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On the hill ...

Lote was there yday on the hill with his kid

Leichhardt oval is a magical place and it needs more games

Campbelltown comes nowhere near this place for atmosphere, history, nostalgia, tradition or performances by the team.

Leichhardt Oval on a day like yday IS sydney. Here is a bloke who is on a million a yr playing that turd of a sport who gets back into sydney on sunday and spends the day not in the stand, not in VIP seats but with the people on the hill ... nothing beats it. The players love it and speak of the old girl with passion and usually play accordingly


Lote was there yday on the hill with his kid

Leichhardt oval is a magical place and it needs more games

Campbelltown comes nowhere near this place for atmosphere, history, nostalgia, tradition or performances by the team.

Leichhardt Oval on a day like yday IS sydney. Here is a bloke who is on a million a yr playing that turd of a sport who gets back into sydney on sunday and spends the day not in the stand, not in VIP seats but with the people on the hill ... nothing beats it. The players love it and speak of the old girl with passion and usually play accordingly

He may have been there in support of matt rogers.
Maybe .. but if he was he would have stayed til FT and said gday etc ... he was there to take his kid to something very special .. a sunday arvo at a sunny Leichhardt ... think he would have `supported his mate rogers' if it was at that third world sh*t tip at campbelltown ?


Maybe .. but if he was he would have stayed til FT and said gday etc ... he was there to take his kid to something very special .. a sunday arvo at a sunny Leichhardt ... think he would have `supported his mate rogers' if it was at that third world sh*t tip at campbelltown ?

Merely pointing it out as you are something of a stickler for detail. Fantastic day yesterday. Shame we had to watch the side in that f**king abomination of a black jersey.

We should be allowed to watch our side in our proper strip at our real home.


First Grade
Merely pointing it out as you are something of a stickler for detail. Fantastic day yesterday. Shame we had to watch the side in that f**king abomination of a black jersey.

We should be allowed to watch our side in our proper strip at our real home.

Best be getting in your time machine then, Mr Peabody.


He walked past us just after McDonnell had bombed the try in the corner - someone yelled out something along the lines of 'You would have scored that Lote!'
He turned around, pointed to his young fella (all of 3 or 4 yo) and said 'HE would have scored'.
Hard to argue with really.
Hahaahhaa ... we shouldn't laugh but the truth is his son would have scored that.
No doubt we'll have the usual suspect on here defending our steve turner but the fact is that he is a beneficiary of nepotism that has seen him play at a level far in excess of his ability. Gavin Hanrahan would run the spastic down

As for that f**king jersey what a f**king abomination it is. Spot on STC we should have worn our orange. Looks better, orange is cooler than black (and yday was warm in the sun) at we're at a proper home. f**king wests dinosaurs


It was beautiful being at LO. When I first got there the rain came down and it was all cloudy and I was really dissapointed because with us only having the 3 games there I really wanted that sunny sunday arfternoon at Leichhardt atmosphere. But the heavens cleared the sky and it was magical out there. I LOVED IT!!!!

You can't deny how much the players love the place, I've read a few articles about how the boys have been talking all week about being back at LO and they were all excited. At the presentation there were many mentions from them about how they love LO and wish to play there more. They particularly loved the loud TIGERS chants that gave them a lift.

I wish I was loaded with money, I would love to throw money into fixing up LO.
Even now on FSN Belcher is talking about Leichhardt Oval. And a crowd and atmosphere likes that makes for a better game and a better spectacle. Belcher was just asked about our 1-6-7-9 and he said that we are a threat with that lot fit and firing.

They are all having a go at ANZ stadium - it is a terrible look for the game and a terrible look for the game is becomes a terrible experience for someone watching TV as well.

Of course all this comes back to Fox paying unders for the rights, meaning the game is undervalued ... but these are all probably issues for the NRL forum


Homebush is sh*t for club games, stadium administors should just give out tickets to fill the place, on average the place is less than one quarter full and as FUN as masterbating on the express service from bundadoon to mitagong


You guys should be playing 6 at Campbeltown 6 at Leichardt. f**k ANZ. And wherever else it is that you play, I forget. Get out to the SFS on monday night, gonna be awesome
SFS, SCG, Bluetongue, Jade, Lismore recreation ground, Bulli Dogs, Darwin oval, Belmont, the WACA, Hindmarsh stadium you name it Noyce would be in discussions with all.

I'll be there Mon night for sure


Hopefully Monday night is a cracker of a crowd. I am going for sure and by rights it should be a entertaining game.

Roosters numbers have been solid all year and off the back of a win in NZ people should be keen to get out there. Tigers fans generally travel well and as luck would have it the SFS is one of our home grounds this season :lol:


If we beat Roosters Monday night it will help get more people out to CS against Cowboys. I'll be there.

It would be great to have some wins with amazing crowds at our traditional home grounds and send a clear message that playing at HOME (our real homes) will give us a home ground advantage. Not only that, but ST sales surely would be better having fewer venues to travel to.

It was bitter sweet yesterday. Being out there at LO feeling that atmosphere knowing that we deserve to have that home ground feeling every home game. ANZ is such a cold place. Nothing beats LO.

Its so sad the game has come to this, having to play at ANZ. It drains so much out of the fans and the players, no one likes it except the sponsors and the accountant.
Noyce was on the Footy Show yesterday and he said `I think News Ltd is good for the game, contrary to what a lot of people believe'. What sort of utter f**king shmuck believes that. If News paid the going rate for RL rights like they do for fumbleball rights, clubs wouldn't have to leave grounds like Kogarah or Leichhardt or Parra Stadium to make ends meet.

It's a better look for the game ... massive pics in the SMH and Tele today, all the talk is about Leichhardt Oval, even on FSN ... 2KY this morning the same thing as I was driving home from the gym.

Cowboys we will put a thousand on. No thurston, no webb for starters and it will be freezing. They won't fancy it one bit.

Tiger Hawk

Noyce was on the Footy Show yesterday and he said `I think News Ltd is good for the game, contrary to what a lot of people believe'. What sort of utter f**king shmuck believes that. If News paid the going rate for RL rights like they do for fumbleball rights, clubs wouldn't have to leave grounds like Kogarah or Leichhardt or Parra Stadium to make ends meet.
Now I'm not completely up to date with everything to goes on as respects TV rights deals, but surely market forces dictate whatever the rights deal is? You allude to this yourself by saying "going rate".

AFL has had 7, 9, 10 & Fox bidding for all or parts of it in the past, I think, whereas 9 is the only FTA network that has bid for RL, and that's only for a small part. So if there's no other market to outbid Foxtel, why would they bid higher than they have to? Yes I realise that RL on Fox consistently rates at the top of the most watched programs, but what does that mean if no other network is prepared to outbid them?

As I said, I don't know the ins & outs, but I'd be staggered if the NRL "undersold" its rights, as opposed to accepting the only offer on the table.


Now I'm not completely up to date with everything to goes on as respects TV rights deals, but surely market forces dictate whatever the rights deal is? You allude to this yourself by saying "going rate".

AFL has had 7, 9, 10 & Fox bidding for all or parts of it in the past, I think, whereas 9 is the only FTA network that has bid for RL, and that's only for a small part. So if there's no other market to outbid Foxtel, why would they bid higher than they have to? Yes I realise that RL on Fox consistently rates at the top of the most watched programs, but what does that mean if no other network is prepared to outbid them?

As I said, I don't know the ins & outs, but I'd be staggered if the NRL "undersold" its rights, as opposed to accepting the only offer on the table.
7 made a bigger bid for the NRL rights i'm led to believe, but the NRL didn't wanna piss off 9.
There is no bidding process ... 9 and FoxSports (1/2 owned by news and half by PBL) tell the NRL (which you will remember comprises 3 News Ltd appointees). It doesn't go to formal tender. NRL had 70 of the top 100 shows (ratings wise) on pay TV. The NRL is by far the most popular sport in 2 of oz's 3 biggest states (including the biggest market in oz.

Masters did a piece on this that showed that TV money per game is almost double for fumbleball than it is for RL. And that is because NEws Ltd is stitching the game of RL up by paying less than it should for rights and by having no formal tender process.

I hope setanta have a real dig at the next rights. They were big enough to get some EPL games from Sky so have no doubts that they can go toe to toe with Fox Sports