NRL clubs.

The Knights star remains noncommittal about his future as he continues with his rehabilitation following knee surgery.

According to his manager John Fordham, the only negotiations taking place at the moment are with the Knights.

"Andrew hasn't expressed a definite direction for his future at this stage," Fordham said. "We have obviously spoken about his options but there has been no indication from him one way or the other.

"We have an offer on the table from the Knights and discussions with the club continue but I haven't made contact with the rugby union or any English clubs.

"That would only occur if Andrew decides he wants to go down that path but I don't think there is any doubt about the level of interest that is there."

While saying the Knights will be doing everything in their power to retain Johns, Hagan said the final decision rested with the player.

"It don't think there is any doubt he has some curiosity with the other code," Hagan said.

"But he has been a huge part of this club and has given his heart and soul to the joint and people should not forget that.

"If he wants to play our code, we are confident he will continue playing here and we are going to do everything we can to facilitate that.

"But at the end of the day, it is a decision Andrew has to make for himself."

As speculation over Johns' future intensified, All Blacks forward Brad Thorn revealed he was considering a return to the NRL - but it would only be with former club Brisbane.

The revelation from the former Queensland and Test back-rower comes just weeks after Wallaby stars Lote Tuqiri and Mat Rogers conceded they were also contemplating defecting back to league.

"This is an interesting year for me," said Thorn, whose two-year deal with Canterbury expires at the end of the year.

"The next play I make will basically be my last contract. There are only two clubs as far as I'm concerned (the Broncos or Canterbury Crusaders).

"I'd like to spend either a couple more years in New Zealand or have one last crack at league."



I find this an interesting turn of events.


NRL boss David Gallop yesterday offered to directly involve himself in renegotiation talks with the game's best player Andrew Johns in a bid to keep him in the code next season.


The NRL refused to assist the Broncos or Sharks when they were asked to assist in retaining Sailor, Taquiri and Rogers.


But he said the NRL will not be throwing a bagful of money at Johns to persuade him to stay.

"Whatever assistance we could provide would have to be within the perimeters of the salary cap but we would be prepared to help if we could," Gallop said. "Obviously, we'd hate to see Andrew lost to the code."

Asked what the NRL could offer, Gallop replied: "He is starting to carve out a career in commentary and we could certainly assist with that but there could also be some opportunities with our existing sponsors which we could explore that are generally dealt with outside the salary cap.


Exactly who is currently dealing with sponsor agreements outside of the salary cap.

That is what we lost 37 points for.


I agree with you DJ1. Wait and see what will come out of the Coffs Harbour escapade.

The NRL will press on with recriminations regardless of the outcome.


Post Whore
where was the help for lote, del or rogers?
if johns wants to go i say to him, dont let the door hit your fat arse on the way out


First Grade
I say let him go to union if he wants. He will only get injured within three games again, and there is no reason he deserves special consideration over any other player. It's all good to say "But he's the best player in the world", but as much as that statement is wrong anyway, his history will not change if he goes to union....

... And besides Locky is a better player than him on any day of the week.


Post Whore
Going to Union will only reinforce its reputation as Leagues old Folks home.

Bye Joey!


The NRL are hypocrites.

When the Broncos & Sharks asked for help, they were told, We can't help you.

The Knights will probably ask for help, as they seem to be a charity these days.

Seeing as the State Governement has paid for 23 million of the upgrade to their stadium & they want the Federal Government to give money for the upgrade as well.

So is this why the NRL are fining players who go over the shot clock, when kicking goals.

The Save Joey Fund.

Give me a break.

Joey has spoken to Hagan at the start of the week & spoke about how much money he wants.

Ron Jeremy

Who would wan't to pay $400,000 for Johns anyway....let him go!!!, there is a bloke called Darren Lockyer who's 10 times the athlete of Johns, younger & not as injury prone, any smart person would go after Lockyer first, i wouldn't pay anymore then $250,000 for Johns..but Lockyer?? the sky's the limit.


I really hope Johns goes to union... good riddance.. it is a joke that the nrl is going to help keep johns when they refused to do so on previous occasions.. he is old and injury prone. Let him go.


Maybe the NRL doesn't care to keep the Queensland defectors in the game, only the NSW ones (Blacklock and Walker weren't that important or good).

I always said it would be a different story if it were someone good from NSW that Union were trying to get.


First Grade
I don't think it's fair that the NRL should help keep Johns if they don't help other clubs keep their players. As passionate as I am about the Knights... if Joey wants to leave, he can just leave... it free's up some money to retain our other players.


Mr Gallop says
but there could also be some opportunities with our existing sponsors which we could explore that are generally dealt with outside the salary cap.

I really want to know which team or teams are currently being benefitted with salary cap relief through sponsorship arrangements which are "generally" being dealt with outside of the cap. This type of arrangement with our then sponsors, the leagues club and Oasis cost us 37 points.

I'll be bloody annoyed if it includes a club I think is a prime candidate!!!!!! :evil:

This NRL "siege mentality" has to stop. Come clean with us NRL!


Well he is the best player in the game, possibly ever to play. So I say they have a good right to help him stay in the NRL.


The guy has skills.

Seriously, NRL has problems with players switching to union and I think that they will treat every try of switching codes seriously from now on.

Johns has been injured for quite some time and I don't see why would Union & other clubs rush for him.


First Grade
Johns is the NRL's banner player.

It's a different situation to the Broncos and Sharks.


Kaz said:
The NRL are hypocrites.

When the Broncos & Sharks asked for help, they were told, We can't help you.

Actually the NRL said they'd assist the players with sponsorship opporutinites to keep those players in the NRL, but won't give their current clubs salary cap exemptions which is what their clubs asked for. The Knights didn't ask for anything. The NRL isn't helping Newcastle keep him, they are helping themselves keeping him in the game, either at the Knights or another club.


Razor said:
Actually the NRL said they'd assist the players with sponsorship opporutinites to keep those players in the NRL.

If a club gets a player sponsorship, that is part of the Salary Cap.

So the NRL are willing to assist in a team break the Salary Cap rules.

Isn't that called cheating the Salary Cap.


It's screwed. We need to contract our top players to the Kangaroos like the ACB does with it's players.


Kaz said:
If a club gets a player sponsorship, that is part of the Salary Cap.

No it's not. Only if a club gets a sponsor who was going to sponsor the club to sponsor the player instead is it part of the salary cap - or a current sponsor of the club, or associate, that also sponsors the players.



Why then, when some Broncos players who have gotten there own sponsor, & the sponsor has got nothing to do with the club.

Why is the sponsor quizzed & asked who put them in touch with the player.

This has happened a few times & the sponsor is quizzed to see if the club got in contact with them first. :roll:

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