What a load of pretentious, moronically stupid, shit.
Using that logic we shouldn't build dykes to prevent floods because the flood isn't a 'problem' until it's actually happened and everything is washed away. We shouldn't vaccinate kids against diseases because it's not a 'problem' until they get sick. We shouldn't worry about building, health, food safety, etc, standards because it's not a 'problem' until somebody is hurt... Do I need to carry on with examples?
If you can foresee a problem and mitigate it before it actually happens then it never 'actually' becomes a problem, and it's negligent in the extreme to ignore obvious potential problems simply because you find them inconvenient to your goals.
It's also extremely insulting that a person like you, whom regularly and enthusiastically supports totally regressive ideas, has the gall to call me too conservative and incapable of significant change.