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O'Neill needs to open chequebook - raid NRL



O’Neill needs to open chequebook, raid NRL

Many explanations have been given for the terrible failure of the Australian team to be competitive this year: lack of pride, lack of mental toughness, bad organisation from the coaching team.
However, the true reason is blindingly simple: Australian rugby only produces two-thirds of a Tri-Nations team in quality players, that is, 10 players out of 15, while New Zealand and South Africa produce more or less 15.

All three sides have roughly equally excellent coaching teams, and so when two teams have largely better players, they will most of the time beat the team with weaker players, except for occasional moments when the weaker team perform above themselves.
The ARU’s current strategy for combating this is supposedly to put money into the grass-roots level of the game, and in addition, to try and buy young league players before they become famous.

Basically, to grow the game and hence playing numbers.
Whether this is working in the long term or not, the fact remains that at the moment, and for the next few years, Robbie Deans simply does not have enough good players to beat his regular opposition.
And a corresponding loss of interest in rugby, and hence a decline in playing numbers – exactly what is to be avoided – will eventuate.
The solution is the following: John O’Neill needs to go on a massive spending spree.
This would have the twin advantages of increasing the strength of the national team and, as some of the players brought would come from rugby league, bringing more glamour to the code and weakening its rival.

If the game in Australia is not currently producing enough players, there is nothing wrong with supplementing it from league.
The moderate possibility: buy Dan Vickerman and Mark Gasnier. This would naturally strengthen the team in two fundamental positions.
The bold possibility:
Australia’s real problems lie in the outside backs. Drew Mitchell, Lachie Turner, James O’Connor and Adam Ashley-Cooper produced little or nothing in attack this year and only got away with it because in their positions, as opposed to the forwards, so long as a player does little wrong, it goes unnoticed that he hasn’t done anything spectacular.
Any league players who might be brought in to improve the team have to be acquired this season, as by next year, they would not have long enough to adapt before the World Cup.
This means buying out contracts and spending a lot of money.
However, what’s the point in spending a fortune on 28 year-old Gasnier when for a little more, the better Greg Inglis, who is 22, could be had?
O’Neill could buy Greg Inglis, Israel Folau, and Jarryd Hayne.
This would cost a lot, and involve buying out contracts, but it would have huge advantages:
1) Vastly strengthening the Australian team in its weakest areas.
2) League is surging in popularity at union’s expense. As any growth of a similar code is bound to damage the other, a move such as this would be a hammer blow to its momentum and bring back interest and glamour to union.

It would also create the impression that union is more attractive, as along with Mark Gasnier and Sonny Bill Williams, so many of league’s top stars would have moved over recently.
It could initiate a flood of conversions.

In addition, imagine the increased interest in the Super teams where these players would be based?
I wouldn’t overestimate how difficult it is to lure players like Inglis. They must be aware that playing a sport where nine of the teams are in the same city hardly constitutes the grandest stage for a great sportsman.
If O’Neill were to buy these three players and create a national competition, he would have guaranteed the game’s short-term and long-term future.
Sure, that would cost a lot. But what’s the alternative?
A huge decline in rugby’s popularity in Australia, a period of absolute disaster for the national team and the legacy of O’Neill as a catastrophe.
The money must be found, from more Bledisloe matches, from anywhere, even if it’s risky.
The decision now looms for the Wallabies and rugby in Australia: spend big, or be reduced to rags.

Union could buy the best 50 players in NRL, but the problem would be that its still Union and no one will watch that boring game.....


All Wannabes fans do is talk about how crap the converts are. This is no substitute for grassroots development.

forward pass

The bottom line is this -


It is interesting now that even diehard Union supporters are starting to realise this.


What a pathetic article! Even Gasnier and SBW haven't ruled out a return to League and all the big name converts tenure ended in disaster with Rugby.

Guys like Inglis, Hayne and Folau are winners and League is riding the crest of a massive popularity wave at the moment. Why on earth would they go to Rugby when they are all getting at least 500k per year in League?

I hope wohever wrote this tripe isn't being paid for it. It wouldn't make decent reading for a forum sevens article.


im a diehard union fan.... and a diehard league fan...

but f**ken hell im sick of the ARU.

too f**king lazy to develop there own bloody talent.

until they stop taking shortcuts and develop there own domestic competition instead of riding on SA & NZ's coat tails with super rugby there going to struggle.

what motivation is there to play jnr rugby union in australia??? i mean they only buy NRL players...


im a diehard union fan.... and a diehard league fan...

but f**ken hell im sick of the ARU.

too f**king lazy to develop there own bloody talent.

until they stop taking shortcuts and develop there own domestic competition instead of riding on SA & NZ's coat tails with super rugby there going to struggle.

what motivation is there to play jnr rugby union in australia??? i mean they only buy NRL players...

I agree with this. I watch both games, but the ARU seriously needs to develop it's own grass roots and not open the cheque book


You could date the article 2002 and just replace the names Inglis, Hayne and Falou with Sailor, Tuquiri and Rogers.


folau, ingliss, hayne etc are star outside backs in league because they get to see the ball and use more skill than kicking for touch.

the union players aren't the problem - the game is the problem.

Ronnie Dobbs


Bulldog Force

I love how Union can't produce enough quality player and target NRL players with bigger, fatter pay cheques and then the NRL players still turn them down and stay with their clubs for a smaller salalry... LOL the Union's morale goes down like a lead balloon when they realise players would rather play League than Union because Union is as boring as bat sh*t.


Sorry but like many have said before me...the boring, f**ked up game of union is the issue.

You could buy an entire team of Haynes but the fact they would be playing crouch, fart and engage would be enough to keep the fans away.

Just give up ARU.


Rugby union survives because there is a test every 5 minutes, a super 14's comp etc etc.
At the "club" level of the game, it is a park oval joke, barely able to attract a few thousand people, compared to over 14000 most NRL games.
Hell, over 70,000 turned up to watch the preliminary between Canterbury and Parra, how many turned out to watch University and Randwick play for the trophy?
Much less than half of that.

Lets cut the sh*t here, apart from the national side and some super 14 sides, most union sides would be lucky to compete with a bush football (league) team.
They can't tackle, they can't kick for territory and the game of union is a slug compared to most league games.
I bet that a team in the sydney cup or newcastle league (ok, one of the top 4 teams in the newcastle comp) could probably give the Red, Force and Waratahs a severe arse kicking at a game of league and then only narrowly fall down in a game of union against them, part of that due to unfamiliarity with the rules and boredom.

Spend all they can............. the game sucks balls.
It could be a better game, get 2 players off the field, give them a limited amount of rucks with the ball and stop making conversions worth so much.
Hang on, we already have that game......


Hell, over 70,000 turned up to watch the preliminary between Canterbury and Parra, how many turned out to watch University and Randwick play for the trophy?
Much less than half of that

Try 10%:lol:
They were hoping for 20,000 hahahaha.

The Colonel

what motivation is there to play jnr rugby union in australia???

Most junior union players know the best way into the Super 14 sides..... go and play league at the SG Ball or NYC level and the Union scouts know where you are at.


How many of that 7000 were officials, family members, other clubs players, rugby juniors, media? probably 5000. I wonder what the gate was for that game. Probably cost them more to hire the SFS than they got back through ticket sales

Ike E Bear

I really do find union a dull game to watch, but I have to say that watching the local team in a small country town where I worked at the newspaper (I was there to take sport photos) was more entertaining than watching Super 14 games. Maybe it was just because I knew who the guys playing were. Hahaha.

I've seen a hand full of union games that I've found a bit entertaining, but that's it.

Meanwhile, I can watch a league game between two teams I loathe in a game that doesn't really matter and still have a hard time turning it off.

That's the ARU's problem right there.


Pretty stupid tbh. I don't hate Union like many here because i've played the game and have an appreciation for it but its a dumb idea.

Question - How did the first raid of RL go for the ARU?

Answer - They are in a worse position than they were at the start of the decade.
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